Seizures from Head Trauma (Health Guru)

Explore the link between head trauma and epilepsy. Check out more at

Little Know Side-Effects of Concussions with Corey Deacon – Part 1

Concussion recovery can be a long and frustrating road for anyone who doesn’t get better right away. Corey was excited to talk about the electro-chemical side of concussion recovery that most practitioners don’t know about or overlook at our event in Red Deer on Septemeber 28th, 2019. Part 2: Part 3: – How concussions are usually approached: 8:45 – Neurvana Health’s Method: 9:32 – 11 main problems that can happen after concussion: 19:37 – Inflammatory and Immune Dysregulation: 22:24 Autoimmune Paleo Diet – Sweat – Ceder and Sauna in Calgary – ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ People with chronic health conditions struggle to find a lasting way to feel better. We use brain mapping to identify the root cause so they have less pain, more freedom and a better life. To take the first step go to to book a 30 minute consultation with Corey ↠ Social Media ↞ FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: ↠ Contact Us ↞ 220-4039 Brentwood Rd NW Calgary, AB, Canada T2L 1L1 WEBSITE: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disclaimer Information found at Neurvana Health Inc. is not a substitute for a consultation with your physician, and should not be interpreted as individual medical advice. We are not medical physicians or members under the Alberta Health Professions Act. Always consult a professional healthcare provider before beginning any new treatment. It is the reader’s responsibility to research the usefulness and accuracy of all information found at this website and this company. Neurvana Health Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for any consequence resulting directly or indirectly for any action or inaction you take based on or made in reliance on the information, services, or material on or linked to this site. All information provided at Neurvana Health Inc. is for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice.

Concussion: Why The Symptoms Are Not Going Away Contention around the issue of concussions is only growing, and we feel with the upcoming release of the movie “Concussion,” it is only appropriate to address this issue with the most up to date information. For those who have suffered one or multiple concussions and life is never the same, the road going forward can be a difficult one. Fortunately, we are now in an era where these symptoms are validated and are not met with skepticism as they were even as recently as ten years ago. However, mainline therapies are lacking. In today’s broadcast, we will discuss the current literature, our experience with this information, and how this new information will allow doctors to create novel therapies for the post-concussion syndrome sufferer. If you would like to see more videos and topics like this please subscribe to our YouTube channel as well as follow us on Facebook at Power Health 1175 Harvard Way Reno, NV 89502 775-329-4402
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