Pediatrics at a Glance
Pediatrics at a Glance provides an introduction to pediatrics and the problems encountered in child health as they present in primary, community, and secondary care, from birth through to adolescence. Thoroughly updated to reflect changes in the understanding of childhood illness over the last 5 years, the 4th edition of this best-selling textbook diagrammatically summarises the main differential diagnoses for each presenting symptom, while accompanying text covers important disorders and conditions as well as management information. Pediatrics at a Glance: • Is an accessible, user-friendly guide to the entire pediatric curriculum • Features expanded coverage of psychological issues and ethics in child health • Includes more on advances in genetics, screening, and therapy of childhood illness • Contains new videos of procedures and concepts on the companion website • Includes a brand new chapter on Palliative Care – an emerging area in the specialty • Features full-color artwork throughout • Includes a companion website at www.ataglanceseries.com/paediatrics featuring interactive self-assessment case studies, MCQs, videos of the procedures and concepts covered in the book, and links to online resources Paediatrics at a Glance is the ideal companion for anyone about to start a pediatric attachment or module and will appeal to medical students, junior doctors and GP trainees as well as nursing students and other health professionals.