Read more: https://imgflip.com/i/akuiv
Read more: https://imgflip.com/i/akuiv
As someone who tries (and usually fails) to keep up with the latest hair and makeup trends, I know how tirelessly cosmetics companies work to consistently up the ante. While crazy-colored hair was once reserved for Lady Gaga and mall goths, beauty gurus the world over adopted the trend last year, channelling their inner mermaids into shades of teal, purple, and cobalt blue.
But one mall-goth staple just released a line of dyes that does something incredible when the lights go out. Far beyond fuchsia strands and crimson locks, these high-voltage pigments by Manic Panic take wacky colors to an entirely new level.
(via My Modern Met)
I can’t imagine having anything but solid black hair, so I give these people major props for taking their experimentation to such a vibrant extreme. It’s safe to say that this trend is best left to the bravest beauty mavens among us.
Read more: http://www.viralnova.com/neon-glowing-hair/
That alone is enough to make our sides ache with giggles. As Twitchy reported, Al Gore offered his floundering and failing existing television to Al-Jazeera, after switching Glenn Beck down.
Gore converts down Glenn Beck to get and air in 60 million homes but agrees to sell to Al Jezzera and line their pockets with oil cash!
— Ernie G (@ssbn616g) January 3, 2013
Tasty: Al Gore’s active TV to-be bought by Al Jazeera, the state-owned media business of oil rich Qatar. Make your own jokes, men and women.
— DF Warner (@DFlynnWarner) January 2, 2013
And joke, they did! After pausing to get their particular breaths.
LOLOLOLOL RT @freebeacon: Gore Pockets $100M on television purchase to Oil-Backed Al Jazeera bit.ly/UdBED4
— RB (@RBPundit) January 3, 2013
Oh, the sweet, nice irony.
Al Gore: so-called green activist striking the jackpot from rick Qatari oil tycoons. The paradox hurts my head
— John Brooks (@Jbroks86) January 2, 2013
Irony.Climate modification expert Al Gore sells their existing TV to Al Jazeera, supported by oil kingdom.
— Dusty Rhodes (@AuditorRhodes) January 3, 2013
Therefore, the master of international climate warming modification has actually sold out to evil oil producers? Hence forth, Al Gore will be similar to hypocrite.
— steve mieczkowski (@steveatmguy) January 3, 2013
The purchase of Current.TV to Al Jazeera just demonstrates how filled with shit Al Gore is. Mr. international Warming only got their payday from oil money.
— Robert McLaws (@robertmclaws) January 3, 2013
Heh MT @billhobbs: Muslim media co financed by oil $ buys Al Gore’s were unsuccessful television net, where he pushed alt energy. Gore is now an oil profiteer
— Tammy Bruce (@HeyTammyBruce) January 3, 2013
When carbon products don’t sell…RT @freebeacon: Gore Pockets $100M on TV Sale to Oil-Backed Al Jazeera bit.ly/UdBED4
— Kemberlee Kaye (@red_red_head) January 3, 2013
#AnInconvenientTruth RT @rbpundit: You-know-who really loves filthy oil profits? AL GORE. HAHAHAHA #tcot #p2
— KUMBAYAAAAAAA (@stephenkruiser) January 3, 2013
Seriously, that has Gore emerging as slickest serpent oil salesman from THAT administration? Competition works!
— KUMBAYAAAAAAA (@stephenkruiser) January 3, 2013
I will probably prepare dinner. I don’t have any of this Al Gore oil cash to eat away with.
— KUMBAYAAAAAAA (@stephenkruiser) January 3, 2013
Bada-Zing! But, wait! There is certainly much more hypocrisy and subsequent tasty mockery.
@stephenkruiser I nonetheless need to know if the bargain in fact sealed on 12/31 to save lots of Al Gore some taxes on those filthy oil earnings.
— Tom Reynolds (@Beregond) January 3, 2013
Hahaha. Al Gore accepted $100M of huge oil money and pressed the offer right through to prevent “Obama’s” income tax hikes? Love it.
— Espyonaj (@Espyonaj) January 3, 2013
RT @thegoldfarb: Al Gore pockets $100 million from oil organization Qatar Inc. & rushed the deal through before Dec. 31 to obtain the Bush tax-rate
— Yossi Gestetner (@YossiGestetner) January 3, 2013
Al Gore, you had been an important recommend for greater fees to greatly help the country. We request you to stall your deal so you can pay your fair share! #TCOT
— Republican Believer (@cubfanbeerguy) January 3, 2013
I was thinking Al Gore is some of those liberals that would GLADLY spend more in fees for their reasonable share.. freebeacon.com/gore-pockets-1…
— Ted (@Tedgforce) January 3, 2013
Al-Jazeera Buys Active television: humanevents.com/2013/01/03/al-… Al Gore events to avoid Obama taxes on their oil cash.
— John Hayward (@Doc_0) January 3, 2013
It’s been said by loads of people but We believe it is hilarious that Gore desired their TV bargain done in 2012. Think about your reasonable share Al?!
— dsmtrader (@dsmtrader2) January 3, 2013
“Fair share” for thee, not for me! Nor for his second chakra. Eww.
Big Oil stones. Right, Al Gore and Matt Damon? #glasshouserules
— Ken Gardner (@kesgardner) January 3, 2013
Information: Current television had been simply acquired by Al Jazeera. Poetry: Gore’s community purchased w oil money.
— Ivan Kenneally (@daily_witness) January 3, 2013
so Al Gore starts present television, cries about international heating, dislikes oil. blah blah blah. sells it to Al Jazeera. Cash > concepts
— Tony I’M A TEXAN (@TonyG916) January 3, 2013
Al Gore’s present TV is purchased with oil earnings. Oh my goodness! Kindly let me know more info on the Bush’s commitment aided by the Saudis!
— Demetrius Minor (@dminor85) January 3, 2013
Funny how prominent environment activists appear happy to take funds from oil rich Arab countries. Examining you Al Gore. #fb
— Mary McCraw Amyx (@MaryAmyx) January 3, 2013
Wonder if anyone on Church of Climate Change has doubts towards Goracle cashing out with oil money?
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) January 3, 2013
Heh. Needless to say not. But hurt, widdle feelings, frantic spinning, and lashing out will start.
Truly butthurt that Al Gore sold out to oil money -> @prometheus4us
— RB (@RBPundit) January 3, 2013
What’s promising? “Fair share” profits should be coming our means, right?
If my mathematics is correct, my fair share of Als Gore & Jazeera deal is $97. Coming for your fracking motion picture bread next, Damon! #CashOnlyNoChecks
— Jules of Denial (@Coolish_Breeze) January 3, 2013
Thanks, Al!
Find out more: http://twitchy.com/2013/01/03/al-gore-cashes-in-on-sweet-sweet-big-oil-money-avoids-paying-fair-share-twitter-cashes-in-on-laughs/
Comedian Christian Finnegan’s tweet is proof-positive that an alternate universe exists where the Left has totally put the 2000 election of George W. Bush behind them. The problem is, we only see that particular alternate universe during attempts to silence Obamacare critics.
http://twitter.com/#!/PithyName/status/388141272130936832Of all the ways to describe much of the Left, “over Bush” never comes to mind.
Finnegan then got into a give-and-take about the “give up your fight because it’s already a law” demand from Obamacare proponents:
http://twitter.com/#!/ChristFinnegan/status/388146228489629696 http://twitter.com/#!/ChristFinnegan/status/388155529513533440 http://twitter.com/#!/CarlBrandt/status/388156364180033536Also, how many on the Left said “it’s already the law, so get over it and move on” when it came to DOMA?
Chuck Hagel stepped up to the mic this afternoon:
http://twitter.com/#!/PaulSzoldra/status/502541059218362368And promptly reminded us why so he should not be secretary of defense:
http://twitter.com/#!/NoahCRothman/status/502543682881732609 http://twitter.com/#!/PaulSzoldra/status/502543509820170240And yet, Hagel tried to put a pretty bow on a pretty big failure:
http://twitter.com/#!/PaulSzoldra/status/502543673213460480Maybe just a little bitty one, hmm?
http://twitter.com/#!/morningmoneyben/status/502543961723252737 http://twitter.com/#!/GayleBfromSoCal/status/502544288140775424What gives, Mr. Secretary?
http://twitter.com/#!/alwaysonoffense/status/502544975893389313Ohhh. That’s what it is.
Parting food for thought:
http://twitter.com/#!/derekahunter/status/502545937068457984We’d hate to find out.
Twitchy coverage of Chuck Hagel
Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/08/21/seems-like-a-flaw-does-chuck-hagel-not-know-what-failure-means/
Canadian jihadist and convicted terrorist Omar Khadr is back on Canadian soil after being released from Gitmo.
Public safety minister confirms that Omar Khadr, youngest Guantanamo prisoner, has been repatriated to Canada – @CP24
— Breaking News (@BreakingNews) September 29, 2012
Vic Toews said Saturday that 26-year-old Omar Khadr arrived at a military base on a U.S. government plane early Saturday and has been transferred to Millhaven maximum security prison in Bath, Ontario.
Khadr pleaded guilty in 2010 to killing a U.S. soldier in Afghanistan and was eligible to return to Canada from Guantanamo Bay last October under terms of a plea deal.
Khadr was 15 when he was captured in 2002 in Afghanistan, and has spent a decade at Guantanamo, the U.S. naval base in Cuba.
"child soldier" Omar #Khadr transferred from GITMO to Canada – http://t.co/jfBLXBuN
— Daniel Graeber (@dan_graeber) September 29, 2012
A reminder from the Department of Defense:
Omar Khadr pleaded guilty, pursuant to a pre-trial agreement in a military commission, to murder in violation of the law of war, attempted murder in violation of the law of war, conspiracy, providing material support for terrorism, and spying.
Omar Khadr: Cdn gov't was urged to repatriate child soldier by Amnesty International, UNICEF and Canadian Bar Association.
— Everett Coldwell (@EverettColdwell) September 29, 2012
Terrorism apologists herald Khadr as a victim and an abused “child soldier.” The Weekly Standard destroys that argument:
Omar Khadr was not a “child soldier,” as he has been widely labeled. He worked for al Qaeda – a global terrorist organization. His was a teenager when his life was saved by American medics after an extended firefight. Teenagers are tried as adults in North America regularly. And Khadr clearly did not think of himself as a child when fighting American forces. According to the stipulation of fact agreed upon by both parties during Khadr’s military trial, Khadr refused to flee the firefight even after American soldiers asked for all women and children to evacuate the premises.
But try telling that to the morally bankrupt people who lionize Khadr.
If Omar #Khadr, child prisoner abused at #Gitmo, did what America accuses him of, he's not a criminal but an Afghan hero.
— w8eq (@w8eq) September 29, 2012
We have now, officially, made self defence terrorism. #OmarKhadr
— w8eq (@w8eq) September 29, 2012
This “hero” killed an actual hero, Sergeant First Class Christopher Speer, in an al Qaeda firefight with American forces.
RIP Christopher Speer, American Hero. I'm saddened that your killer is back among us. #Khadr shame
— Jeff Wareham (@BeyondFunds) September 29, 2012
Today please remember Sergeant First Class Christopher James Speer, who was murdered by the terrorist Omar Khadr. @CP24 @ezralevant
— Vince Tripp (@VinceTripp) September 29, 2012
And today Khadr’s release from Gitmo is being celebrated.
Welcome home to child soldier Omar #Khadr. I'd like to say it'll get better from here, but I'm pretty sure we'll continue to screw this up.
— Scott Gilmore (@Scott_Gilmore) September 29, 2012
Omar Khadr's return to Canada long overdue – Romeo Dallaire has done an amazing job on the issue of child soldiers, and deserves thanks
— Bob Rae (@BobRae48) September 29, 2012
After 9 long years of torture, abuse, mistreatment & vendetta Omar #Khadr is finally heading back home from #Guantanamo.
— Maher Arar (@ArarMaher) September 29, 2012
Child soldier Omar Khadr is finally repatriated to Canada from Guantanamo Bay, although he'll stay locked up. http://t.co/ZO2EqB8R
— Jacob Remes (@jacremes) September 29, 2012
Word out of Australia is that Khadr is en-route to Canada. if so, Welcome back, illegally detained child soldier, Omar Khadr. #cdnpoli
— LostAndFoundInCanada (@CdnImm) September 29, 2012
Finally #Khadr, child soldier who never shud have been charged in first place, going home. Canada must help reintegrate http://t.co/n5Mzv3TQ
— Laura Pitter (@Laurapitter) September 29, 2012
#Omar Khadr. Child soldier, Gitmo torture victim, Canada's foreign policy shame, comes home. About time!!!
— hyl (@H_Y_L) September 29, 2012
So Omar#Khadr is back in Canada. Let him be. He was a child soldier, tortured and denied basic human rights b/c of politics+islamophobia
— Rina S (@Rina_Syt) September 29, 2012
About time the Canadian government accepted responsibility for its brutality against a Canadian child in Afghanistan… http://t.co/z5QgSRHB
— Kevin Partridge (@kevinpartridge) September 29, 2012
Even when Harper, US "knew" of Omar Khadr's 'innocence' they kept him anyway; they tortured him anyway = "2 Country's, broke a child." dd
— ddsnorth ™ (@ddsnorth) September 29, 2012
The Globe and Mail referred to Khadr as “Canadian al-Qaeda terrorist and murderer Omar Khadr.” Evidently that accurate description is appalling to terrorism apologists.
@zchamu @globeandmail Exactly, it should have said "Illegally prosecuted and detained former child combatant" Omar Khadr.
— Paul Vermeersch (@PaulVermeersch) September 29, 2012
Welcome Home #OmarKhadr – I am sorry our Government did nothing to help you as a child soldier trapped in the hell that is #gitmo #cdnpoli
— Jessa McLean (@pinkolefty) September 29, 2012
Omar Khadr a child of 15 when he was sent to Guantanamo,he leaves as what is surely a angry bitter 24yr old man with the right to hate
— Norma Mather (@OldestKid) September 29, 2012
Glad that Omar Khadr is back in Canada, though it'll hardly make up for years and torture in Guantanamo after being a child soldier.
— Maddy (@fullofwhoa) September 29, 2012
@ezralevant Intolerant people like you make Canada less safe by spreading your Islamophobia and hate-mongering … Welcome Home Omar #Khadr!
— TS∑DAY (@Tseday) September 29, 2012
A prediction from Canadian commentator Ezra Levant:
Prediction: this Conservative govt will give Khadr more money than the 150 widows of our Cdn Forces killed in Afghanistan combined #cdnpoli
— Ezra Levant (@ezralevant) September 29, 2012
Put aside law & morality. From a political point of view Toews & Harper have slapped their base & encouraged their opponents with no payoff
— Ezra Levant (@ezralevant) September 29, 2012
Don't kid yourself. This was a Harper sop to Obama RT @clintupham: I don't blame Harper. Toews was the one who had some discretion #Khadr
— Ezra Levant (@ezralevant) September 29, 2012
Read more: https://imgflip.com/i/2ab6
It’s Earth Day, and yesterday Al Gore poked his head out of a mansion somewhere to declare another year of climate change alarmism before ducking back inside. Gore didn’t tweet today (he must have been busy fighting global warming), but that doesn’t mean Iowahawk wasn’t thinking of him.
Your home is a $9 million mansion in Montecito. RT @algore Earth Day is a reminder of our eternal duty to protect our planet, our home.
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) April 23, 2013
Also a reminder of your $30,000 home electric bill. RT @algore Earth Day is a reminder of our eternal duty to protect our planet, our home.
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) April 23, 2013
A $30,000 electric bill? You’re joking.
You think I’m joking? @algore‘s house electric bill was $30,000 in 2007. abclocal.go.com/ktrk/story?sec… That’s just for his Tennessee house.
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) April 23, 2013
@algore owns a luxury apt at the St Regis in SF, a $9m mansion in Montecito, a 10k sqft house in TN … abclocal.go.com/ktrk/story?sec… #CitizenEarth
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) April 23, 2013
Saving the Earth, Al Gore-style huffingtonpost.com/2010/05/17/pho…
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) April 22, 2013
Al Gore’s carbon footprint is a 24 EEE.
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) April 22, 2013
What are you suggesting, exactly?
@algore Congrats. You are the most obscene hypocrite in the history of politics.
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) April 23, 2013
@algore your home has 20 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms, which can only be powered by 18,400 kWh. (12 times the average in US) #YourNotOneToSpeak
— Austin Pfeiffer (@Ahh_Pfeif) April 23, 2013
@algore Did you enjoy earth day in your 20room, eight-bathroom mansion that burns threw to 18,400 kWh per month. How about you walk the walk
— Phil Allebach (@PhilAllebach) April 23, 2013
why is ur home so damn big & energy consuming then? RT @algore Earth Day is a reminder of our eternal duty to protect our planet, our home.
— El SOOPer!! (@SooperMexican) April 23, 2013
Isn’t #GreenBlanace what al-Gore does with his stacks of cash he received from oil sheiks when he sold CurrentTV to Al Jazeera? #Hypocrite
— Imaumbn™ (@Imaumbn) April 22, 2013
Your wallet. RT @algore Earth Day is a reminder of our eternal duty to protect our planet, our home.
— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) April 23, 2013
Reminder to do maintenance on your fleet of jets RT@algore: Earth Day is a reminder of our eternal duty to protect our planet, our home.
— Scott Spivey (@scottspivey) April 23, 2013
@iowahawkblog @algore Dayvid, thu tureees at my manshuun provide caarbun offsets. But yuuuu wouldn’t understaaaand that.
— Annette(@tarkdugan) April 23, 2013
And a happy #earthday to you @algore or as you refer to it “the day I put a cash value on the amount of stupid in this country”#tcot
— NO WAY DUDE! (@mjenner78) April 23, 2013
Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/04/22/iowahawk-roasts-al-gore-for-earth-day/
Notorious hacker team Anonymous has actually previously claimed its objectives to shutdown the Internet on Saturday, March 31st, as a type of protest. “To protest SOPA, Wallstreet, our irresponsible leaders together with beloved bankers who’re starving society because of their own selfish needs regarding absolute sadistic fun, on March 31, anonymous will close the world wide web down,” the team reported last month. “Remember, that is a protest, we have been maybe not trying to ‘kill’ the Internet we have been only temporarily closing it down in which it hurts many.”
CATASTROPHE! on the other hand, perhaps not.
If "anonymous" does suceed in closing along the internet, the actual only real issue will undoubtedly be teenage young men having to purchase hardcopy. Lol
— Nick D. Training. (@nickdutchtarot) March 28, 2012
Anonymous claims they'll "take down the internet" on Saturday, that may find yourself my very first effective day since 1997. http://t.co/hQ47Kez3
— 14th Street Fiction (@14StreetFiction) March 28, 2012
Guys seriously i’ve two midterms on Monday RT @digg Anonymous’ hackers want to turn off the web this Saturday http://t.co/qyN7Gp6s
— David Renteln (@Dteln) March 28, 2012
Find out more: http://twitchy.com/2012/03/28/lights-out-anonymous-hackers-to-take-down-the-internet-this-saturday/