Mary J. Blige urges delegates to ‘get it crunk for Obama’!/ryanbeckwith/status/243835724456140801

A day after the delegates at the Democratic National Convention reintroduced the words God and Jerusalem to the party’s platform, musical guest Mary J. Blige had one more addition: crunk.

Mary J. Blige: "Now that we've established that we're family, let's make it a family affair & get it crunk for Pres Obama for 4 more years!"

— Molly Ball (@mollyesque) September 6, 2012

First time the word "crunk" is used in a Convention? #DNC2012 #historic

— Christina Gomez (@stayupearly) September 6, 2012

Can someone confirm? Is this the first time "crunk" has been part of a nominating convention? #DNC2012

— Phil Elliott (@Philip_Elliott) September 6, 2012

@Philip_Elliott Well there was the 1892 Democratic Convention when Grover Cleveland said "Get Crunk, Vote for the Democrats!"

— Scott Candage (@ScottCandage) September 6, 2012

The delegates proceeded to dance, but did they really get it crunk? What is crunk? Professor?

One theory of its etymology is that "crunk" is a portmanteau of "chronic" (as in marijuana) and "drunk."

— Ryan Teague Beckwith (@ryanbeckwith) September 6, 2012

Mary J. Bilge. says "Let's get it crunk for Obama." "Crunk" is slang for getting high and drunk. Way to go, #DNC2012.

— Bill Hobbs (@billhobbs) September 6, 2012

I enjoyed the guy with the ponytail pictured getting crunk to Mary just then on C-Span.

— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) September 6, 2012

We think we get it…. Could someone use it in a sentence for us?

Gettin crunk. Watching spongebob. Yeeeeeeh budday!

— Sam (@SassySamOnTheGo) September 6, 2012

Got it, thanks.

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Polling expert: PPP’s polling methods come in range with the industry norm!/DrewLinzer/status/378206782847328256

It really has-been an educational week for many people interesting in polling.

Initially arrived the illuminating disclosure that liberal polling organization Public Policy Polling often doesn’t launch the outcome of polls with unexpected outcomes.

After that arrived this interesting article by TNR’s Nate Cohn, showing that PPP’s polling methodology includes a number of dubious practices these types of as “random deletion” of participants.

Then emerged Nate Silver’s statement which he will stay counting on PPP data even though he thinks PPP’s polls are crap.

Drew Linzer, a Ph.D. political scientist who knows their material, likened arbitrary removal to “intuitive ‘shrinkage’ weighting.”!/DrewLinzer/status/378192018503000064

We’re no specialists, nonetheless it seems like he’s saying this can be a technique always get the sample to mirror the population most importantly.

If it feels like smoke and mirrors, don’t worry, because all pollsters take action:!/DrewLinzer/status/378190380258193408

Really, that’s certainly reassuring.


Nate Silver: PPP’s polls suck but I’ll keep using them

Nate Silver blasts Public Policy Polling for suppressing pro-recall poll outcome; upgrade: PPP apologizes for defending itself in public(!)

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US envoy’s goal to free Kenneth Bae off after N. Korea rescinds invitation!/AP/status/373456300015108096

Special envoy for North Korean real human rights problems, Bob King, was expected in Pyongyang right now to seek the release of Kenneth Bae, a Christian missionary who has been held in North Korea since November. Bae was sentenced to fifteen years of hard labor for committing “hostile acts” up against the country and has now experienced poor health. The AP reports that North Korea has withdrawn the invitation and King will go back to Washington.

State dept. spokeswoman Marie Harf stated the U.S. is “surprised and dissatisfied.”!/PlanetUrbanite/status/373459859213012992!/sunnyright/status/373459864770473984!/JohnEkdahl/status/373460082065149953

Twitchy will monitor this developing tale and update as details become available.

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With cops under fire, Howard Kurtz wonders how shootout might affect Obama’s speech!/HowardKurtz/status/301446721576259584

He’s been holed up for days now; maybe alleged cop-killer Christopher Dorner doesn’t know the president’s big state of the union speech is scheduled later tonight. Word is that at least two police officers have been shot and wounded in a standoff with Dorner. While the thoughts of most were with the victims, Howard Kurtz was wondering how the shootout might reflect on the president.

This is on your mind right now?RT @howardkurtz What if alleged killer Chris Dorner is captured or killed as the SOTU begins?

— RB (@RBPundit) February 12, 2013


— Rick(@StrokesofCandor) February 12, 2013

2 officers down. 2 ppl tied up. So what’s Howard Kurtz worried about? How #dorner will affect Obama/SOTU!!! ==>…

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) February 12, 2013

Poor Barack! #Douche MT @howardkurtz: What if Dorner is captured/killed as the SOTU begins? Obama could face a Clinton/O.J. verdict moment.

— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) February 12, 2013

HUH? MT @howardkurtz What if alleged killer Dorner is captured or killed as SOTU begins? Obama could face Bill Clinton/O.J. verdict moment.

— Ed LaRose (@metaphorsbwithu) February 12, 2013

@howardkurtz this is what you are worried about?

— Skalded (@Skalded) February 12, 2013

@howardkurtz Dumbest tweet of the day.

— Margaret Gordon (@MKGordon10) February 12, 2013

@howardkurtz Really Howard? All you can think about is how your boy king will be hurt if the police take down a stone cold killer? Pathetic.

— Gary Figg (@gfigg42) February 12, 2013

Hey everyone, calm down. He was just making light of the situation.

Folks, I was making a light point about the SOTU. Obviously concerned about the Dorner shootout and the risk to police brave officers

— HowardKurtz (@HowardKurtz) February 12, 2013

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