A Timeline Of How Mohammed Emwazi Became The ISIS Militant Known As “Jihadi John”

Here’s everything we know about Mohammed Emwazi.

Emwazi is believed to be originally from Kuwait.

Photo by Carl Court / Getty Images

Emwazi was born in 1988, and moved to the UK at the age of six with his family, according to Cage UK, a counter-terrorist activist group who spoke at length with Emwazi while he was still in the UK.

Emwazi attended the Quintin Kynaston Community Academy in St John’s Wood, north London. He then attended the University of Westminster. He graduated in 2009 with a degree in computer science.

By 2010, he was going under the name Muhammad ibn Muazzam.


Emwazi’s name appears in the above Independent piece from 2010. (That is not a photo of him.) In the article, Emwazi — going by name “Muazzam” — describes being questioned by security services while he and a friend were coming home from a safari in Tanzania.

Emwazi was questioned by Dutch and British security services.


Emwaz’s name appears in UK court documents. The secretary of state named him as having connections to a network of Islamist extremists based in Somalia. Emwazi told investigators that MI5 questioned him about his opinion of the London suicide attacks of 2005.

In 2013, Emwazi changed his name again, to Mohammed al-Ayan, and was reported as a missing person.

ISIS video screenshot

According to activist group Cage UK, after graduation, Emwazi became increasingly radicalised. In 2012, Emwazi took and passed a course to teach English as a foreign language. In early 2013, his father apparently suggested that he should change his name in order to make it easier to travel.

Emwazi was refused entry to Kuwait a third time. He left his parents’ home, and was reported as a missing person. Four months later, police told Emwazi’s family that he had entered Syria.

American journalist James Foley was beheaded in August 2014.

ISIS video screenshot

The act was purportedly recorded in a video in which Foley appears beside a black-clad ISIS militant with a British accent. The militant beheads Foley and then addresses the camera, threatening that “any attempt by you, Obama, to deny the Muslims their rights of living in safety under the Islamic caliphate will result in the bloodshed of your people”.

It is now believed that the militant on camera is Emwazi.

American journalist Steve Sotloff was beheaded in early September.

AP / ISIS video screenshot

Sotloff appeared in another video in the same position as Foley. In it, the masked man says that he is the same militant from the Foley execution video. “I’m back, Obama,” he says, addressing the camera. “I’m back because of your arrogant foreign policy towards the Islamic State.”

A day after the video was made public, the U.S. government confirmed that Sotloff had been executed by ISIS members.

David Cawthorne Haines, a Scottish aid worker, was beheaded a few weeks later.

ISIS video screenshot

In September, ISIS released a video purporting to show the execution of Haines in the middle of a desert. The video begins with a taped interview of British prime minister David Cameron speaking about Iraq, followed by “a message to the allies of America”. Haines is then beheaded by a man believed to be Emwazi. Based on the voice, the militant appears be the same man in the previous two ISIS videos.

Alan Henning, a British aid worker, was executed in October.

ISIS video screenshot

A video was released that purports to show British hostage Alan Henning being beheaded by the ISIS militant, by this point dubbed “Jihadi John” by the British tabloids. It opens with Henning kneeling on the ground next to the masked man. Henning addresses the camera, saying: “Hi, I’m Alan Henning. Because of our parliament’s decision to attack the Islamic State, I as a member of the British public will now pay the price for that decision.” Henning is then beheaded.

American aid worker Peter Kassig appeared in two execution videos in November.

ISIS video screenshot

In the first, Kassig appears next to the militant with a British accent that’s thought to be Emwazi.

In the second, a black-clad man thought to Emwazi is seen standing over a severed head.“This is Peter Edward Kassig, a U.S. citizen of your country,” the man says to the camera. “Peter, who fought against the Muslims in Iraq while serving as a soldier under the American army, doesn’t have much to say.”

Video of two Japanese journalists, Kenji Goto Jogo and Haruna Yukawa, being held hostage was released in January.

ISIS video screenshot

In the first clip, the English-speaking militant demands $200 million in ransom from the Japanese government for their involvement with Western military efforts.

In a follow-up, the militant appears to behead Goto.These are the most recent videos the militant believed to Emwazi has appeared in.

On Thursday, the Washington Post published Emwazi’s identity.

Photo by Carl Court / Getty Images

The announcement created a media frenzy outside what is believed to be Emwazi’s family home. Cage UK held a press conference describing him as a “kind, gentle, soft-spoken young man”.

A spokesperson for the University of Westminster said it was shocked and sickened at the reports that “Jihadi John” is Mohammed Emwazi.The White House refused to comment on Emwazi’s identity.
Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanhatesthis/who-is-mohammed-emwazi

James Foley’s family say they faced prosecution for paying ransom

Happy with Obama: Bowe Bergdahl’s parentsUnhappy with Obama: James Foley’s parentsAsk yourself why

— Cameron Gray (@Cameron_Gray) September 12, 2014

ABC News, The Daily Mail and other media outlets are reporting today that the U.S government threatened to prosecute the family of James Foley for funding terrorism if the family paid Foley’s captors ransom money.

US govt reportedly threatened to prosecute family of kidnapped journalist Jim Foley if it paid ransom http://t.co/f5c4fvaZmT h/t @acarvin

— Nicholas Kristof (@NickKristof) September 12, 2014

"…the compassion of an anvil." Foleys claimed USG threatened over possible ransom payment http://t.co/m0gi3LfgZu pic.twitter.com/t5zCA2mBt9

— ABC News The Blotter (@ABCNewsBlotter) September 12, 2014

ABC News reports:

Obama administration officials repeatedly threatened the family of murdered journalist James Foley that they might face criminal charges for supporting terrorism if they paid ransom to the ISIS killers who ultimately beheaded their son, his mother and brother said this week.

“We were told that several times and we took it as a threat and it was appalling,” Foley’s mother Diane told ABC News in an interview.

She said the warnings over the summer came primarily from a highly decorated military officer serving on the White House’s National Security Council staff, which five outraged current and former officials with direct knowledge of the Foley case also recounted to ABC News in recent weeks.

“Three times he intimidated us with that message. We were horrified he would say that. He just told us we would be prosecuted. We knew we had to save our son, we had to try,” Diane Foley said.

Foley family slams admin; says threatened with prosecution if they raised ISIS ransom http://t.co/WGrVbZGsgU

— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) September 12, 2014

@DLoesch Hey .. we got Bergdahl back for 5 terrorists .. who needs ransom .. sad

— bigal64 (@bigal64) September 12, 2014

@DLoesch It’s only legal for this administration to negotiate with terrorists.

— Rachel Veronica (@rachelveronica) September 12, 2014

@DLoesch Hooboy…that's…not good…@whitehouse…not good at all. Jeez Louise.

— Taylor DRMF (@EyeDesertBlog) September 12, 2014

@DLoesch But it's ok to trade 5 terrorists for a deserter right? POTUS is a hypocrite. And where is our Marine??? #BringBackOurMarine

— Common Man (@commonman2016) September 12, 2014

@DLoesch You mean the same Administration that said a family would do anything to get their child back? #Bergdahl = 5 terrorists

— ✩ Megan ✩ (@MeganSmiles) September 12, 2014

@DLoesch no recourse for Foley family but ok to kiss terrorist bee hind with relish for bergdahl ?

— Flora (@boneheadstudios) September 12, 2014

That’s the Foley family’s story — what does the government have to say?

Josh Earnest will not say if the government threatened James Foley's family over raising private funds to pay for his release

— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) September 12, 2014

Paying ransoms only puts other Americans at risk, Earnest says, but won't say if WH threatened Foley family prosecution

— lesley clark (@lesleyclark) September 12, 2014

Reporter: "Did the government threaten to prosecute James Foley's family?" Earnest: "Our thoughts and prayers are with them, ask DOJ"

— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) September 12, 2014

@PressSec won't say Foleys were threatened w prosecution if they raised a ransom but says it "only puts other Americans… at greater risk."

— Juliet Eilperin (@eilperin) September 12, 2014

Earnest won't say if gov't told Foley family they would be prosecuted for paying ransom to get son, notes Obama efforts to retrieve him.

— Chris Johnson (@chrisjohnson82) September 12, 2014

State re: #Foley family claims: Held hours of meetings to try to help, did everything we could to help them, 'opened diplomatic doors.'

— Hannah Allam (@HannahAllam) September 12, 2014

State:Of course part of our job is helping US families in this situation is to understand our laws on ransoms; those aren't changing. #Foley

— Hannah Allam (@HannahAllam) September 12, 2014

The White House still says that the rescue attempt to get #Foley back was a success, despite the fact that they came back without him.

— Philip Crowther (@PhilipinDC) September 12, 2014

@PhilipinDC @whpresscorps In other words the should get a trophy for participating.

— Karl Rojeck (@BossHijack) September 12, 2014

Well, at least there’s no question the Taliban prisoner exchange for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was a success, although it did earn President Obama a formal rebuke by the House.

Obama paid bergdahl taliban ransom &gave parents big muslim rosegarden presser. Didnt let #Foley family pay ransom &played golf @PressSec

— Barbara McMahon (@southsalem) September 12, 2014

@PressSec US won't pay ransom to terrorists. Huh. But will trade terrorists to terrorists for #Bergdahl. BAD. #Foley. @SenJackReed? #ripoli

— Conservative Marine (@stevelemois) September 12, 2014

Obama fawned over DESERTER Bergdahl's folks! For Foley, O barely contained his desire to return to GOLF! #PJNET pic.twitter.com/VfCTR3CQ5R

— Judy Stines (@jstines3) September 11, 2014

The article does not mention the prisoner swap for Bergdahl and what the Foley's think of that and if that supports terrorism. Good. God.

— Cindy Cooper (@CindyCoops) September 12, 2014

.@TheRickWilson @redsteeze @rhondaABC Foley's family couldn't pay ransom, but Obama could trade five Taliban for Bergdahl. Got it. *wink*

— Uri Blago (@UriBlago) September 12, 2014

US Nat'l Security Council on James Foley: "It is policy that we don't grant concessions to hostage takers." What about Bowe Bergdahl?

— David Baldwin (@dbaldwin1215) September 12, 2014

Foley's parents threatened with jail trying 2 win release of their son. But Bergdahl's parents invited 2 Rose Garden http://t.co/ParyqTJzGu

— Ben Aksar (@BenAksar) September 12, 2014

For the record, my complaint on Foley issue is that the Admin threatened to sue them. Not arguing to pay random. Handling people matters.

— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) September 12, 2014

* * *


‘A disturbing habit of ignoring our nation’s laws’: President rebuked over Taliban prisoner swap

Resolution to rebuke President Obama for Bergdahl/Taliban swap set for floor debate Tuesday

‘Blimey’: Did WH think Bowe Bergdahl was ‘more important’ than James Foley?

‘Can it get any crazier?’ Bowe Bergdahl’s return to active duty stuns many

‘Better buy a cage’! Alleged deserter Bowe Bergdahl reportedly gets to go off base

‘Why did my son die?’ Father of soldier slain in Bergdahl search chokes up during testimony 

‘So which is it?’ Hagel says Obama made ‘final decision’ on Bergdahl swap 

‘The wheels on the bus’: CNN reports WH officials say SecDef Hagel made final call on Bergdahl trade

Code Pink, American Muslim Alliance welcome home Bowe Bergdahl



Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/09/12/james-foleys-family-say-they-faced-prosecution-for-paying-ransom-others-question-bergdahl-swap/

Responses to actor Eric ‘GWB killed James Foley’ Roberts are awesome [video]


What happened? Well, the unhinged actor Eric Roberts made an utter fool of himself on Twitter on Monday.


Yes. Yes he is. He’s also a lunatic, evidently. As Twitchy reported, the actor tweeted that George W. Bush killed James Foley, the journalist barbarically beheaded by ISIS, and that Obama (who reportedly knew about the savage threat) “stands for compassion.” No seriously. He said that.


Ding, ding, ding!

Twitter users gave him the business and it was marvelous.

http://twitter.com/#!/ArcticFox2016/status/506501420544438272 http://twitter.com/#!/ericinva/status/506776034172076032 http://twitter.com/#!/Bad_Mayo/status/506809639946956801 http://twitter.com/#!/redsteeze/status/506672644247523329 http://twitter.com/#!/joelengel/status/506555789440331777 http://twitter.com/#!/JoeC1776/status/506475209109413888 http://twitter.com/#!/KonservativeKim/status/506476823111557120

Snicker. So there’s that, Eric!

http://twitter.com/#!/2009superglide/status/506478165632778240 http://twitter.com/#!/SD_Wheeler/status/506479815084355584 http://twitter.com/#!/BigKahuna919191/status/506494806542270464 http://twitter.com/#!/LeighPatrick/status/506479066929569792

And a video winner:



Guess who actor Eric Roberts blames for barbaric Foley beheading (Hint: Not ‘stands for compassion’ Obama)

‘Evil straight from the pits of hell’: American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS

Whoa! Report: ISIS recently threatened to kill James Foley and Obama admin knew

WH reportedly knew of ISIS threat to kill Foley and Obama was doing this [photo]

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/09/02/how-awesome-are-responses-to-loon-actor-eric-gwb-killed-james-foley-roberts-this-awesome-video/

Guess who actor blames for Foley beheading (Not ‘stands for compassion’ Obama)


As Twitchy reported, blame social media is the new blame Bush, at least according to President No Strategy. However, it seems that actor Eric Roberts, best known as brother of actress Julia Roberts, didn’t get that memo. Plus he’s, you know, cuckoo pants. Taking a page from Russell Crowe’s Obama-swoon book?


Truly pathetic. Seek help, man.


This prediction of what Obama will blame for US Embassy takeover is not funny because it could be true

‘Holy cow! I can’t believe he said that’: Obama drops another bombshell of stupid

Russell Crowe says ‘Obama is the light and the future,’ then throws hissy fit, blocks fans

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/09/01/guess-who-actor-eric-roberts-blames-for-barbaric-foley-beheading-hint-not-stands-for-compassion-obama/