‘Enduring legacy’: Jonathan Gruber’s ‘speak-o’ defense earns fast mockery

http://twitter.com/#!/Popehat/status/492704561874755584 http://twitter.com/#!/philipaklein/status/492712034207674368

Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber claims that he made a “mistake” in a 2012 video showing him admitting that states not establishing their own exchanges would not receive federal subsidies under the Affordable Care Act.

Gruber said his “mistake” was the verbal version of a typo called a “speak-o.” The Gruber explanation has taken Twitter by storm:


White House: "It's the Law" Delay: "Here's the Law" Typo: "Ok now It's the Law" Speak-o: "I swear, that's the last correction, It's the Law"— The Right Wing M (@TheRightWingM) July 25, 2014

http://twitter.com/#!/jpodhoretz/status/492706087544422402 http://twitter.com/#!/CuffyMeh/status/492701373214253056 http://twitter.com/#!/RickSheridan/status/492713461546090496 http://twitter.com/#!/EdMorrissey/status/492710372516712448

So to sum it all up:




Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/07/25/enduring-legacy-jonathan-grubers-speak-o-defense-earns-fast-mockery/