Author Terry McMillan doesn’t shy away from tough talk when it comes to Republicans, so it’s nice to see the president’s number-one superfan take a hardline stance against Obamacare. Or maybe she was just commenting on the effectiveness of yesterday’s Super Bowl ads. Yeah, it’s probably that second thing.
I used to like the corny ads that didn’t have sexual overtones, although now, they’re overtly sexual, which makes them tacky.
— Terry McMillan (@MsTerryMcMillan) February 4, 2013
Speaking of tacky and overtly sexual, how about that raunchy halftime performance by Beyonce?
The folks who are criticizing Beyonce’s attire and performance for being too X-rated for their kids should watch cartoons.
— Terry McMillan (@MsTerryMcMillan) February 4, 2013
I think the folks criticizing Beyonce are just jealous because she’s got it and she knows how to work it. Period.
— Terry McMillan (@MsTerryMcMillan) February 4, 2013