GoFundMe campaign for Mandy Nagy surpasses goal on first day


As Twitchy reported, bloggers and friends on Twitter sent out a call for prayers and support for Legal Insurrection and Breitbart writer Mandy Nagy earlier this month after Nagy, known on Twitter as @Liberty_Chick, suffered a massive stroke.

Nagy’s family and friends have set up a GoFundMe page to raise money for her recovery, and the effort has surpassed its original goal in just one day.

The GoFundMe page to help our friend Mandy Nagy, aka @Liberty_Chick : http://t.co/7Lx4LNeg08

— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) September 30, 2014

Please help my friend @Liberty_Chick as she goes through a tough but spectacular recovery http://t.co/1EryrA8Y9R

— Larry O'Connor (@LarryOConnor) September 30, 2014

Go here and help out Mandy @Liberty_Chick Nagy with some needed funds. She is awesome and we need her! http://t.co/LFY0sukLEa

— Chris Loesch (@ChrisLoesch) September 30, 2014

Fundraiser for @Liberty_Chick Mandy Nagy is going great. I just donated, please chip in! http://t.co/S8GkqWnYwi … … #TeamLC

— Lee Stranahan (@stranahan) September 30, 2014

One more pal note: please donate & help my pal @Liberty_Chick as she recovers from a recent stroke. http://t.co/OTWdYVnnzv

— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) September 30, 2014

nearly at $10,000 for Mandy Nagy (@Liberty_Chick). New goal is $15,000. Thanks and God bless everyone who donated http://t.co/zejvpcedxy

— Bill (@DefendWallSt) September 30, 2014

just officially broke $10,000 on the fundraiser for @Liberty_Chick http://t.co/zejvpcedxy

— Bill (@DefendWallSt) September 30, 2014

Donations now past $11,000. Amazing people http://t.co/zejvpcedxy

— Bill (@DefendWallSt) September 30, 2014

Great to know that so many are helping @Liberty_Chick Mandy Nagy. Remember to donate your prayers, too! #blessings

— TresHall (@gingertreshall) September 30, 2014


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Bloggers rally in support of ailing ‘Liberty Chick’ Mandy Nagy

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/09/30/amazing-people-gofundme-campaign-for-liberty-chick-mandy-nagy-surpasses-goal-on-first-day/