The materials are still online, though, so it’s not too late to download the homework sheets and brainstorm a team name, like the “Fired-Up Milwaukee Grannies for Environmental Justice.”
Harvard students launch a course on resisting "the Trump agenda"— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) April 10, 2017
There are still three sessions available, including this week’s featuringSara El-Amine, formerexecutive director of OFA. So even if Barack Obama won’t be stopping by in person, the woman behind @barackobama will be there. Harvard would like everyone to know that this is a student project, although the students don’t seem to be hurting for support: “Resistance School is an independently organized project developed by students at Harvard University. It is not an official course or offering of Harvard University or any of its schools.”One of Resistance School’s founders says the project began asa handful of students and professors chatted about their shared “sense of outrage and despair and beginning to feel overwhelmed and exhausted with the question of ‘What are we going to do after the election?’” Seeing as the project grew out of despair and exhaustion, maybe the better question was what to do before the election.
It's called voting— Paul Bedard (@SecretsBedard) April 10, 2017
@CNNPolitics Oh come on isn't every professor already teaching it #sorelosers— Steve Leopold (@steve_leopold) April 10, 2017
@CNN "Professor Warren" is teaching again?— Bill john (@yakmoot) April 10, 2017
@CNN That probably would have helped last year before the election…— Mr. Softserve (@steveo6924) April 10, 2017
@CNNPolitics Pathetic! A class about not understanding elections have consequences #obama— RS (@99_rocket) April 10, 2017
@CNN Thank u for sharing and exposing the far left loonies as we are exposing you.— CassieCares (@CassieCasanova) April 10, 2017
@CNN US academia surrendered to the left winged "intellectuals". I fee sorry for the students and manipulated "professors".— Jorge Fuentes (@shutechapin) April 10, 2017
@CNNPolitics Enough already. Havard you were an institution of Higher learning No child of mine will ever go unless of course they pay 100% of tutition— WittyWisconsiner (@NYexception) April 10, 2017
@NYexception @CNNPolitics Harvard is a losing deal even w/scholarship. Lose a fortune, get a snowflake "social justice warrior" who's too "smart" for an ordinary job— RebelBlack (@RebelXBlack) April 10, 2017
@CNN Just think, a lot of their alumni run our government today and you see the negative impact. Overrated— Gregory Alesi (@gregalesi) April 10, 2017
@CNNPolitics They should work on getting that education so they don't have to rely on the Federal government instead of being obstructionists— Heidi Rasor (@Heidi_Rasor) April 10, 2017
@CNN Doesn't seem very American to me. Weather you are on the same side as the President or not, you do NOT do something like this! Shame!!!— DonnaMidkiff (@DonnaMidkiff) April 10, 2017
@Heidi_Rasor @CNNPolitics Harvard teaches how to game the system for total domination. It is war.— Highness (@UR_Highness77) April 10, 2017
@CNNPolitics Can we get a course supporting it?— LaVar Ball (@Lavarball909) April 10, 2017
@CNN Starting a class called "socialism sucks" a new requirement to major in "How to be successful"— Sports n Stuff (@Sportsnstuff91) April 10, 2017
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