Infinity Guided Meditation From Sadhguru – 13 mins
What is finite and what is infinite? When we say finite, we are talking
about an entire number system. Mathematics means, from one to nobody knows what’s the last number because we don’t know the last number, we said infinite. Finite means we can count, what we cannot count we will create calculators. What a calculator cannot count,
we will create a computer. What a computer cannot count,
we will create a super-computer. But the number system does not end there, just goes on. Even if you make a supreme computer,
still you cannot really count, it just goes on. So we came up saying there is something called as infinite. Essentially we are saying
something that is out of our grasp. We are not talking about infinite as
some kind of an ultimate number, we are talking about that which is out
of our grasp, we are calling that infinite. Infinite is not some kind of a huge
number, it’s not a number really. It is out of the number system. Even zero is out of the number
system but we’ve adapted, we adapted zero because we couldn’t go
beyond our number of fingers. So we adopted. You know how the Romans counted,
what a miserable mathematics they had! You don’t know? You know the Roman number system? By the time you get to two-hundred,
you would have gone crazy. (Laughs/Laughter) So, the Indians came up with a system, you adapt
because if you go with numbers you will get lost. You adapt something which does
not belong to the number system, to compliment the number system that is a zero. (Applause) No, these are not mathematics fans, these are Indians. (Laughter/Applause) Nationalism is on the growth. (Few Laughs) So, the infinite -we were wondering what to do with the infinite. Then the Indian yogis found a way -they just kept their own hand like this when
their experience of life became boundless, they checked and they found
their own energies going like this. So whenever they became boundless,
their energy system took this pattern. So they gave this as the symbol for that which
is numberless or beyond number system. So today you’re using that as the
sign of infinity or infinite nature. This was also referred to as the oroborous that is
a snake twisting itself where it is eating its own tail. So, it becomes the symbol of infinite. Why this is significant is because this is manifest, this is manifest in our own
experience, in our own energy that when we become boundless in our
experience our energy start moving like this. Otherwise they are moving like this, a spiral. A spiral in the yogic system or in this
culture is referred to as samsara. A spiral means it’s a never ending process
just goes on and on and on and on. And it is circular in nature that means in some way it is controlled. Within that controlled sphere it goes on endlessly and that’s how people expect you to be. They want you… they don’t
mind you running around a bit, as long as you’re somewhere
close by and running around. You want to go like this in search of truth. You’re samsara will not allow you. This is why in the world, if you smoke, if you drink
and even if you philander a little bit, they won’t mind but if you say I’m going to a guru.
(Laughter/Applause) The worst kind of resistance will come because
they know now you’re trying to go like this. Now you’re done with this, this chakkar,
if you go here, there also you will come but once you start going like this
you’re lost to them. (Laughs) But spiritual process means not that you must run away somewhere because
the geography where you choose to live, it doesn’t decide the quality of your life. Whether you live at home or in the ashram,
you can either be free or entangled both ways. So the geography doesn’t decide, it is the movement of life within you, which way is it moving? Is it in spiral or
has it gotten into the right kind of loop that it is moving towards it’s infinite nature. If you keep the doorways of this life process open, then it will naturally move because
infinite possibility is wide-open, all the life that the cosmos holds is available to you. Once you swing your energies into a infinite
gear life happens differently, totally differently. We will put a symbol of the infinite. This symbol of infinite, this is not a
symbol just made up by human beings. This actually happens. You should not go putting your
hand on other peoples head because who know you may be reincarnation
of Bhasmasura. (Laughs/Laughter) So, you should not try this but actually…
so I won’t tell you where to try but upon one’s head if they’re in a
certain state, if you hold your hand, you will see the energies moving this way. I won’t tell you where, so that you don’t
go and do these things to everybody. So this is not something that we have made up. This is the natural sequence of energy it gets into when a limited dimension of touches
the boundless nature of existence. The energy system which still needs to be limited
to make this body function gets into this loop. If this becomes boundless, this cannot be an individual life, it will go. But it is within the boundaries of this body
but it is touching a dimension which is boundless. Now, this limited energy gets into this pattern. So that is how we have arrived
at the symbol for the infinite. The zero and the infinite, made in India. (Applause) because it takes a deeply meditative being
to arrive at a number which is nothing. A zero is nothing, infinite is nothing in a way. To arrive at a number system
which actually doesn’t add up, this can only be done by a profoundly
meditative being otherwise it cannot be done. So, we will put up a symbol of the
infinite and a small dot will be there and this will slowly move along the line
and it will traverse the image of the infinite. It will take four-and-a-half
minutes to complete one cycle. I want you both visually and mentally, if possible you put emotion into this dot because most of you cannot keep your mind on
anything unless you’re emotionally connected to it. Please keep your eyes closed and just sit still. Just sit still, unmoving. Absolutely still. All movement has beginning and an end. Stillness is beginningless and endless. Just sit still, absolutely. Hold your body still. Totally still. Sadhguru chants Take your own time. Slowly, very slowly, open your eyes..As found on YouTubeDiscover the First-To-Market Revolutionary SPR “Static” Conversion Tech Which Dramatically Speeds Up & Secures Existing WordPress Sites & Cloud Affiliate Pages With Just A Few Clicks