Ahmed ‘clock kid’ Mohamed’s family ‘demands’ $15 million from Irving, Texas

The family of Ahmed “clock kid” Mohamed, the 14-year-old boy who was arrested and suspended from school for bringing what teachers thought resembled a bomb to school, wants lots of money from the city and school district:

From Fox4:

The family wants $10 million from the City of Irving and $5 million from Irving ISD for damages it claims Ahmed and the family suffered after the teen was arrested. The family also wants an apology from the two entities.

After the clock controversy, Mohamed and his family were “overjoyed” to meet with wanted war criminal Bashir in Sudan. Mohamed later got to meet President Obama at a White House science event, is currently in Qatar on an educational scholarship and would now like to be a multi-millionaire when he returns to the U.S.:

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2015/11/23/theres-a-shocker-family-of-ahmed-clock-kid-mohamed-demands-15-million-from-irving-texas/