Read more: http://ifunny.com/pictures/nearly-inhaled-my-coffee-morning/
Read more: https://imgflip.com/i/2un8i
Coffee artist Michael Breach has been making a name for himself for the intricate designs in his lattes and for his quirky sense of humor on his Instagram. Breach began doing these pieces of latte art while working the night shift as a barista. Because he had so few customers he would pass the time getting insanely good at making faces and things out of coffee milk and cream. Breach estimates he’s done over 400 different customizable lattes, and even does portraits by request! Let’s get caffeinated, ya’ll!
This is pretty cute.
Breach is already gaining international attention, and his art has been featured on major tv outlets and print media. Once again, if you like what he does you can follow him on his Instagram, Twitter or just check out his website. And you can always give this post a share on Facebook!
Read more: http://viralnova.com/michael-breach/
While swans and hearts are impressive when you consider the medium, Melannie Aquino‘s take on the trend isn’t your average approach to latte art. After watching a friend draw intricate designs on cups of hot chocolate one day, Aquino decided to give it a go. Her first attempts were a little shaky, but after four years of hard work replete with countless trials and subsequent errors, she developed a style that’s as adorable as it is impressive.
Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/latte-art/
Read more: https://imgflip.com/gif/7ukh2