Samantha Power invites Syrian refugees over for a photo-op

Samantha Power, United States ambassador to the United Nations, wants to welcome refugees into the country with open arms. The next time you think you’re being clever by asking Power how many Syrian refugee families she’s taken in, keep in mind that she’s taken in one family more than you have for dinner and a photo-op and just might have them back for her Super Bowl party.The New York Times notes that the Al Teibawi family, who have settled in New Jersey, weren’t greeted at the airport by U.S. government officials, unlike those lucky refugees who landed in Canada and were personally greeted by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Perhaps to make up for that slight, the Al Teibawis were invited to join Power for dinner at her official penthouse residence atop the Waldorf Towers.I wanted to make sure that at least one family could hear directly from me as a representative of President Obama but also as an immigrant, myself, to this country just how much we value the contribution that we know that they’ll make to this country, Power told the Times.Power is from Ireland, while her husband, Cass Sunstein, is proud of his Lithuanian lineage. “Over a meal of pizza, chicken parmigiana and spaghetti, broccoli and salad, Mr. Sunstein welcomed them and mentioned that the immigration papers of his great-great-Lithuanian ancestors were hung in another room. Were a nation of immigrants, Mr. Sunstein said. What a curious thing to say over pizza.You obviously haven’t learned the lesson of the article not that there was a lesson in it. No, it was just an interesting anecdote, really.5fa83e79-5584-3603-a9bf-fa8221033a66Was there any leftover spaghetti?
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21 Impossibly Fabulous Processes To Take Avocado For Dinner

End every day with an avocado-stuffed hamburger.

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed

1. Hot Shrimp and Avocado Salad With Miso Dressing

For a salad that’s not necessarily standard. Have supper underneath.

2. Tomato, Avocado, Mushroom, and Corn Soup

You didn’t perceive avocado may understand why cozy. Have actually really supper right here.

3. Stovetop Avocado Mac ‘n’ Cheese

Sneak everything most readily useful towards favored convenience meals. Possess supper the after.

4. Asparagus, Snap Pea, and Avocado Pasta

Light, healthiest, tasty. Have supper appropriate right here.

5. Avocado-Stuffed Burger

It’s like nesting dolls but in addition for required crucial needed protein. Possess dinner right another.

6. Smoked Salmon, Avocado, and Arugula Salad

For a smoky undertake a dinner salad. Have in fact meal appropriate here.

7. Five-Ingredient effortless White Chicken Chili

Integrate somewhat shade (and area) towards supper. Have supper appropriate here.

8. Quinoa Salad With Asparagus, Peas, Avocado, and Lemon Basil Dressing

Understand why to rapidly dish by 50 per cent 1 hour about (including planning time!). Have actually supper the following.

9. Chicken Avocado Burgers

About juiciest hamburgers that won’t run dry in fridge. Have dinner appropriate the 2nd.

10. Charred Corn and Avocado Pizza

Obtain some green on the road to pizza pie pie pie pie dessert. Have meal right here.

11. Grilled Salmon With Avocado Salsa

Fill-up some salmon with this particular determined combination. Have dinner appropriate below.

12. Pepita and Avocado Pasta

Mix-up pasta evening with creamy avocado sauce. Have actually meal right underneath.

13. Cucumber, Avocado, and Feta Salad

A quick and easy component supper that compliments every supper. Possess supper below.

14. Avocado Naan Flatbread With Kale and Roasted Acorn Squash

Use avocado which make naan and wow your foodie friends. Have actually supper right here.

15. Avocado Orzo With Shrimp


Make orzo an approach additional rich with comfortable avocado combined in. Have dinner appropriate under.

16. Tuna and Avocado Brown Rice Bowl

Much more wonderful rapidly (and healthiest) dishes for when you’re working later. Have actually dinner appropriate below.

17. Avocado Grilled Cheese

Restricted to considerably medical kick that simply increases the taste. Possess supper under.

18. Zucchini Pasta and Creamy Avocado-Cucumber Sauce

For an all-veggie feast. Have really supper appropriate right here.

19. Avocado and Parmesan Pasta

Easy, healthy, and extremely tasty. Have the meal below.

20. Chicken and Avocado Soup

Far more wonderful feel-good dishes just got that numerous much more perfect. Receive the supper right underneath.

21. Portobello Mushrooms With Avocado Pesto

Beautify veggies with a few really serious design. Have meal applicable these.

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