Because of white privilege.
Happy Martin Luther King day to a true hero. This day means more today than it ever has. We all must honor the spirit of his fairness and equality and tireless search for justice. It is up to white people to honor Dr King, and to think about what it must be like to not be white.— Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) January 15, 2018
Would appear Chelsea missed one of the more important teachings of Dr. King’s philosophy, that being his desire that men will be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.
“I have a dream one day that people will not be judged by he color if their skin, but by the content of their character.” When you talk about whiteness, clearly you have failed to see this dream through, Chelsea.— Joe Marwil (@josephmarwil) January 15, 2018
She’s just not bright.
Ur an idiot.— Joe Palladino (@palladinojoe128) January 15, 2018
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