Ha! Pat Sajak zings Obama’s selfie; Replies hammer it home [pic]


Bada-zing! The “Wheel of Fortune” host weighed in on President Funeral Selfie with that snort-worthy tweet. Well, Sajak, ask and ye shall receive. As Twitchy reported, Twitter users unearthed a “Lincoln selfie”:

http://twitter.com/#!/RickMoore/status/410794800179200001 http://twitter.com/#!/liars_never_win/status/410794527750766592

Oh, Internet! What would we do without you?


‘The Internet has everything’: Guys, don’t forget this presidential selfie! [pic]

Funeral selfies? Obama’s selfie face, FLOTUS’ furious face at #MandelaMemorial [pics]

Full Twitchy coverage of Pat Sajak

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/12/12/ask-and-ye-shall-receive-pat-sajak-zings-obamas-selfie-replies-hammer-it-home-pic/