Thyroid Case: 38-year-old Woman with Insomnia, Anxiety and Hair Loss – Endocrinology | Lecturio

[Music] let's go on to a case a 38 year old woman comes to see you complaining of insomnia frequent stools anxiety hair loss and muscle weakness in her upper and lower extremities on exam her heart rate is 110 beats per minutes and you note that her eyes appear to bulge with visible sclera above and below her iris what would her thyroid labs show so clinically this patient is manifesting significant symptoms and signs of thyroid hormone excess firstly the frequent stools the anxiety and the hair loss muscle weakness when put together really suggests that she has an excess of thyroid hormone when you examine the patient she is tachycardic she has an elevated heart rate and her eyes appear to bulge with sclera visible above the iris this is a whole mark of what we call dis thyroid eye disease where the effect of the excessive thyroid hormone on the eyes most prominent patients have proptosis which is the appearance where the eye appears to bulge in the orbit and the lid of the eye is retracted such a such that you're able to see the sclera above the iris the conclusion of this case is that the patient's clinical presentation is significant for most likely Graves disease we can confirm this diagnosis by checking some labs her TSH will be low and t4 and/or t3 will be elevated which is the classic hallmark or pattern in hyperthyroidism [Music] you

Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism – Foundational Info To Heal Your Thyroid – Podcast #54

Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism – Foundational Info To Heal Your Thyroid – Podcast #54 Get Show Updates Here: Transcription here: Dr. Justin Marchegiani and Evan Brand talk all about thyroid issues in this podcast. Listen as they share their recommendations on the first steps that patients with thyroid issues need to take in order to be successful along with helping them to push their thyroid to heal in the right direction. Find out what the potential signs and symptoms of a thyroid issue are and distinguish between adrenal and thyroid issues as well as the difference in dealing with thyroid issues from a conventional medicine approach versus from a functional medicine perspective. They also differentiate adrenal failure versus adrenal fatigue. Have you ever wondered what role does progesterone have that affects the thyroid function? Discover more about it and the other hormones affecting thyroid issues in this interview. In this episode, topics include: 1:18 Thyroid 101 2:35 Thyroid physiology 6:20 Adrenal physiology 11:29 Conventional medicine approach versus functional medicine perspective 21.30 Adrenal failure versus adrenal fatigue Subscribe on I-Tunes: Review us at: Visit us at: Have a question: -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “GI Issues — Malabsorption, Infection & Inflammation in the Eye and Joint | Dr. J Live Q & A”