Dependent Personality Disorder (Mental Health Guru)

Dependent personality disorder is a mental illness marked by an intense fear of being alone. Learn more about this chronic condition.

How to Become Silent? – Sadhguru

Sadhguru explains, in the process of becoming silent, shutting one’s mouth is only half the job. Those too enamored with their own thought process will only catch themselves in a loop of recycled memories.Sadhguru Talks @ In the Lap of the Master, Isha Yoga Center, Apr 2009To watch this video in Gujarati –****************************************Transcript: the process of what you call as spiritual is not a psychological process. Your memory has nothing to do with it. It’s a life process; it’s an existential process. This can only happen if you allow yourself to be just a piece of life that you are. To do this, we do many things here and, you know, you might have seen people in the ashram walking around with those orange tags. If you have seen the silence tags people are wearing – just shut up. Because, shutting your mouth is only half the job; to become silent is possible only when you do not think much of yourself. If you think something about yourself, if you think ‘I am smart’ how can you shut up? -You tell me. If you think ‘I am smart’ how can you shut up? If you realize that you are actually stupid, you don’t know anything in this existence then… (Gestures) isn’t it? Then you can simply look at life with great sense of wonder, without a thought appearing in your mind. If you think you are smart about everything, you got explanations and calculations and nonsense going on in your head. If you see one thing, a thousand thoughts will go off, isn’t it? You are not sitting here in this sathsang totally silent; you are agreeing with me, disagreeing with me, making comments within yourself, making comments about the clothes that somebody is wearing next to you, appreciating it, depreciating it, everything is happening. Am I wrong? Because the moment you think there is some value to what you think then you can’t stop it; no way to stop it. It’ll just go on and on and on. When you see there is absolutely no life value to your thought process; it is just memory recycling itself, it is just the same old nonsense recycling itself… but if you are exited, if you are enamored by this recycle, if you think it’s great you cannot stop it. If you see the patterns of what it is, if you see the stupidity of what it is, then slowly you will distance yourself and it’ll collapse because without attention it cannot go on.Read Full Transcript:****************************************More Videos & Blogs on Website http://www.isha.sadhguru.orgYogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.Subscribe to our channel here: Guided Meditation by Sadhguru at Yoga Tools For Transformation at Facebook Page of Sadhguru Twitter Profile of Sadhguru Download Sadhguru App 📲

Getting A New Kid

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Trying Jeffree Star Makeup I Missed While I Was Gone

Thank you again sooo much to Shane for giving me all this make-up!!!SUBSCRIBE for new videos! SOCIAL MEDIA:Instagram: Twitter: Snapchat: eugeniac Facebook: Twitch: Discord: is Vector to the Heavens/Xion Battle Theme (Cement City Remix):

My 5 Favourite Methods To Treat An Anxiety Disorder | Anxiety Guy Podcast #255

Visit to begin your anxiety healing journey through the #1 recovery programs online today.Description: In this weeks episode of the anxiety guy podcast I’ll reveal my 5 favourite methods for treating an anxiety disorder. Also, I’ll discuss how the process goes to developing an anxiety disorder.The Latest Book is NOW OUT On Amazon: to begin your anxiety healing journey through the #1 recovery programs online today.Don’t forget to subscribe to The Anxiety Guy Podcast on iTunes for all the latest and greatest episode updates – Community Links:Main Anxiety Guy Website:
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Living with Stage IV Melanoma: Julie’s Story (Conditions A-Z)

Since her diagnosis of metastatic melanoma, Julie has gone through many ups and downs. However, she’s living happily today. Hear her tell her story.

The Roots – It’s Been A Long Journey

The Roots (Dallas, Texas) Lost One / It’s Been A Long Journey – 7” – 1965 Label: Brownfield (BF-22)

How Do You Stop the Mind’s Chatter? – Sadhguru

Sadhguru answers a question on why the mind seems to have a mind of its own! He looks at how terms such as “no-mind” and “stop the mind” have been used over the years, and asks why one would want to stop the mind – the product of millions of years of evolution. The problem, he reminds us, is not the mind, but that the mind is “telling its own story.” He describes how the powerful kriya, Shambhavi Mahamudra, is one big step towards changing this.Sadhguru Talks @ Volunteers Meet, Mysore, Apr 2011कैसे रोकें मन की बक-बक को?सद्गुरु एक सवाल का जवाब देते हुए बताते हैं कि मन लगातार चलता क्यों रहता है। “विचारशून्यता” और “विचारहीनता” जैसे शब्दों, जिनका एक लंबे अरसे से प्रयोग किया जाता रहा है, का ज़िक्र करते हुए सद्गुरु पूछते हैं कि लाखों सालों के विकास के बाद मिले इस शानदार मन को कोई रोकना क्यों चाहेगा। वे याद दिलाते हैं कि मन समस्या नहीं है, समस्या बस इतनी है कि मन “अपनी खुद की कहानियां” बताते रहता है। सद्गुरु बताते हैं कि कैसे शांभवी महामुद्रा क्रिया इस स्थिति को बदलने का एक सोपान हो सकता है।To watch this video in other languages: Tamil – Gujarati –***************************Transcript: Sadhguru, I wanted to know that when we are silent still we feel that mind chattering which always bothers us and our thought always shifts back to past and future imaginations which will not be any of output. How to get rid of it?Sadhguru: You want to stop your mind? There are whole lot of thought about this thoughtlessness. There are many places people… where people are… (Talking Aside – What are the little babies doing here, how old are these kids? How old are you? Fourteen? I am sure you added two years. (Laughter) Okay. (Laughs) You want to be here? Hmm? You don’t want to? Somebody is forcing you to stay? I’m saying you want to participate in the class? No? Then what are you doing here, go play with the elephant) (Laughter)Read Full Transcript:***************************Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.More Videos & Blogs on Website http://www.isha.sadhguru.orgFree Guided Meditation by Sadhguru at Facebook Page of Sadhguru Twitter Profile of Sadhguru Download Sadhguru App 📲

The Chayns – Live With The Moon

The Chayns – Night Time / Live With The Moon – 7” – 1966

The Fabulous Wailers feat Little Gail Harris – I Idolize You

The Fabulous Wailers at the Castle – 1962