Panic: The Untold Story of the 2008 Financial Crisis | Full VICE Special Report | HBO

VICE on HBO looks at factors that led to the 2008 financial crisis and the efforts made by then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, Federal Reserve Bank of New York President Timothy Geithner, and Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke to save the United States from an economic collapse. The feature-length documentary explores the challenges these men faced, as well as the consequences of their decisions. #HBO #VICEonHBO More on HBO: More on VICE on HBO: Subscribe to the HBO YouTube Channel: Like HBO on Facebook: Follow HBO on Twitter: Like HBO on Instagram: Subscribe to HBO on Tumblr: Subscribe to our channel: Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher.Visit the CFR website: Follow CFR on Twitter: Follow CFR on Facebook:

Samantha Power invites Syrian refugees over for a photo-op

Samantha Power, United States ambassador to the United Nations, wants to welcome refugees into the country with open arms. The next time you think you’re being clever by asking Power how many Syrian refugee families she’s taken in, keep in mind that she’s taken in one family more than you have for dinner and a photo-op and just might have them back for her Super Bowl party.The New York Times notes that the Al Teibawi family, who have settled in New Jersey, weren’t greeted at the airport by U.S. government officials, unlike those lucky refugees who landed in Canada and were personally greeted by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Perhaps to make up for that slight, the Al Teibawis were invited to join Power for dinner at her official penthouse residence atop the Waldorf Towers.I wanted to make sure that at least one family could hear directly from me as a representative of President Obama but also as an immigrant, myself, to this country just how much we value the contribution that we know that they’ll make to this country, Power told the Times.Power is from Ireland, while her husband, Cass Sunstein, is proud of his Lithuanian lineage. “Over a meal of pizza, chicken parmigiana and spaghetti, broccoli and salad, Mr. Sunstein welcomed them and mentioned that the immigration papers of his great-great-Lithuanian ancestors were hung in another room. Were a nation of immigrants, Mr. Sunstein said. What a curious thing to say over pizza.You obviously haven’t learned the lesson of the article not that there was a lesson in it. No, it was just an interesting anecdote, really.5fa83e79-5584-3603-a9bf-fa8221033a66Was there any leftover spaghetti?
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‘Iran won the Powerball’: ABC’s Jonathan Karl reports U.S. just made $1.7 billion ‘direct payment’ to Iran

When Obama talks about getting tough with Iran, apparently he means writing a $1.7 billion check to the regime.


This is unacceptable and disgusting. It’s also just another day under the Obama administration.

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