5 Things We Learned About How Tech Affects Us On The Final Episode Of NPR’s “Invisibilia”

Is the internet making us bigger jerks? Find out what you missed from the grand finale of Invisibilia’s riveting first season.

For their six-part podcast, Invisibilia hosts Alix Spiegel and Lulu Miller examine the invisible stuff that shapes us.

Is the looming presence of computers in our lives good, or just plain creepy? If you’ve ever been unsure about our robotic sidekicks and how they affect our behavior, you’re in smart company.

Here are some of the striking stories from the last episode of the first season, “Our Computers, Ourselves.”

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed

1. Meet Thad Starner, cyborg.

Stanford / Via youtube.com

While he’s not physically fused with a computer, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) graduate and Georgia Tech professor has worn one for roughly 20 years. And his electronic sidekick is Lizzy, adopted from the first production car’s nickname, the Tin Lizzy.

If his eyewear looks reminiscent of Google Glass, you’re totally right: He was one of its technical leads. Thad firmly believes his extra appendage has deepened his human relationships: It reinforces his memories and holds onto thoughts that would have otherwise slipped away had they not been recorded.

Plus, you feel like a superhuman.

Like the Terminator, Thad’s eyewear is constantly populated with things he can say.

Orion Pictures / Via youtube.com

OK, it’s a little less crass. But after Lizzy went through some makeovers, Thad and another MIT student designed a program for her called the Remembrance Agent.

So as you have a conversation with someone, you take notes. Then Lizzy zips through those archives and brings up relevant stuff at the bottom of your eye screen, like a self-googling catalog of your memories.

  1. What do you think: Would you want to be a cyborg?
    1. Yes! We need to embrace the future
    2. Maybe, if it helped me remember people’s names and stuff
    3. No, I like humans the way we are
    4. I’m not sure, it looks a little dorky

5 Things We Learned About How Tech Affects Us On The Final Episode Of NPR’s “Invisibilia”


2. But not everyone is convinced that being intimately linked with computers is a good idea.

NBC / Via reddit.com

Some in the tech industry liken electronics to eyeglasses: They’re a simple tool.

But others are wringing their hands about our smartypants metal slabs, which isn’t that unusual in the course of history. Believe it or not, Plato had some beef against writing because it would mean less face-to-face interaction.

So what could go wrong with computers?

3. Well, they can make us meaner.

watch out astoria. you have no idea whats about to hit you!

— N_train_gossip (@N Train Gossip)

Pro: You’ll get all the room you want for your bags. Con: A $500 fine AND…. you’re an asshole. http://twitpic.com/yuk1s

— N_train_gossip (@N Train Gossip)

Something tells me he isn’t nearly as active as his socks suggest if he rides the train like this for 20 minutes. http://twitpic.com/2fnxmq

— N_train_gossip (@N Train Gossip)

Consider the story of this Twitter account, N Train Gossip. When a man named Peter first started it, it was because of the lack of morality police on New York City’s N train, which runs from Astoria, Queens, through Manhattan.

People splay out on seats and don’t get up for pregnant women, to name a few courtesy offenses. It made Peter mad. So he set up the account and whenever his blood would start to boil, he’d tweet and feel the steam dissipate. Chemically, validation is actually pretty therapeutic.

Then his tweets got a bit darker. But why? Wasn’t his whole thing being nice?

4. Social scientists are steadily categorizing how online interactions are different from those offline.

Kasia Galazka / BuzzFeed

There’s a lack of social cues like inflection. There’s deindividuation, which is losing self-awareness in a group setting, says Arthur Santana, a professor at the University of Houston who is studying online behavior. Things on-screen can also feel more like a game than real life.

And anonymity, he’s found, can make you nearly twice as likely to be uncivil. (Other research has found that anonymous commenting is not all bad: It can foster ideas in a group setting and isn’t likely to influence opinions on an ethical issue, to name a few pros.) Scientists call that discrepancy between online and offline behavior the online disinhibition effect.

5. Because whether we realize it or not, our pixelated behavior shapes our offline selves.

Orion Pictures

We’re more likely to share things that make us angry, researchers found after analyzing 70 million tweets. But venting online can make us more likely to be aggressive later, says Ryan Martin, who specializes in how computers mess with our emotions.

When Peter started seeking things that made him angry, he took step back to cool his brain jets. The N Train Gossip account is still alive, but it’s barely updated. Peter’s Instagram is currently a collage of inanimate objects.

And now, he feels less angry.

If you missed the episode, listen to it over at NPR or subscribe here.

Catch up with our recaps below or our interview with the hosts.

Episode 5, “The Power of Categories”
Episode 4, “Entanglement”
Episode 3, “How to Become Batman”
Episode 2, “Fearless”
Episode 1, “The Secret History of Thoughts”

Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/kasiagalazka/invisibilia-episode-six-our-computers-ourselves

How To Become Batman, According To NPR’s “Invisibilia”

When one man lost his eyesight, he turned to another skill: echolocation. Find out what we learned last week from iTunes’ top podcast.

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed

2. For their six-part podcast, Invisibilia hosts Alix Spiegel and Lulu Miller examine the invisible stuff that shapes us.

3. In the third episode, we met a man who learned to see without his eyes: in short, a different kind of Batman.

Warner Bros. / Via moviefancentral.com

So put away your bat mask — this is a whole other superpower.

4. Step 1: Learn about the forces around you.

Could your thoughts influence a rat going through a maze? It’s not telepathy: It’s expectancy effects, and how we perceive others’ abilities can actually tweak how they behave, whether they be rat or human.

Scientist Bob Rosenthal first documented this unconscious effect way back in the 1960s when he hung up some signs on rat cages indicating which were the Pinkies and which were the Brains. When NPR recreated the rat experiment for Invisibilia, the “smart” rats did almost twice as well than the so-called “dumb” rats.

5. Step 2: Surround yourself with those who believe in you.


How is this thought sorcery even possible? It’s quite simple: Your expectations fiddle your behavior knobs in tiny ways. So if you think a rat is shrewd, you might handle him a little more gently. If you set low expectations for someone, you might make less eye contact or stand a little further away, says Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck.

A perfect example is Daniel Kish, profiled in the episode, who lost his sight as a toddler. Having been raised with the freedom to climb, kick dirt, and play like a kid, he had the elbow room to hone his clicking, a form of echolocation, to get around — even if it meant elbow pads.

6. Step 3: Know your villain.

Warner Bros. / Via tumblr.com

OK, so the enemy here doesn’t leave a Joker-shaped hole in the wall. For the blind, that’s because it’s not a clear-cut thing or nemesis with slapdash lipstick: It’s thinking.

More than half of people with a visual disability are unemployed, even though they have high academic scores for those with impairments of any kind. The discrepancy, Spiegel and Miller found, is a systematic stifling of blind kids’ independence.

Kids aren’t required to go to schools for the blind as of 1975’s Education for All Handicapped Children Act, but in a litigious society, they’re regularly peeled off of equipment and frequently assisted. The word “can’t” is their foe — and it’s often because their guardians don’t want them to get hurt.

But that, in turn, prevents intuitive clicking or other echolocating skills from ever developing.

7. Step 4: Choose your weapon — and bat signal.

poptech / Via youtube.com

When Kish found a book titled The Making Of Blind Men by Robert Scott, which proposed blindness was a social construction, everything changed. “Running into a pole is a drag, but never being allowed to run into a pole is a disaster,” he told Spiegel and Miller.

And so he had a new mission: Save the blind from cultural low expectations and teach them how to echolocate. Kish started a nonprofit called World Access for the Blind, and that’s when his bike trick became pivotal.

Kish’s ability to ride a bike became his bat signal — any TV appearance might mean a blind child could hear about it and contact him. And it worked: Slowly he gathered students.

8. Step 5: Victory.

Warner Bros.

When German neuroscientist Lore Thaler saw how easily Kish moves through space, she wanted to see how his brain worked in an fMRI. Though for decades scientists figured the visual cortex is dormant when you go blind, when Kish heard playback of his clicking, his lit up like a disco ball, says Miller. (You can see some of their echolocation in action here.)

Dozens of labs are curiously examining these echolocating internal visuals, and one researcher even postulates that it might be a lot like having peripheral vision.

And that simmers down to one victory: You might not need eyes to see.

9. If you missed the episode, listen to it over at NPR or subscribe here.

Catch up with our recaps of Episode 2, Episode 1, or our interview with the hosts.

Read more: http://www.buzzfeed.com/kasiagalazka/invisibilia-episode-three-how-to-become-batman