Get Off My Lawn Collecting Show – Ep3 – “At Last, The Battle of the Bears”
News, Comics, Collectibles, Movies, Predictions, Rumors, Trivia, Giveaway, Memes, Package OpeningsThe show with an aged, sometimes downright cynical, perspective about today’s hottest collecting and pop-culture trends. Honest opinions on the latest pre-orders & Releases.But even old dudes have fun. They’ve got weekly trivia, memes, and the occasional giveaway.The Get Off My Lawn Collecting Show: Their opinions are dated and their humor R-Rated.Follow Jedi on IG: https://www.instagram.com/jedijohnson22/Follow Dom on IG: https://www.instagram.com/domtober_aka_oldman_fett/Follow Styx on IG: https://www.instagram.com/styxboy73/#hottoys #toycollector #gijoe #Marveltoys #walmarthsul #gamestopexclusive #sideshowcollectibles #keycomics #disneyplus #firstapperance #mcu #marvelcomics #comicnews #daredevil #hireofhire #favoritemavel #makeminemarvel #daughtersofdragon #dectectivecomics #dchush #batmanmovie #obiondisneyplus #thanos #marvelwins #docstrange #comicnews #lego #TACShow #Rennavision #comicbooks #Top5 #CList #TierList #Variants #marvel #MCU #ranking #comicpodcast #ContentCreator #batman #dccomics #marvelcomics #batmanvillians #Comicsexplained #comicfirst #MCU #variantcomics #variants #moonknight #marvelcomicsIf you are looking for Rennavision merch, well check out Teespring for some fun stuff: https://www.rennavision.com/ https://www.teepublic.com/user/rennavision