Star Wars Comic Resource GuideEvery video will also have an accompanying article on comicbookinvest.comThanks for stopping by.

Best Star Wars Dark Horse Investment books: CBSI Star Wars Comic Show 2
Each week Ben, Mike, and myself will take a look at a Star Wars topic and pick a comic each to spotlight. This week we look at the best Dark Horse Comics Investment Books. I should’ve went with Nihilus. Watch to know what I am talking about.Take a look at the video and make sure to check out the bonus book over on #comics #cbsiFind more great book investing and entertainment content at Ben on IG:
Find Mike on IG: my articles including Dollar Bin Digging over at #comicbookinvest #cbsistarwarscomicshow #darkhorse #darthrevan #revan #darthbane #bane #bobafett0:00 Intro
0:37 Pete’s Pick
2:22 Mike’s Pick
7:12 Ben’s Pick
12:07 Wrap UpLook for all the best Star Wars Comic Content over at CBSI: