House Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance Committee 3/1/18

01:35 – Department of Public Safety bonding request. 25:39 – Department of Corrections bonding request. 57:28 – Comments by the Chair. 58:09 – HF1669 (Pinto) Firearm transfer criminal background check required, and transfers excepted. 1:36:46 – HF1605 (Pinto) Law enforcement and family members enabled to petition a court to prohibit people from possessing firearms if they pose a significant danger to themselves or others. Runs 2 hours, 29 minutes. * Connect with House Public Information Services: * Find Minnesota House of Representatives news and updates at Session Daily: *Connect with the Minnesota House of Representatives:

House Health and Human Services Policy Committee – part 1 2/13/19

01:00 – HF679 (Morrison) Children’s residential treatment payment provisions effective date amended. 05:36 – HF12 (Cantrell) Conversion therapy with children or vulnerable adults prohibited, medical assistance coverage for conversion therapy prohibited, and misrepresentation of conversion therapy services or products prohibited. The committee recessed. Runs 1 hour, minutes. 47 minutes. * Connect with House Public Information Services: * Find Minnesota House of Representatives news and updates at Session Daily: *Connect with the Minnesota House of Representatives: