Burn it all! #AmherstUprising snowflakes just taught us a new ‘dumb SJWism’

As Twitchy told you,a group of Amherst College students calling themselves “Amherst Uprising” have submitted a long list of demands to the college’s president, administrators, and board of trustees. Among their 11 demands is that any student found displaying a “Free Speech” poster be subjected todisciplinary action, including mandatory “extensive training for racial and cultural competency.” They’ve given until 11:59 p.m. on November 18 to comply. Otherwise, there could be trouble. You hear that? Trouble!

Here’s another demand:

It’s full of the usual SJW P.C. jargon… except maybe for one term we’ve heretofore been unfamiliar with:

“Latinx”? Seriously? What fresh hell is this?

Oh, lawdy …

The “x” makes Latino, a masculine identifier, gender-neutral. It also moves beyondLatin@ which has been used in the past to include both masculine and feminine identities to encompass genders outside of that limiting man-woman binary.

Latinx, pronounced “La-teen-ex,” includes the numerous people of Latin American descent whose gender identities fluctuate along different points of the spectrum, fromagenderornonbinarytogender non-conforming,genderqueerandgenderfluid.

So, this is where we’re at now.Fan. Frigging. Tastic.

The more we know, the more we pray for Sweet Meteor of Death to come and end it all.

We have to laugh so we don’t cry.

Get to it!

#AmherstUprising organizers at Amherst College demand end to free speech

Deadline approaching for Amherst College president to denounce racist mascot

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2015/11/13/burn-it-all-amherstuprising-snowflakes-just-taught-us-a-new-dumb-sjwism/