Dana Loesch fact checks @Everytown on guns and Trader Joe’s

The anti-gun group @Everytown took a victory lap earlier today on Twitter and bragged that they were able to get the Trader Joe’s grocery store chain to get customers to “leave their guns at home.” Well, not really. Here’s Dana Loesch with the truth: From the Forbes link in Dana’s tweet:
The companys director of public relations Alison Mochizuki told Forbes that while the chain prefers that shoppers leave weapons of any kind at home, they follow local gun laws: In general, at Trader Joes, the policies we create and follow are for ourselves and cover our own behavior. We have an explicit policy that prohibits our Crew Members (employees) from possessing firearmsor any other type of weaponwhile performing job duties, while on company property, or while at company-related events. We do not presume to control our customers behavior through grocery store policy. Our approach has always been to follow local laws; for example, New Mexico specifically prohibits open carry in stores that sell alcohol for off-site consumption. In Texas, we follow a new change in the law (Section 30.07, effective Jan. 1, 2016), maintaining what has been in place: basically, openly carried handguns will not be allowed in Trader Joes stores in Texas. We feel gun policy should be addressed by governmental and law enforcement agencies. To be clear, we do not welcome weapons of any kind in our stores and never have. While there are laws in place allowing for openly carrying firearms, we would very much prefer that customers not bring guns into our stores. We acknowledge and respect the rights of everyone involved in this important, often emotionally charged, debate. As we do with other important issues related to our business, we listen to our customers and Crewand use the feedback we receive in our decision making.
In other words, Everytown is lying.
Read more: http://twitchy.com/2016/02/19/dana-loesch-fact-checks-everytown-on-guns-and-trader-joes/

WH fence jumper saga ‘gets even worse’; Can we count on these guys to help? [pics]


The plot thickens:

Are you shitting me? https://t.co/d3ePxr25LR

— RB (@RBPundit) September 30, 2014

The Secret Service fencejumper scandal somehow gets even worse http://t.co/l4VFMVz00j

— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) September 30, 2014

From WaPo:

The man who jumped over the White House fence and sprinted through the main floor of the mansion could have gotten even farther had it not been for an off-duty Secret Service agent who was coincidentally in the house and leaving for the night.

The agent who finally tackled Omar Gonzalez had been serving on the security detail for President Obama’s daughters and had just seen the family depart via helicopter minutes earlier. He happened to be walking through the house when chaos broke out and the intruder dashed through the main foyer, according to two people familiar with the incident.

Multiple layers of security fail at the most famous residence in the country?

— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) September 30, 2014

Agents didn’t fire because they assumed he was unarmed? Assumed he wasn’t wearing explosives, too?

— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) September 30, 2014

Who’s in charge here?

So the White House is basically being protected by Campus Security.

— Alex Soti (@Ajsoti) September 30, 2014

Surely we can do better than that!

@lachlan I can't wait for Paul Blart foiled fencejumper's plan.

— Alex Soti (@Ajsoti) September 30, 2014

EXCLUSIVE PHOTO of the Secret Service officer who foiled the White House fence-jumper pic.twitter.com/DI20SjXZdP

— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) September 30, 2014

Unnamed off-duty Secret Service agent: "I'm not even supposed to be here today." pic.twitter.com/Wkcnj1YzdT

— jimgeraghty (@jimgeraghty) September 30, 2014

Thank goodness that guy was around. Still, we’d feel much better if the White House called in the big guns:

U.S. Secret Service responds to recent mistakes with reassuring new hire: pic.twitter.com/fHoaVZh2vH

— jimgeraghty (@jimgeraghty) September 30, 2014



‘Story of the night’: A gunman shot the White House 7 times and the Secret Service didn’t know about it

Secret’s out! US Secret Service needs refresher course in protecting WH

‘Have fun storming the White House’! Secret Service mocked mercilessly over fence jumper

Is this why the Secret Service screwed up handling that WH fence jumper?

What? No way! Guess what Secret Service blames for WH fence jumper foul-up

‘You got to go, lady’: Time for bumbling Secret Service director to hit the road?

‘Ever heard of these guys?’ Rep. John Mica has some advice for Secret Service [photo]

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/09/30/wh-fence-jumper-saga-gets-even-worse-can-we-count-on-these-guys-to-help-photos/

Moms require Action rallies against Dana Loesch’s look on ‘The View’


Moms need Action isn’t instead demanding that Dana Loesch be restricted from arriving on ABC’s “The see,” however the firearm control staff is without question making its displeasure about Loesch’s Monday appearance grasped. Shannon Watts could be the creator of Moms need task for Gun sensation in america and possesses these days recently been tweeting and retweeting bodyweight to “hate monger” and “pro-gun extremist” Loesch.

http://twitter.com/#!/JaneEdithWilson/status/429725113852764160 http://twitter.com/#!/sarah__clem/status/429737195092471809 http://twitter.com/#!/shannonrwatts/status/429752254594179072 http://twitter.com/#!/shannonrwatts/status/429757738575339520 http://twitter.com/#!/JaneEdithWilson/status/429762127788646400 http://twitter.com/#!/sarahagv/status/429737107918028800 http://twitter.com/#!/chass63/status/429779716950605824 http://twitter.com/#!/shannonrwatts/status/429787970200424448

Loesch is certainlyn’t advertising decreased using this struggle.

http://twitter.com/#!/DLoesch/status/429775495572373504 http://twitter.com/#!/DLoesch/status/429778061517533184 http://twitter.com/#!/DLoesch/status/429778258008084480

Loesch isn’t standing alone.

http://twitter.com/#!/KurtSchlichter/status/429789331360710656 http://twitter.com/#!/Amanda_Furrer/status/429789621124624384 http://twitter.com/#!/LaurenC_Lux/status/429789568037318658 http://twitter.com/#!/Discoveringme40/status/429791261865021440 http://twitter.com/#!/Artist_Angie/status/429801291200483328

We #gunsense #MomsDemandAction to get rid of my power to protect my young ones? NEVER. #IStandWithDana TY, @DLoesch http://t.co/vnqi7O2uYk— Holly Fisher (@HollyRFisher) February 02, 2014

http://twitter.com/#!/JanRoss12/status/429802428117315584 http://twitter.com/#!/ChadKentSpeaks/status/429803573258756096 http://twitter.com/#!/Of_Angelis/status/429805845892050945



Read even more: http://twitchy.com/2014/02/01/istandwithdana-moms-demand-action-rallies-against-dana-loeschs-appearance-on-the-view/

Dana Loesch interviews ‘Jesse Ventura’ for The Blaze TV [photo]


He’s been all over the media this week due to his legal victory over the widow of murdered “American Sniper” Chris Kyle, so it was quite the coup for Dana Loesch to score an interview with Jesse Ventura on her TheBlaze TV show “Dana” on Friday. Loesch posted a photo of her guest on Instagram.


http://twitter.com/#!/bbhunter78/status/495325351623806976 http://twitter.com/#!/gatewaypundit/status/495329482816122881 http://twitter.com/#!/ChrisLoesch/status/495326014097334272

+ After watching #DANA @theblaze It is time for a DUEL~ How bout #VENTURA in da RING Against #DANA in her BLING~ & Dana decks'm ~ how CRUEL— God'sGift (@POETreeOTIC) August 01, 2014

Update: Here’s another must-see behind-the-scenes photo:


Editor’s note: A typo in the headline of this post has been corrected.


Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/08/01/dana-loesch-interviews-jesse-ventura-for-theblaze-tv-photo/