NYT’s Kristof can’t wait to politicize Boston Marathon bombing; Updated


Who looks at a horrific event like the Boston Marathon bombing and thinks, “Hey, this would be a great opportunity to blame the GOP”?

This assclown:


Oh yes he did.

.@nytimes is advertising off the blast; @nickkristof is first to blame a political party, claiming “Shames” GOP hold-up on ATF director

— DepressiveBlogger69 (@AceofSpadesHQ) April 15, 2013


Wow. @nickkristof brought out my Navy vocabulary.

— Jon Gabriel (@ExJon) April 15, 2013

O.M.G. RT @jeffemanuel Presented without comment. bit.ly/10Ybin4

— RB (@RBPundit) April 15, 2013

#SmartTake, ass. twitter.com/SonnyBunch/sta…

— Sonny Bunch (@SonnyBunch) April 15, 2013

dear god. rt @nickkristof: explosion is a reminder that ATF needs a director. Shame on Senate Republicans for blocking

— David Harsanyi (@davidharsanyi) April 15, 2013

This is what a world-class assmunch looks like -> @nickkristof

— RB (@RBPundit) April 15, 2013

The “Never let a crisis go to waste”- type hack RT @cuffymeh: MT @nickkristof: explosion is a reminder that I’m a point-scoring hack.

— Rschrim (@Rschrim) April 15, 2013

well-played. Maybe we can link this to Newtown and the NRA, too.@nickkristof

— DepressiveBlogger69 (@AceofSpadesHQ) April 15, 2013

Why not?

@nickkristof You are a horrible, horrible person.

— Kelly (@Kellykoop) April 15, 2013

What a colossal schmuck.



People jumping on me for criticizing Sen Repubs for blocking ATF appointments. ok, that was low blow. i take it back

— Nicholas Kristof (@NickKristof) April 15, 2013

All of the above! RT @d_hershberger: @nickkristof low blow? how about classless, or insensitive?

— Nicholas Kristof (@NickKristof) April 15, 2013

We completely agree.


Kristof has deleted the tweet.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/04/15/jackassery-nyts-nick-kristof-cant-wait-to-politicize-boston-marathon-bombing/

Rev. Jesse Jackson supports constitutional amendment ensuring right to vote


Fresh off his asinine comment that the senseless killing of Australian Chris Lane should be “frowned upon,” Rev. Jesse Jackson is now lamenting the absence of a right to vote in the U.S. Constitution.

Technically, he has a point. As conservative tweeter Jay Caruso notes, there is no explicit “right to vote” in the U.S. Constitution:

http://twitter.com/#!/JayCaruso/status/370251065859395584 http://twitter.com/#!/JayCaruso/status/370252526496403456

It’s not the first sentence of Jackson’s tweet — “We still have no constitutional right to vote” — that is problematic. It’s the second one: “Surely, that is the next step toward the dream.”

More than 126 million Americans of all races, colors, and creeds voted in the last presidential election.

Turnout among black Americans was higher than turnout among whites. If there is a conspiracy to suppress the African American vote, it’s failing miserably.

That Jackson thinks an unnecessary constitutional amendment is “the next step toward the dream” shows how out of touch he has become with the concerns of ordinary citizens.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/08/21/rev-jesse-jackson-supports-constitutional-amendment-ensuring-right-to-vote/

You can’t make Terry McMillan buy health insurance if she doesn’t want it


Author Terry McMillan doesn’t shy away from tough talk when it comes to Republicans, so it’s nice to see the president’s number-one superfan take a hardline stance against Obamacare. Or maybe she was just commenting on the effectiveness of yesterday’s Super Bowl ads. Yeah, it’s probably that second thing.

I used to like the corny ads that didn’t have sexual overtones, although now, they’re overtly sexual, which makes them tacky.

— Terry McMillan (@MsTerryMcMillan) February 4, 2013

Speaking of tacky and overtly sexual, how about that raunchy halftime performance by Beyonce?

The folks who are criticizing Beyonce’s attire and performance for being too X-rated for their kids should watch cartoons.

— Terry McMillan (@MsTerryMcMillan) February 4, 2013

I think the folks criticizing Beyonce are just jealous because she’s got it and she knows how to work it. Period.

— Terry McMillan (@MsTerryMcMillan) February 4, 2013

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/02/04/you-cant-make-terry-mcmillan-buy-health-insurance-if-she-doesnt-want-it/

Is Gloria Allred’s October shock a bombshell? All indications point to ‘dud’


Radar On the net is stating today that attorney Gloria Allred is going to be in Boston the next day early morning, turning the crank from the appropriate jack-in-the-box that supposedly keeps the woman October shock.

“The Boston world is headed to court tomorrow morning for a crisis hearing in an attempt to get a court order to unseal the sworn testimony provided by Mitt Romney in a previous court situation and also to carry a gag purchase so your parties can speak about Romney. Gloria Allred is likely to be in courtroom representing among the parties in the event,” a source near the situation informs RadarOnline.com.

Matt Drudge had teased Allred’s looming presence in a tweet early in the day recently. Tweeters currently made a mockery of Allred’s alleged bombshell, but tomorrow early morning’s planned judge look to unseal a court situation ensures that anything is up. With just fourteen days until the election, though, just how most likely is it that court papers will be unsealed that quickly?

I’m hearing that Romney solicitors need to do is require a continuance in this Allred thing and she won’t be capable of getting to it. #tcot

— Marissa (@builtmybusiness) October 23, 2012

LifeNews.com suggests that the courtroom instance is one in which a 36-year-old Mitt Romney, acting in his capacity as a Mormon bishop, attempted to chat a female away from an abortion. The storyline of case uncovered by LifeNews appears on Alternet.org in headline, “Mitt Romney’s Heartless information to a female Whose Pregnancy may have Killed Her.”

Will October Shock Show Romney Speaking Girl Regarding Abortion? bit.ly/Rj4j4r @michellemalkin @melissatweets #tcot

— Steven Ertelt (@StevenErtelt) October 23, 2012

After which you can find rumors of the feasible bombshell, which involves the operation of an unlicensed motorboat in 1981.

OMG…is THIS Allred’s bombshell???bluemassgroup.com/2012/10/exclus… #tcot #pitiful

— Jefferson Tea-party (@JeffersonTeaPar) October 23, 2012

is this Allred’s October Surprise?Police Blotter Contradicts Mitt Romney’s Account Of 1981 Motorboating Arrest mediaite.com/a/hsine

— Theresa Maurer (@TheresaMaurer2) October 23, 2012

There’s certainly no verification, though, that either of these is the situation under consideration. There’s numerous confirmation, though, that Team Obama is hopeless at this time, for this reason the look of Allred.

Gloria Allred’s lady parts into relief! This really is therefore ridiculous, moving on a classic situation trying to save the largest failure in US record.

— Patriot Dreamer (@PatriArt) October 23, 2012

If Gloria Allred understands adequate to wish a gag order lifted, that gag order has already been violated. Put this lady under oath!

— FredZeppelin (@FredZeppelin12) October 23, 2012

Gloria Allred could be the worst human being I have previously seen & this newest assault on Mitt Romney has Axelrods handprints all over it!

— Peggy O’Donnell (@podod12) October 23, 2012

Glenn Reynolds: “If your JUST hope is Gloria Allred, you’re quite desperate.” #tcot

— slone (@slone) October 23, 2012

Other concepts?

Pleasebeanillegitimatechild pleasebeanillegitimatechild tmz.com/2012/10/23/mit…

— Jen (@swaggeroffools) October 23, 2012

Wouldn’t it is great if Donald Trump & Gloria Allred’s October surprise is they’ll be making a tandem jump off of this Brooklyn Bridge ?

— Wanderer180 (@Wanderer180) October 23, 2012

Rumors: Trump to reveal Obama attempted coke. Allred to show Romney tried Coke.

— Razor (@hale_razor) October 23, 2012

Find out more: http://twitchy.com/2012/10/23/is-gloria-allreds-october-surprise-a-bombshell-all-signs-point-to-dud/

Meet Dick Durbin’s source for lie about GOPer’s supposed Obama insult


Yesterday, Sen. Dick Durbin (D-espicable) claimed that a GOP leader, during a meeting with Obama, told the president to his face that he “cannot even stand to look at you.” Durbin wasn’t even at the meeting, and the story was denied by the GOP and the White House.

Who would have handed Durbin such a lie to peddle? You might have guessed it already:


Harry Reid? What. A. Surprise.

http://twitter.com/#!/MomMilkshake/status/393402011112062976 http://twitter.com/#!/LibertySeeds/status/393403188487159808

But we’re certain Reid’s telling the truth about everything else (pause for laughter).

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/10/24/naturally-meet-dick-durbins-source-for-lie-about-gopers-supposed-obama-insult/

‘Enduring legacy’: Jonathan Gruber’s ‘speak-o’ defense earns fast mockery

http://twitter.com/#!/Popehat/status/492704561874755584 http://twitter.com/#!/philipaklein/status/492712034207674368

Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber claims that he made a “mistake” in a 2012 video showing him admitting that states not establishing their own exchanges would not receive federal subsidies under the Affordable Care Act.

Gruber said his “mistake” was the verbal version of a typo called a “speak-o.” The Gruber explanation has taken Twitter by storm:


White House: "It's the Law" Delay: "Here's the Law" Typo: "Ok now It's the Law" Speak-o: "I swear, that's the last correction, It's the Law"— The Right Wing M (@TheRightWingM) July 25, 2014

http://twitter.com/#!/jpodhoretz/status/492706087544422402 http://twitter.com/#!/CuffyMeh/status/492701373214253056 http://twitter.com/#!/RickSheridan/status/492713461546090496 http://twitter.com/#!/EdMorrissey/status/492710372516712448

So to sum it all up:




Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/07/25/enduring-legacy-jonathan-grubers-speak-o-defense-earns-fast-mockery/

Team United States Of America wrestler would ‘wear a diaper’ for gold medal


Heh. Thank you for the psychological image, guy.

Burroughs is placed to contend within the men’s freestyle wrestling occasion on August 10, in which he is heavily favored to take-home the gold.

Best of luck, Jordan! And kindly — ix-nay from the iaper-day.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/08/06/team-usa-wrestler-would-wear-a-diaper-for-gold-medal/