Get Some Headspace

‘If you’re thinking about trying mindfulness, this is the perfect introduction….I’m grateful to Andy for helping me on this journey.’ BILL GATES ‘It’s kind of genius’ EMMA WATSON Feeling stressed about Christmas/Brexit/everthing? Try this… Demystifying meditation for the modern world: an accessible and practical route to improved health, happiness and well being, in as little as 10 minutes. Andy Puddicombe, founder of the celebrated Headspace, is on a mission: to get people to take 10 minutes out of their day to sit in the now. Here he shares his simple to learn, but highly effective techniques of meditation. * Rest an anxious, busy mind * Find greater ease when faced with difficult emotions, thoughts, circumstances * Improve focus and concentration * Sleep better * Achieve new levels of calm and fulfilment. The benefits of mindfulness and meditation are well documented and here Andy brings this ancient practice into the modern world, tailor made for the most time starved among us. First published as Get Some Headspace, this reissue shows you how just 10 minutes of mediation per day can bring about life changing results.

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Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts

You are not your thoughts! In this powerful book, two anxiety experts offer proven-effective cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) skills to help you get unstuck from disturbing thoughts, overcome the shame these thoughts can bring, and reduce your anxiety. If you suffer from unwanted, intrusive, frightening, or even disturbing thoughts, you might worry about what these thoughts mean about you. Thoughts can seem like messages—are they trying to tell you something? But the truth is that they are just thoughts, and don’t necessarily mean anything. Sane and good people have them. If you are someone who is plagued by thoughts you don’t want—thoughts that scare you, or thoughts you can’t tell anyone about—this book may change your life. In this compassionate guide, you’ll discover the different kinds of disturbing thoughts, myths that surround your thoughts, and how your brain has a tendency to get “stuck” in a cycle of unwanted rumination. You’ll also learn why common techniques to get rid of these thoughts can backfire. And finally, you’ll learn powerful cognitive behavioral skills to help you cope with and move beyond your thoughts, so you can focus on living the life you want. Your thoughts will still occur, but you will be better able to cope with them—without dread, guilt, or shame. If you have unwanted thoughts, you should remember that you aren’t alone. In fact, there are millions of people just like you—good people who have awful thoughts, gentle people with violent thoughts, and sane people with “crazy” thoughts. This book will show you how to move past your thoughts so you can reclaim your life! This book has been selected as an Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Self-Help Book Recommendation—an honor bestowed on outstanding self-help books that are consistent with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) principles and that incorporate scientifically tested strategies for overcoming mental health difficulties. Used alone or in conjunction with therapy, our books offer powerful tools readers can use to jump-start changes in their lives.

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The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders

Provides clinical descriptions diagnostic guidelines and codes for all mental and behavioural disorders commonly encountered in clinical psychiatry. The book was developed from chapter V of the Tenth Revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10). The clinical descriptions and diagnostic guidelines were finalized after field testing by over 700 clinicians and researchers in 110 institutes in 40 countries making this book the product of the largest ever research effort designed to improve psychiatric diagnosis. Every effort has been made to define categories whose existence is scientifically justifiable as well as clinically useful. The classification divides disorders into ten groups according to major common themes or descriptive likeness a new feature which makes for increased convenience of use. For each disorder the book provides a full description of the main clinical features and all other important but less specific associated features. Diagnostic guidelines indicate the number balance and duration of symptoms usually required before a confident diagnosis can be made. Inclusion and exclusion criteria are also provided together with conditions to be considered in differential diagnosis. The guidelines are worded so that a degree of flexibility is retained for diagnostic decisions in clinical work particularly in the situation where provisional diagnosis may have to be made before the clinical picture is entirely clear or information is complete. … As befitting a publication of considerable influence the amount of work that went into preparing ICD-10 has been formidable… – The International Journal of Social Psychiatry

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Assessment of Depression

Published on Behalf of the World Health Organization

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Moderate to Severe Psoriasis

Written by experts in the dermatology field, this new fourth edition of Moderate-to-Severe Psoriasis discusses the current use of biologics and other pharmacologic and phototherapy treatments for moderate-to-severe psoriasis. Illustrated with high quality color figures, this standalone text emphasizes safe and effective treatments for the psoriasis

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Training for Change

This book offers an integrated training and coaching system to facilitate change in systems that serve youth (education, healthcare, and juvenile justice). The integrated training and coaching system combines brain development, cultural responsivity, and trauma-informed practices. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the neurobiology of fear, brain development, trauma, substance use, and mental health, structural bias and environmental factors that pose a threat to healthy brain development. The book employs practical applications/recommendations and case examples that help solidify understanding of key concepts. Each chapter begins with a set of objectives and interactive exercises that builds on the next, thoughtfully challenging the reader (and giving specific, practical ways for the reader) to apply the information presented with the goal of “change”. The text is written from the perspective of a trauma-informed addiction psychiatrist who has effectively facilitated systems change. Topics featured in this book include: Common threats to healthy brain development. The neurobiology of trauma. Applying trauma-informed practices and approaches. Cannabis and its impact on the brain. Labeling theory and implicit bias. Exploring the connection between fear and trauma. Rehabilitation versus habilitation. Managing stress through mindfulness. Training for Change will be of interest to graduate and advanced undergraduate students and researchers in the fields of cognitive psychology, criminology, public health, and child and adolescent development as well as parents, teachers, judges, attorneys, preventative medicine and pediatric providers.

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Incorporating Acceptance and Mindfulness Into the Treatment of Psychosis

There have been exciting new developments in the treatment of schizophrenia and related psychoses in recent decades. Clinical guidelines increasingly recommend that patients be offered evidence-based psychosocial treatments in addition to medications, as such interventions can produce greater improvements and may prevent relapses better compared with medications alone. In parallel with these recent advancements, an evolution in the way cognitive-behavioral therapies are being conceptualized and implemented has occurred due to the incorporation of novel strategies that promote psychological processes such as acceptance and mindfulness. While there are a variety of acceptance/mindfulness approaches being developed to address psychosis, there is not currently a dominant approach. In Incorporating Acceptance and Mindfulness into the Treatment of Psychosis, Brandon Gaudiano brings together the researchers and clinicians working at the cutting edge of acceptance/mindfulness therapies for psychosis to compare and contrast emerging approaches and discuss them within the context of the more traditional cognitive-behavioral interventions. The book includes a section that focuses on six distinct treatment models that incorporate acceptance and mindfulness strategies for psychosis and a section that provides a synthesis and analysis of acceptance/mindfulness approaches to psychosis. It concludes with recommendations for moving the research forward in a constructive and responsible way. This volume will be an important resource for researchers and clinicians interested in gaining a deeper understanding of mindfulness- and acceptance-based approaches and newer psychosocial treatments for severe mental illness.

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The Neuropsychology of Anxiety

The Neuropsychology of Anxiety first appeared in 1982 as the first volume in the Oxford Psychology Series, and quickly established itself as the definitive work on the subject. In the many years since the 1st edition, significant advances have been made in the study of anxiety, and much evidence obtained supporting the original theory. The new edition has been extensively revised, considering these recent advances, and laying down the foundations for future research.

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Group Psychotherapy in Inpatient, Partial Hospital, and Residential Care Settings

This book describes six therapy models that can be used to treat individuals in facilities that offer short-term group psychotherapy. Group psychotherapy can be daunting, especially for students and others who have not led groups before. Choosing a model of therapy can be especially tricky. The best therapy, as authors Virginia Brabender and April Fallon explain in this book, is one that meshes well with the needs of the patient population, the therapist, and the environment in which treatment is taking place. They also emphasize the key role of process–the interactions between and among group members and the therapist–in the mechanics of group psychotherapy. For each approach–interpersonal, psychodynamic, cognitive behavior, acceptance and commitment, problem solving, and behavioral therapies–the authors examine theoretical underpinnings, characteristic interventions, relevant research, strengths and weaknesses across different clinical contexts, and the unique demands of the therapy setting. Filled with vivid clinical vignettes, the authors demonstrate how therapists can choose, adapt, and implement the model most suited for their group.

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We live in an age of obsession. Not only are we hopelessly devoted to our work, strangely addicted to our favorite television shows, and desperately impassioned about our cars, we admire obsession in others: we demand that lovers be infatuated with one another in films, we respond to the passion of single-minded musicians, we cheer on driven athletes. To be obsessive is to be American; to be obsessive is to be modern. But obsession is not only a phenomenon of modern existence: it is a medical category—both a pathology and a goal. Behind this paradox lies a fascinating history, which Lennard J. Davis tells in Obsession. Beginning with the roots of the disease in demonic possession and its secular successors, Davis traces the evolution of obsessive behavior from a social and religious fact of life into a medical and psychiatric problem. From obsessive aspects of professional specialization to obsessive compulsive disorder and nymphomania, no variety of obsession eludes Davis’s graceful analysis.

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