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Clinical Decision Making: Case Studies in Medical-Surgical Nursing
Reflecting the latest practices in the field, Clinical Decision Making: Case Studies in Medical-Surgical Nursing, 2nd edition bridges the gap between classroom knowledge and clinical application. Emphasizing holistic nursing care, this resource helps nursing students sharpen their critical thinking skills and gain experience applying what they have learned. The more than 40 medical-surgical case histories and related questions, and responses are based on real-life client situations. Every case contains an introductory blueprint of variables that must be considered while evaluating a particular scenario concerning the client, nursing protocol, and setting of care. Each blueprint and case is different, just as each clinical situation is unique. As learners simulate the actual decision-making process, they gain valuable experience making informed clinical judgments that will help them become successful nurses. Categorized by complexity, the book appeals to a broad range of learning levels and styles. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.