Ha! Pat Sajak zings Obama’s selfie; Replies hammer it home [pic]


Bada-zing! The “Wheel of Fortune” host weighed in on President Funeral Selfie with that snort-worthy tweet. Well, Sajak, ask and ye shall receive. As Twitchy reported, Twitter users unearthed a “Lincoln selfie”:

http://twitter.com/#!/RickMoore/status/410794800179200001 http://twitter.com/#!/liars_never_win/status/410794527750766592

Oh, Internet! What would we do without you?


‘The Internet has everything’: Guys, don’t forget this presidential selfie! [pic]

Funeral selfies? Obama’s selfie face, FLOTUS’ furious face at #MandelaMemorial [pics]

Full Twitchy coverage of Pat Sajak

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/12/12/ask-and-ye-shall-receive-pat-sajak-zings-obamas-selfie-replies-hammer-it-home-pic/

Published by

Leaman Ralph

Really sugar is shaky because it originates from a straight stick see the play is Granny yes Grandma plus new style luv MaryJane so listen (Granny Apple last years blue ribbon production winner AKA) I, I, I ain't on the right side of my house Jane something or the other is in my room: finally after an extermination Grannie speaks once more "let my (old man) Pacman step on it". See it is home on the range so solo as it be truity speaks got a problem it is your own. But alter scenario: Z/n time; narcotics I got that candy s.p.ee..d360 Bar itch its' and Mickey Mouse for the Sultan 7 1 4er well a hem a hem, it went early in the morning like a smack chanting sugar structure 7 -one 1 +eleven and 4 do an ate 'er 8 eight 'er? Well that aint nice. NARCO says do you know them numbers change (response) Yes it is a FiX they are MF's Ope yeah Ope Douglas is it. Surrounded by Alkaloid is both Mary and Grandma in an never ending circle of membership. French mandates declare put up their dukes... ZEN Pepsi can talk half Chocolate and your ole man Pacman down in Cuba posing as the worlds one and only Coffee Wizard "back 1:1" tis Coffee time... ||