Hacked? John Kerry honors ‘all our truth tellers’ in the press

Today is World Press Freedom Day, and Secretary of State John Kerry recognized the event by releasing a statement “honoring all our truth tellers in a noble cause.”


“People everywhere count on a free press to keep us informed, hold leaders accountable, filter fact from fiction, and unmask false narratives masquerading as truth,” wrote Kerry, who was subpoenaed this week to testify before a select committee on Benghazi.

Mockery of Kerry arrived faster than a swift boat.

http://twitter.com/#!/redsteeze/status/462666277514141696 http://twitter.com/#!/duhkojihoda/status/462667079951593472 http://twitter.com/#!/BenHowe/status/462668518199410688 http://twitter.com/#!/HaugenTRA/status/462667761785655296 http://twitter.com/#!/quaintjester/status/462667885979004928

?? @redsteeze @JohnKerry is honoring #foxnews today? "Honoring all our truth tellers in a noble cause, today and every day. #PressFreedom— Sandy (@RightGlockMom) May 03, 2014

http://twitter.com/#!/AZlibrarian/status/462670786935808000 http://twitter.com/#!/TFinn82/status/462677952317370368


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Sharyl Attkisson: John Kerry refuses to allow Congress to question Benghazi survivors

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Brit Hume: Kerry’s fail boat story not State’s first run-in with the truth


Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/05/03/hacked-john-kerry-honors-all-our-truth-tellers-in-the-press/