WaPo ‘real reporters’ falsely claim Obama ‘O-I-H-O’ pic was photoshopped


Huh. Why the faux-apology? Well, keeping with its tradition of being among the lapdoggiest of lapdog media, The Washington Post pulled a doozy this afternoon, by assuming that a huge Obama gaffe was invented. With magic. As Twitchy reported, Obama finally discovered one of those missing seven states: Oiho.

Smartest man alive! Remember Dan Quayle’s spelling error? “Just bloggers” do.

Remember that time Dan Quayle spelled "Oho" wrong? What a doofus! Oh, wait, that was Barack Obama, not Dan Quayle.

— John Hayward (@Doc_0) August 22, 2012

The lapdog media, however? They would have started a media frenzy were it, say, Sarah Palin. What did they do here? Immediately jump to cover for The One, like the sycophants they always are. Oh, Barack! You can’t possibly ever make a mistake! You are so unprecedented and awesome and stuff. Also, so dreamy!

@TwitchyTeam WAPO reporting Obama Ohio photo is photoshop http://t.co/9HWsC1vp

— William Amos (@WilliamAmos) August 22, 2012

Obama photo-shopped into spelling error during Ohio State U stop: http://t.co/dvwxHvDO

— David Nakamura (@DavidNakamura) August 22, 2012


ABC’s Jake Tapper piled on.

Fauxtography MT @jaketapper that foto is BS – photoshopped RT @RyanGOP: BuzzFeed: "Obama Has Trouble Spelling OHIO" http://t.co/t9EsbGDG

— Art Fougner (@sonodoc99) August 22, 2012

Although he has since deleted this tweet.

Those who aren’t dragged down by heavy drool buckets were quick to point out how inane The Washington Post’s Obama-butt-covering claim was.

Don't think so. RT @washingtonpost: Don't be fooled. This photo of Obama is photoshopped. http://t.co/fLHCIjBL http://t.co/7v2bhseo

— Stefan Becket (@stefanjbecket) August 22, 2012

RT @natebeeler: @charliespiering @buzzfeed @washingtonpost Um… doesn't look photoshopped to me. Those are two different photos.

— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) August 22, 2012

Even Tapper then sees that photoshopping two different photos would have required dark magic that even an evil “math witch” doesn’t have.

weird, two pics of the OHIO thing…http://t.co/ActkO5oy and http://t.co/qFbkdXKg

— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) August 22, 2012

And, a lame correction!

Correction re: that Obama photo. We were fooled. http://t.co/Fn5oB5po

— Washington Post (@washingtonpost) August 22, 2012

More from The Washington Post, from an article originally titled “Yes, Obama Can Spell Ohio” (the slug still remains with original title).

Correction: There are different photographs of Obama’s attempt to spell Ohio from a similar angle. We incorrectly stated the first one appeared photoshopped.

The title has now been changed to “Can Obama Spell Ohio?” Yet, Ms. Weiner, in her  tweet, is still claiming she doesn’t know if it was photoshopped. Oh, honey. Put the water down. But, hey, what else can we expect from a media outlet that called the shooting at Family Research Council “a scuffle.

Twitter users quickly call out the blatant media bias.

RT @guypbenson: "Incorrectly assumed" RT @jpodhoretz: The correction at the bottom is a primer in media bias. http://t.co/OQHxGgn4

— WhiteHousePressCorps (@whpresscorps) August 22, 2012

"We incorrectly assumed the first one was photoshopped." Look before you leap to defend POTUS. http://t.co/MclUUscV

— David Freddoso (@freddoso) August 22, 2012

RT @BuzzFeedBen: That's some serious photoshop wizardry they were imagining http://t.co/Hejm5RzK

— Charlie Spiering (@charliespiering) August 22, 2012

Wow. How about a big round of applause for @rachelweinerwp, everyone? http://t.co/iSsWl9rN

— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) August 22, 2012

Aaaand the "photoshop" rumor dies, as the WaPo admits they were just trying to cover for their boyfriend Barack: http://t.co/Or6nhKCI

— John Hayward (@Doc_0) August 22, 2012

Bingo. Everything is about The One and covering for him. Remember this: Their first instinct was to immediately jump to cover for President Obama. And, once again, “just bloggers” immediately debunk.

Kudos, happy warriors!

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/08/22/bias-doh-egg-on-face-wapo-wrongly-claimed-obama-ohio-flub-magically-photoshopped/