14 témoignages touchants sur la dépression post-partum

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Katherine stone, fondatrice de l’association internationale Postpartum Progress, a demandé à sa communauté de patientes ayant surmonté une dépression post-partum de partager une picture d’elles, sous-titrée par cette term :

2. « Quand cette image à été prise, je souffrais de ……………………… . On ne dirait pas, mais je me sentais/je traversais …………………… . »

Ci-dessous, un petit échantillon des réponses reçues :

3. Adrienne Feldmann

Adrienne Feldmann

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Adrienne Feldman / Through postpartumprogress.com

« quand cette image a été prise, je souffrais d’une sévère dépression post-partum. On ne dirait pas, mais juste quelques heures avant que cette image a été prise, j’ai tenté de myself suicider. Je pleurais depuis deux semaines. Une heure après que cette image a été prise, je suis montée sur scène et j’ai participé à un spectacle afin de mon église, comme si tout allait bien. »

4. Candice Brothers

Candice Brothers

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Candice Brothers / Through postpartumprogress.com

« Cette picture à été prise durant ma deuxième stage de dépression post-partum. Trois semaines plus tôt, j’avais été admise à l’hôpital afin de dépression post-partum, anxiété post-partum et état de anxiety post-traumatique chronique et aigu. Je n’étais pas sortie de l’appartement depuis des mois, et cette image a été prise le jour où mon mari nous a traînés dehors, mes fils et moi, afin de prendre le soleil. Je luttais contre les souvenirs de mon hémorragie post-partum, des idées suicidaires et des pensées intrusives. »

5. A’Driane Nieves

A'Driane Nieves

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A’Driane Nieves / Through postpartumprogress.com

« Quand cette photo à été prise, je souffrais de dépression et d’anxiété post-partum sévères. On ne dirait pas, mais j’avais l’impression d’être une mère horrible. J’avais eu des idées suicidaires quelques mois auparavant. J’avais des pensées intrusives et chaotiques, éprouvant des instants de trend que je ne pouvais pas expliquer ni comprendre, transpirant en permanence à cause de mon anxiété. Je faisais au moins une crise de panique par jour et je myself sentais fréquemment engloutie par ma tristesse, ce qui rendait le fait de sortir du lit douloureux et épuisant. »

6. Jessica Durkee

Jessica Durkee

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Jessica Durkee / Through postpartumprogress.com

« Quand cette image a été prise, je souffrais d’une dépression sévère. On ne dirait pas, mais je devais us forcer afin de quitter la maison, je pleurais tout temps et je détestais être mère. »

7. Alicia Glascock

Alicia Glascock

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Alicia Glascock / Through postpartumprogress.com

« Quand cette picture a été prise, je souffrais d’une dépression post-partum liée au traumatisme de l’accouchement. On ne dirait pas, mais j’avais des flash-backs très nets du travail et de l’accouchement, je pleurais à chaque fois que j’étais seule et myself sentais coupable de ne pas aimer mon bébé autant que sa grande soeur. Je pensais que je devenais folle. »

8. Robin MacFarlane

Robin MacFarlane

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Robin McFarlane / Through postpartumprogress.com

« Quand cette picture a été prise, je souffrais d’accès de fureur liés à une dépression post-partum. On ne dirait pas, mais j’étais extrêmement irritable et n’importe quelle petite plumped for myself mettait hors de moi. Je hurlais constamment et je jetais des choses (comme le panier à linge) contre le mur afin de us retenir de frapper mes enfants. J’avais l’impression d’observer mes mauvaises réactions aux conditions du quotidien, sans avoir la capacité de m’arrêter. »

9. Alena Chandler

Alena Chandler

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Alena Chandler / Through postpartumprogress.com

« Quand cette picture a été prise, je souffrais d’une dépression post-partum. On ne dirait pas, mais je m’auto-mutilais et je faisais face à une profonde dépression et une colère serious. »

10. Jessica Torres

Jessica Torres

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Jessica Torres / Through postpartumprogress.com

« Quand cette picture a été prise, je souffrais d’une psychose post-partum sévère. On ne dirait pas, mais j’avais l’impression d’être en enfer. Que tout le monde me détestait et myself jugeait concernant le poids que j’avais pris pendant la grossesse. Je myself sentais si seule et déprimée. Je myself rappelle une fois m’être cachée dans ma chambre pendant a quarter-hour en pleurant, parce que j’étais convaincue que tout le monde pensait que j’étais folle. »

11. Morgan Shanahan

Morgan Shanahan

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Morgan Shanahan / Through postpartumprogress.com

« Quand cette picture a été prise, je souffrais de dépression et d’anxiété post-partum. On ne dirait pas, mais je traversais des phases de haine de moi-même absolument paralysantes, des crises de panique permanentes qui détruisaient mon système digestif, et une perte de toute joie de vivre. »

12. Wendy Fanucchi

Wendy Fanucchi

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Wendy Fanucci / Through postpartumprogress.com

« Quand cette image a été prise, je souffrais d’anxiété post-partum. On ne dirait pas, mais j’avais l’impression que ma vie dérapait. J’étais en colère, terrifiée et sûre que j’allais échouer dans tout ce que je ferais. Je pensais que ce serait plus non-profit pour ma famille de remédier à mes jours, afin qu’ils puissent fonctionner normalement, sans que je les importune. »

13. Kendra Slater

Kendra Slater

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Kendra Slater / Through postpartumprogress.com

« On ne dirait pas en regardant cette picture, mais je souffrais d’anxiété post-partum, de troubles obsessionnels-compulsifs et de trouble de anxiety post-traumatique. C’était une semaine après être sortie d’une clinique, et alors que je suivais un traitement ambulatoire. Je souffrais de crises de panique permanentes, d’insomnie, de manque d’appétit et je ne tenais pas en location. Mon esprit tournait à 100 à l’heure avec des pensées obsessionnelles sévères et persistantes, y compris des pensées suicidaires. »

14. Amber Koter-Pouline

Amber Koter-Pouline

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Amber Koter-Pouline / Through postpartumprogress.com

« Quand cette picture a été prise, je souffrais d’une sévère dépression post-partum, d’anxiété, de dilemmas obsessionnels-compulsifs et de troubles de anxiety post-traumatiques. On ne dirait pas, mais j’avais l’impression de vivre un ENFER. Je n’arrêtais pas de really serious que je souhaitais que mon fils, do not je suis maintenant complètement amoureuse et avec qui j’ai un lien très fort, soit mon neveu, pas mon fils. »

15. Grace Biskie

Grace Biskie

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Grace Biskie / Through GraceSandra.com

« Quand cette photo a été prise, je luttais contre une dépression post-partum. On ne dirait pas, mais je faisais face à un profond désespoir, des pensées suicidaires et une feeling permanente d’être dépassée par les événements. »

16. Lisa Madden

Lisa Madden

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Lisa Madden / Through postpartumprogress.com

« Quand cette photo a été prise, je souffrais d’anxiété post-partum et de troubles obsessionnels-compulsifs. On ne dirait pas, mais j’étais sans arrêt anxieuse. J’avais toujours peur que les bébés meurent dans leur sommeil. Je ne pouvais pas conduire sur des ponts, de peur que la pensée irrationnelle de vouloir tomber du pont ne devienne réalité. Je souffrais d’une insomnie persistante. Je ne l’ai dit à personne. Et tout le monde ne faisait que s’extasier via le fait que j’étais resplendissante. »

17. Si vous pensez souffrir de dépression post-partum ou une maladie apparentée, ou si vous pensez connaître quelqu’un pouvant en souffrir, rendez-vous sur PostpartumProgress.org.

Discover more: http://buzzfeed.com/morganshanahan/depression-post-partum-temoignages

Hacked? John Kerry honors ‘all our truth tellers’ in the press

Today is World Press Freedom Day, and Secretary of State John Kerry recognized the event by releasing a statement “honoring all our truth tellers in a noble cause.”


“People everywhere count on a free press to keep us informed, hold leaders accountable, filter fact from fiction, and unmask false narratives masquerading as truth,” wrote Kerry, who was subpoenaed this week to testify before a select committee on Benghazi.

Mockery of Kerry arrived faster than a swift boat.

http://twitter.com/#!/redsteeze/status/462666277514141696 http://twitter.com/#!/duhkojihoda/status/462667079951593472 http://twitter.com/#!/BenHowe/status/462668518199410688 http://twitter.com/#!/HaugenTRA/status/462667761785655296 http://twitter.com/#!/quaintjester/status/462667885979004928

?? @redsteeze @JohnKerry is honoring #foxnews today? "Honoring all our truth tellers in a noble cause, today and every day. #PressFreedom— Sandy (@RightGlockMom) May 03, 2014

http://twitter.com/#!/AZlibrarian/status/462670786935808000 http://twitter.com/#!/TFinn82/status/462677952317370368


‘No YouTube video claim?’ John Kerry lavishes praise on Susan Rice after ‘Meet the Press’ appearance

Sharyl Attkisson: John Kerry refuses to allow Congress to question Benghazi survivors

‘He’s been working non-stop’: MSNBC analyst, former Obama ‘Car Czar’ sails swiftly to John Kerry’s defense

Cavalcade of conflicting info: Where in the world was John Kerry as Egypt lurched into chaos?

Brit Hume: Kerry’s fail boat story not State’s first run-in with the truth


Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/05/03/hacked-john-kerry-honors-all-our-truth-tellers-in-the-press/

Residing A Happy Life While Experiencing Anxiety

You can feel unsatisfied when you are overcome with anxiety, nonetheless’re perhaps not by yourself. People around the world become full of anxiety. Gaining control over your anxiety will likely be hard. Many individuals who’re putting up with alongside it think twice to seek out the assistance of a health care provider for treatment. Joyfully, this short article is filled with efficient tips for decreasing anxiety amounts; these tips have actually aided lots of people.To keep anxiety from evaluating also significantly on you, workout every day to flake out. The endorphins made by training enable you to hold a positive mindset and bring the head from conditions that tend to be bothersome and trigger tension. Workout is ideal for maintaining you healthier.Laughter might not appear to be a cure to something, however it does fight anxiety very nicely. For great treatment, see a funny motion picture, read publications that make you laugh, or contact a funny buddy who are able to start to cause you to laugh.Set an everyday goal by yourself and try to satisfy it everyday. When you experience an assortment objective to make because of the end linked to the time, your focus will stay entirely associated with the objective. Doing this keeps your head active, and can assist alleviate difficulties with the big event of bad tips or a few ideas which induce panic disorders.If you are experiencing anxious and exhausted, give attention to your breathing. Your respiration is most likely fast, diverse and unpredictable. Once you feel stressed, you can easily forget how-to breathe precisely. However, you need to inhale correctly. Take to refocusing your respiration when you are having an attack.Talk to someone as to what you are going right on through regardless of whom it is. Keepin constantly your ideas and thoughts towards self will merely cause you to feel considerably worse. Sharing your feelings allows you to feel better while lowering anxiety.Use physical working out to improve your face biochemistry. While reasonable serotonin are a trigger for anxiety, getting frequent exercise could possibly get your serotonin levels which they have to be. Exercising–anything from taking a walk to pumping metal at gym–causes you to ultimately develop much more feel-good hormones like serotonin and dopamine. This not only reduces anxiety but despair as well.Keep away from individuals who result in stress. For example, should your friend is definitely unfavorable, it is probably far better prevent him. Becoming around gents and ladies like this enhance your panic and anxiety levels.Yoga can be extremely helpful in reducing the effects of your anxiety. Yoga is a fantastic approach to pressing dilemmas from mind and creating performance while focusing. You’re able to refresh your self through getting more in real stability using pilates.Using a while performing what you favor is essential. Maybe not soothing and working too difficult is an important reason for anxiety. Take the time regarding every day to accomplish whatever relaxes you.Although a lot of gents and ladies suffer from anxiety because of the stress of lifestyle, some people have actually a hereditary predisposition with this problem. If this may be the outcome, from then on a visit towards the psychologist and a prescription might if you wish.People move to hot drink whenever planning to deal with ideas of anxiety. This could quickly work very well, you might want to look for health advice. In the event that anxiety cannot lower after a length of the time, it is critical to follow up with a physician if you’re previously to get better.Grab yourself a note. Don’t be skeptical of massage remedies. A massage will ease the strain both in the body along with your brain. Anxiety furthermore triggers muscle tissue cramps; consequently, you’ll literally require this therapeutic massage to be able to remain without having any aches or discomforts.Request jobs that’ll distract you against your anxious ideas. Try reading or performing term puzzles whenever experiencing nervous. The easiest method to combat anxiety is through perhaps not enabling you to ultimately dwell on mental poison.A sensible way to lessen anxiety is through having to pay your expenses immediately. Missing repayments or not making them punctually increases anxiety. Your everyday activity may well be more calm and relaxed when your bills tend to be taken care of timely.Stay glued to a medical doctor’s treatment plan, and will be offering sufficient feedback while you have. Though a physician can provide information and prescriptions, it’s your task become available regarding how you would imagine things are going. Your physician can not be around at all times, so you need tell them what is going on at your appointments.View your diet plan. Alcohol, sugar, caffeinated beverages and sodium are foods make an attempt maintain away from for people who have trouble with anxiety. You need to rather think about good fresh fruit, almonds, yogurt, veggies and wholegrain meals to simply help reduce anxiety. If the anxiety acts up, document all you’re consuming. Discuss every little thing typed along and make an effort to make changes for much better.If you’re afflicted with anxiety, don’t gamble formerly. Wagering increases your levels of tension, regardless of outcome. Additionally, losing can indicate extra anxiety someday from lacking cash.Heat both of your hands by massaging these, and carefully put them over top of your respective eyes. This can be an excellent every day unit for an anxiety prey, promoting a feeling of relaxed. Test this method the very next time you are feeling like your anxiety quantities are spiraling uncontrollable.People with heart related illnesses are not ashamed to find the assistance of a health care provider. For those who have anxiety dilemmas, avoid being embarrassed to talk to an expert. Anxiousness is a disease, and severe anxiety demands medical assistance.Cope with anxiety with the use of distraction. Cannot place your nostrils into another self-help book, take to a crossword puzzle or view a film rather. If you’re capable, stay encircled with individuals. Fairly with this to-be an effective technique for forgetting issues and finding necessary disruptions.As stated, life could be very unhappy if you are afflicted with serious anxiety. The a few ideas supplied right here assists you to reduce anxiety amounts. If it can help, hold a duplicate among these some ideas useful and that means you ask them to offered once you must make use of them.

This Looked Like The Grossest Christmas Present Ever. It Turned Out Beautiful.

For Christmas, this girl received a package from her boyfriend that she never expected. When she unwrapped the present, she didn’t understand what she was seeing. The confusion quickly wore off, though, when she realized what she was supposed to do with this seemingly disgusting present.

Sarah opened her gift and saw… a big bag of freshly sealed oysters.

Then, she realized they weren’t for eating.

She began to shuck the oysters, a slow process.

(Also a pretty gross process.)

Once open, however, the oysters revealed their own gifts: pearls.

In all different colors!

At the end of it all, she ended up with about 54 pearls in 5 different colors.

And that’s why you never judge a book by its cover…

Source: reddit.com

You may think something is just a stinky bag of oysters, but it’s actually beautiful pearls. Share this article if you would like getting a gift like this!

Read more: http://viralnova.com/christmas-oyster/

Turbo The Two-Legged Chihuahua Has A Wheelchair Made Out Of Toys

This resilient little pup isn’t letting a birth defect hold him back! h/t Today

1. Meet Turbo, an adorable Chihuahua puppy who is missing his front two legs.

2. Due to a birth defect, the legs in question are severely under developed.

3. The couple who owned the litter brought Turbo to veterinarian Amy Birk, the hospital manager at The Downtown Veterinarian in Indianapolis.

4. With Turbo’s best interests in mind, the couple insisted that they did not want the lively puppy to be put down.

5. The immediate challenge became clear: dogs with disability aren’t typically fitted for carts until they’re at least 6 months old, due to their rapid growth. Turbo was only 4 months old, but in need of some help.

6. So Birk and her team took matters into their own hands.

7. And after some trial and error…

8. …they cracked the code.

9. Birk and her team managed to build a makeshift cart of their own out of wheels from a Fisher Price helicopter and pipes from a toy welding kit.

10. Turbo is apparently gaining weight and is “on the right track healthwise.” In an interview with Today.com, Birk reports, “He’s got a lot of life in him.”

11. Turbo <3

Read more: http://buzzfeed.com/andrewziegler/turbo-the-two-legged-chihuahua-has-wheelchair-made-of-toys

Anxiety And Panic Can Be Defeated With These Tips

Anxiety can make life very bad and miserable for anyone who is dealing with it. Anxiety is a difficult issue to deal with and people are often hesitant to seek help. The advice in this article can help people control their anxiety.Music could help reduce anxiety. If you are experiencing anxiety, go ahead and listen to your favorite album. Tune yourself in to every note. This can distract you from your anxiety, which can help you to forget about what was stress you out. Having something to keep your mind occupied can really alleviate the anxiety you are feeling.If you are one of the millions of sufferers of persistent anxiety, then you need to visit your doctor. There are a myriad of choices when it comes to treating this issue, and further advancements are made every day. Get the treatment you need by visiting your local doctor or physician.Talk positive to yourself when you awaken each day. Talk about what you want to do that day. Then, put 100% of your energy into making sure you have that kind of positive and productive day.Eating a healthy and nutritious diet is especially important if you are troubled by symptoms of anxiety. Don’t fill your body up with refined sugars and unhealthy food, a diet that is balanced and nutritional is what you require.Start keeping a daily journal. There are people who have pent up stress in their minds and cannot release it. When you’re able to get out all of these things into a journal then you’re able to think about what’s going on more clearly. This works a lot better than thinking about the past and future all the time.Learn to accept things that are not certain in life. Your life will not be any more predictable as a result of you spending time worrying about all the things that could go wrong. In fact, anxiety will keep you from being happy about positive things. Teach yourself to accept uncertainty as a part of life you can’t change and try to keep your thoughts and actions in the present.Keeping a journal and writing in it at bedtime can help alleviate the racing thoughts that keep you from sleeping. By spending time writing in a journal you allow yourself to release the anxieties of the day, thus making it easier to fall asleep. Write whenever you need a positive outlet.Make sure you have someone to talk to about your problems and what you are worrying about. Having support really helps you get over your anxiety. Talking about the issues that you are experiencing could be beneficial and it could reduce your anxiety levels as well.Anxious feelings can be lessened by watching a funny movie or TV show. Watching a funny movie takes the focus of your mind elsewhere and gives you the opportunity to replace anxiety with laughter and a new perspective.If you suffer from an anxiety attack while in bed at night, there are a few things you can do to help ease your symptoms. Get out of bed and take a short walk or grab yourself a cup of hot tea. The important thing is to keep moving so that your anxiety disappears quickly, clearing the path for a good night’s sleep.Try doing yoga with a group of friends as a way of eliminating anxiety. A good way to reduce anxiety issues is to try some yoga. The exercise can help you feel exuberance by creating physical balance.Stay away from those who bring out your anxiety. It probably sounds simple, but people suffering from anxiety often put themself into situations they cannot handle. Perhaps because they do not want to hurt someone’s feelings. Some people likely make you uncomfortable, and spending time around them instigates stress and anxiety you should not have to suffer.Steer clear of television news programs. The media loves to report shootings, deaths, thefts and all sorts of other anxiety-provoking news, so shut the TV off to minimize your anxiety. These kinds of stories are often reported because they make people sit up and pay attention. There are rarely news reports about good things every day.Never assume you’re alone when struggling with anxiety. Think about all of the supplements for various things at the store, and that will show you that tons of people that suffer from anxiety and other issues too. Keep in mind that you’re not the only one, and there are a variety of methods to treat it.Although low anxiety levels could be good, having high levels of it could become a problem. It is vital to know the difference between harmful anxiety and motivating anxiety, so you can determine if you need it as motivation or if you need to get rid of it.As you know, severe anxiety can make your life a walking nightmare. The tips featured here can help you to reduce anxiety and live a more productive life. You just need to implement a few. For this reason, it is good to save this article.

Get The Look: “Game Of Thrones” Style In Today’s Fashions

1. Cersei Lannister:

Giambattista Valli Spring 2012 Couture

Alexander McQueen, 2011 Evening Gown

6. Daenerys “Khaleesi” Targaryen:

Elie Saab Fall/Winter 2012 Ready to Wear, gold

Viking Dragon Head Knit Bangle in Silver

Zuhair Murad, in lavender and silver, Valyrian color palette

Alexander Wang YOOX collection wedges

Alexander McQueen, 2012 Spring-Summer Line

Rick Owens Leather Outerwear, Spring 2012

32. Yara Greyjoy:

Read more: http://buzzfeed.com/katienotopoulos/get-the-look-game-of-thrones-style-in-todays-f