Read even more: http://twitchy.com/2016/04/04/quite-the-sight-george-w-bush-meets-wwes-big-show-at-texas-rangers-opener-photo/
What happened? Well, the unhinged actor Eric Roberts made an utter fool of himself on Twitter on Monday.
http://twitter.com/#!/KevinDog220/status/506804705813876736Yes. Yes he is. He’s also a lunatic, evidently. As Twitchy reported, the actor tweeted that George W. Bush killed James Foley, the journalist barbarically beheaded by ISIS, and that Obama (who reportedly knew about the savage threat) “stands for compassion.” No seriously. He said that.
http://twitter.com/#!/michellemalkin/status/506475193649606657Ding, ding, ding!
Twitter users gave him the business and it was marvelous.
http://twitter.com/#!/ArcticFox2016/status/506501420544438272 http://twitter.com/#!/ericinva/status/506776034172076032 http://twitter.com/#!/Bad_Mayo/status/506809639946956801 http://twitter.com/#!/redsteeze/status/506672644247523329 http://twitter.com/#!/joelengel/status/506555789440331777 http://twitter.com/#!/JoeC1776/status/506475209109413888 http://twitter.com/#!/KonservativeKim/status/506476823111557120Snicker. So there’s that, Eric!
http://twitter.com/#!/2009superglide/status/506478165632778240 http://twitter.com/#!/SD_Wheeler/status/506479815084355584 http://twitter.com/#!/BigKahuna919191/status/506494806542270464 http://twitter.com/#!/LeighPatrick/status/506479066929569792And a video winner:
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell’: American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS
Whoa! Report: ISIS recently threatened to kill James Foley and Obama admin knew
WH reportedly knew of ISIS threat to kill Foley and Obama was doing this [photo]
As Twitchy reported, blame social media is the new blame Bush, at least according to President No Strategy. However, it seems that actor Eric Roberts, best known as brother of actress Julia Roberts, didn’t get that memo. Plus he’s, you know, cuckoo pants. Taking a page from Russell Crowe’s Obama-swoon book?
http://twitter.com/#!/EricRoberts/status/506456240738684928Truly pathetic. Seek help, man.
‘Holy cow! I can’t believe he said that’: Obama drops another bombshell of stupid
Russell Crowe says ‘Obama is the light and the future,’ then throws hissy fit, blocks fans