Did this Amazon review ‘prove Katie Pavlich’s thesis’ about the War on Women?


Katie Pavlich’s latest book debuted this week. The title? “Assault and Flattery: The Truth About the Left and Their War on Women.”

Thank you, “Joe Davis,” for this gem of a review posted on Amazon:


“This book makes me want to call the author the C word.” What progressive War on Women?


Of course, there are plenty of C-words …

http://twitter.com/#!/MikePrezioso/status/486578467417636865 http://twitter.com/#!/mnitowski/status/486579443721199616

Will the Right’s War on Women never end?


Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/07/09/how-appropriate-did-this-amazon-review-help-prove-katie-pavlichs-thesis-about-the-lefts-war-on-women/

Baffled by Obama’s message: You aren’t alone. Consensus: ‘WTF?’


Well, the best part of Obama’s message on Wednesday evening seemed to be the unusual echo. The speech it self? A hot mess.


Yep. Baffled by the befuddled idiocy? You aren’t alone.

http://twitter.com/#!/enragedtaco/status/509870129438789632 http://twitter.com/#!/FredSanford13/status/509872325400203264 http://twitter.com/#!/IanrossWins/status/509872641621393408 http://twitter.com/#!/NSQAmerican/status/509872693702045696 http://twitter.com/#!/twpolk/status/509874761888202752


This audience associated with speech ended up being clever.



And this it’s possible to have identified the actual only real evident reason behind the WTF-y speech:


Plus, the super really serious image and all sorts of.


What’s up with the echo during Obama’s message? These proposed factors tend to be perfect

‘Umm…Huh?’: President says ‘ISIL is not Islamic’

This is actually the White House’s pre-speech Obama image and it’s pitiful

Obama to declare airstrikes against ISIS ‘wherever they occur’; Um. What about this, genius?

Don’t look today Obama, but givers are assisting to #NameObamaISISOperation [photos]

We agree this might be among the best reasons why you should watch an Obama speech

Approach decided? Obama to deal with the world Wednesday at 9 p.m. EDT regarding ISIS

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/09/10/if-you-think-you-are-the-only-one-baffled-by-obamas-speech-you-arent-consensus-wtf/

Trending: Meet the Notre Dame football player now ‘dating’ a porn star


So, here are a few photos that have everyone chattering. First the setup…

Seated is 18-year-old Justin Brent, a freshman wide receiver at Notre Dame. And on his lap is Lisa Ann, a well know adult movie star. (Safe for work link to IMDB.com). The two were spotted at New York City’s Madison Square Garden taking in a Knicks game:

And after the Knicks game, this photo of the happy couple appeared online:

Oof. Ms. Ann later took to Twitter to defend her choice in dates:

So, does college football have another “it” couple? Could be. There hasn’t been this much attention paid to somebody a Notre Dame football dated since…

LOLOL Yes, Manti Teo jokes will never get old.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/10/24/trending-meet-the-notre-dame-football-player-now-dating-a-porn-star/

Drudge, Ingraham: God still watching over America?; NSA zingers ensue

http://twitter.com/#!/DRUDGE/status/344419119946412033Matt Drudge took to his personal Twitter account Tuesday morning to ask that profound question.Laura Ingraham swiftly responded:http://twitter.com/#!/IngrahamAngle/status/344431171364589568Others took the opportunity to snarkily tie it into the NSA surveillance scandal. Watching over America? That’s the NSA’s job!http://twitter.com/#!/ron_fournier/status/344421799238459393Not if He works for the NSA RT ‏@DRUDGE Do you get the feeling God is no longer watching over America? @anamariecox— Laurie Brunner (@Twizznit) June 11, 2013http://twitter.com/#!/lameprose/status/344462613255708672Heh.This Twitter user seems to prove Ms. Ingraham’s point:http://twitter.com/#!/Doostola/status/344463576007843840Sigh.Keep expressing your faith freely, Matt Drudge. This still is America.Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/06/11/drudge-ingraham-wonder-if-god-is-still-watching-over-america-citizens-reply-with-nsa-zingers/

This Little Guy Was Sleeping Soundly Until The Radio Came On. Then? Dance Party!

Taking a baby for a ride in the car is a tried-and-true strategy for putting them to bed. There’s something about the constant rocking motion of the car that can make even the grumpiest baby (or road trip buddy) fall asleep. Once those eyes close, you want to be careful not to turn on the radio.

Although, if you do, some awesomeness like this could happen:

OO.ready(function() { OO.Player.create(‘ooyalaplayer’, ‘VybXU4cTrNChEjDVa3ZbDG9ouH6jco9z’, {‘autoplay’:true}); });
Please enable Javascript to watch this video

Well, lesson learned! Some babies cry when they get startled awake. Other babies dance their pants off.

Read more: http://viralnova.com/dancing-baby/

Diversity! Matthew Modine explains how all Hispanic baseball players should think


What a giver.

Progressives of Pallor spokesman and actor Matthew Modine descended from the heavens on Tuesday to decree that henceforth, all Hispanic baseball players shall speak loudly for immigration reform. Because why should Hispanic ballplayers think for themselves? They have Master Modine to do that pesky thinking on their behalf.

The clueless and ignorant Modine also linked to “To Kill an American,” his short film about … wait for it … American diversity.

Coexist! Unless your politics don’t match his stereotype. In that case, shaddup, he explained.


Matthew Modine: ‘Creepy ass cracker’ not racist when directed at George Zimmerman

Matthew Modine’s reaction to Zimmerman acquittal as responsible and measured as you’d expect

Full Twitchy coverage of Matthew Modine

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/10/16/celebrate-diversity-matthew-modine-explains-how-all-hispanic-baseball-players-should-think/

Ben Carson Says He Will Probably Run For President

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYbvloPI0J0]Video available at: http://youtube.com/watch?v=YYbvloPI0J0.


Dr. Ben Carson, the author and retired neurosurgeon, says there is a good chance he will run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016.

“I think the chances are reasonably good of that happening. I’m waiting obviously for a few more months. I want to make sure that it is clearly something my fellow Americans want me to do and I’m also waiting to see what the results are in November,” Carson told conservative talk radio host Hugh Hewitt on his program Monday.

“If the people do indicate that they truly do want a nation that is for, of, and by the people then I along with what I hope will be many other people will be willing to give it everything we possibly have,” Carson added.

Carson was appearing to promote his new e-book One Vote.

Read more: http://buzzfeed.com/andrewkaczynski/ben-carson-says-he-will-probably-run-for-president

This Guy’s Wife Got Cancer, So He Did Something Unforgettable. The Last 3 Photos Destroyed Me.

The first time photographer Angelo Merendino met Jennifer, he knew she was the one. They fell in love and got married in New York’s Central Park, surrounded by family, friends, and loved ones.

Five months later Jen was diagnosed with breast cancer. From Angelo’s blog: “I remember the exact moment…Jen’s voice and the numb feeling that enveloped me. That feeling has never left. I’ll also never forget how we looked into each other’s eyes and held each other’s hands. ‘We are together, we’ll be ok.'”

Throughout her battle, Angelo decided to photograph it. He wanted to humanize  the face of cancer on the face of his wife. The photos speak for themselves.

Angelo and Jennifer’s story is tragic, but it’s in the face of a tragedy such as this that we rise above. In Angelo’s case, he has started an organization to help women with their financial struggles during their trials with breast cancer.

You can get that and much more at Angelo’s blog: http://mywifesfightwithbreastcancer.com/

Please share this story with everyone you know. Thank you.

Read more: http://viralnova.com/wifes-cancer/