How to do Exposure Therapy for Anxiety- The Exposure Hierarchy-Anxiety Skills #20

An Exposure Hierarchy is just a fancy way of saying “The Skill of breaking your fears down into tiny steps and facing them in your growth zone instead of panicking or avoiding”You can overcome your fears, phobias, anxiety and OCD using an Exposure hierarchy. An Exposure Hierarchy is a tool developed by psychologists to help you develop the skills needed to beat anxiety through tiny little steps. When you face fears in the right way, without jumping in too fast or avoiding them, your brain basically rewires itself to believe that you are safe, reducing anxiety and increasing your ability to face your fears without that fight flight freeze response.Anxiety Course still in progress! Check out my “Change your Brain Course”You can change your brain! Check out my online course “Change your Brain: 10 alternatives to medication to change Brain Chemistry” it’s packed with ways you can improve your mental health through simple changes that take minutes a day: up for my Newsletter: www.therapynutshell.comChange your Brain: Mental Health and Neuroplasticity Course: Skills and Self-Care for Mental Health Course: to Help Course: Practical Skills to help Loved ones with Mental Illness: Favorite Books for Mental Health: The Anatomy of Peace: Anxiety/Depression: Get out of your Mind and Into Your Life: Trauma- Healing Trauma: Marriage- The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work: Anxiety/Depression-Get out of your mind and into your life for Teens: Social Anxiety- Painfully Shy: The Worry Solution: A Calm Brain: