‘Tone-deaf and sad’: John Kerry addresses Iraq ‘crisis’ at last, royally blows it


Because priorities!

As Twitchy reported, this morning, Secretary of State John Kerry and Bill Nye the Not-a-Real-Science Guy teamed up for a Twitter forum about the ocean. That’s right. The ocean. Tweeters couldn’t help but wonder why Kerry would be futzing around with fish when Iraq is crumbling before our eyes.

Well, not to worry. Today, Kerry finally addressed the elephant seal in the room, thanks to a deep question from Nye:


Wait … what?


Surely a professional like Kerry wouldn’t dignify such stupidity with a response, right? Pffft. Of course he did!


Dude. That’s it? That’s his answer?

To his credit, Kerry did retweet a question from an irate tweeter wondering why the heck the ocean ranks higher on the State Department’s to-do list than mass human slaughter:


Unfortunately, because he’s John Kerry, his answer demonstrated about as much intelligence as a hunk of seaweed. And that’s being generous:


Profound. John Kerry, ladies and gentlemen.


Oh man, @TheScienceGuy asks John Kerry if Iraq-Iran are aware of global warming? Tone deaf and sad. Stop this nonsense #oceanchat now.— Ryan N. Maue (@RyanMaue) June 17, 2014



‘Great moments in tone deafness’: John Kerry warns of ‘threat too great to ignore’

‘Iraq?’ Never mind that — it’s The Life Aquatic with John Kerry and Bill Nye

Full Twitchy coverage of John Kerry

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/06/17/tone-deaf-and-sad-john-kerry-addresses-iraq-crisis-at-last-royally-blows-it/

9 Of The Weirdest Google Searches About Scientists

Apparently, there’s a war in the science community.

1. Well, we’re off to a bad start.

Natasha Umer / Via Google

2. Biologists are kind of stupid, obviously.

Natasha Umer / Via Google

3. Arrogant assholes.

Natasha Umer / Via Google
Paramount Pictures / Via giphy

4. It seems like physicists have some competition.

Natasha Umer / Via Google
CBS / Via giphy

5. Poor engineers.

Natasha Umer / Via Google
Disney / Via Giphy

6. At least nobody hates astronauts.

Natasha Umer / Via Google
NASA / Via giphy

7. Astronomers are REALLY paranoid.

Natasha Umer / Via BuzzFeed
Kanye West / Via giphy

8. This one is actually true.

Natasha Umer / Via BuzzFeed
Paramount Pictures / Via giphy

9. Priceless.

Natasha Umer / Via Google
E! / Via giphy

Thumbnail via Anthony Harvey/Getty.

Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/natashaumer/weirdest-google-searches-about-scientists