Variants, Star Wars, Toys, Larfleeze, & More: My Pick Ups 5-27-21
Check out this pick up video of books grabbed this week. Scored an action figure, variants, a new glass, and few more surprises. Curious what a writer over at Comicbookinvest.com buys for himself? Well, this is your peak behind the curtain.I touch on some comic book speculation, some hunting tips, and general analysis on comics I put my money into. Back issue bargain books are my jam, so join me as I show off what I’ve been buying and tell you why.These are my own personal pick ups from the last few weeks that I just want to share with the comic collecting community. If you like this video, Please Like & Subscribe.#cbsi #comics #pickupsFind more great book investing and entertainment content at https://comicbookinvest.com/And my articles including Dollar Bin Digging over at https://comicbookinvest.com/author/ender6988/#dollarbindigging #MCU #cheapcomics #variant #disneyplus #batman #StarWars #Marvel #captainamerica #actionfigures0:00 Intro
1:33 Toys/Action Figures
2:33 Larfleeze
3:54 Star Wars
6:45 Variants
12:15 Randomness
13:48 Wrap UpThanks for stopping by.