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Read more: https://imgflip.com/gif/86qhf
What has Austin, Texas, police chief Art Acevedo so riled up? Was it the claim that Acevedo supports universal background checks for guns? That claim is true:
http://twitter.com/#!/ArtAcevedo/status/336191216595124224What about the claim that Acevedo opposes enforcement of federal immigration laws?
Acevedo is on record supporting legislation that would prevent police from inquiring about the immigration status of crime victims and witnesses.
And he supports a bill that would allow illegal aliens “to get special permits to drive and obtain auto insurance if they pass criminal background checks and pay a $150 fee.”
Perhaps there is something in @JohnGaltTx’s tweet that inaccurate. If so, Acevedo could have responded by pointing out the error. Instead, he engaged in ad hominem attacks.
http://twitter.com/#!/WO4TG/status/336251207012188160When another Twitter user called out Acevedo for mocking his critics, the police chief doubled down:
http://twitter.com/#!/ArtAcevedo/status/336238523223011328No one is arguing that Acevedo doesn’t enjoy the same First Amendment rights as other citizens. That is a straw man.
The point is that it is unseemly for a high-ranking public official to address critics in such a childish, vitriolic manner. Acevedo is the police chief for a major city, after all, not (as far as we know) an anonymous commenter at Democratic Underground or Daily Kos.
Hat tip: @WO4TG
Update, 8:47 pm ET:
Shortly after this post was published, Acevdeo deleted the following tweets:
http://twitter.com/#!/ArtAcevedo/status/336238523223011328Too bad for him: Twitchy is forever.
We contacted Fox’s to inquire about if this is an actual work, but no one’s gone back to united states yet. We’ll make sure to upgrade once we have more.
Discover more: http://buzzfeed.com/patricksmith/a-british-biscuit-company-is-looking-for-a-chief-biscuit-tas
So, just how ’bout those tolerant, calm Chick-fil-A protesters?
Anti-Chick-Fil-A audience couldn't win within check out or court of public-opinion, therefore now they ruin home http://t.co/YNyJctIj #tcot
— SunnyRight (@sunnyright) August 3, 2012
Simply hours ahead of the Left’s planned Chick-fil-A “kiss-in,” vandals defaced a Los Angeles county Chick-fil-A, painting the language “tastes like hate” in large black letters on the exterior associated with the building. Behold the tolerance:
I'm at Torrance #chickfilA where someone graffitied 'Tastes Like Hate' from the restaurant pic.twitter.com/BFHZVtZV
— Sandy Mazza (@SandyMazza) August 3, 2012
Chick-Fil-A in Torrance, CA had been vandalized with "Taste Like Hate" because the tolerant gay left is not! pic.twitter.com/MUOdqAcY
— Shiz (@CremeDeLaShiz) August 3, 2012
The graffiti has already been coated over.
Tastes Like Hate graffiti has-been cleansed from Torrance #ChickFilA pic.twitter.com/KSTKdAoy
— Sandy Mazza (@SandyMazza) August 3, 2012
Appears like Lefty Intolerance => Chick-fil-A 'kiss' day marred by 'preferences like hate' graffiti http://t.co/OENkgvDN via @lanow #TCOT
— Gwendolyn (@scvbuckeye) August 3, 2012
#tolerance #NOH8 MT @KFINEWS A Chick-fil-A in Torrance has-been vandalized. Some body spray-painted "preferences Like Hate" on the exterior wall.
— Rachel Veronica (@rachelveronica) August 3, 2012
Threshold goes both methods "@abc7 Chick-fil-A employees in Torrance came today to find building vandal"s graffiti "preferences Like Hate"
— Shannon Munford M.S. (@angryinla) August 3, 2012
You know what else tastes like hate? Harassing a young woman working at Chick-fil-A and shutting down a Chick-fil-A restaurant with a bomb threat.
Additionally? Leftist threshold bullies celebrating the vandalism:
The @ChickfilA in Torrance got a make over. "preferences like Hate" 🙂
— Jason (@ICameAllOver) August 3, 2012
LMFAO #chickfila in torrance ended up being vandalized!
— it's me ! (@Copyrite1981) August 3, 2012
Remind united states: just how much vandalism ended up being here anyway those hateful, intolerant Tea Party events?
Even more gathering for the vandalism:
Cool. RT @KPCC A Torrance Chick-fil-A is vandalized with squirt paint reading "preferences Like Hate": http://t.co/YMGXIWqB
— Sama'an Ashrawi (@SamaanAshrawi) August 3, 2012
“@kingsleyyy: Somebody vandalized the Chick-fil-A and spray painted "preferences Like Hate" throughout the fuckin wall by the drive thru” Good!
— Kenzie (@MackenzieDepew) August 3, 2012
Ha! RT @LAWeekly: Torrance Chick-fil-A "tastes like hate" according to some body armed with a paint can http://t.co/Df5WJczi
— Scotty Pissen (@Joe_Schmucc) August 3, 2012
Hollywood singer Manny Castro has brought credit for vandalism.
Donna Brazile welcomes any reason to tout the “success” of Obama administration initiatives, and a Newsbusters tale provided that opportunity. Or so she believed:
http://twitter.com/#!/donnabrazile/status/485977132217020416Brazile obviously didn’t read the full story, due to the fact Newsbusters post blasted the AP for prejudice with its report (which is known as a “White House pr release disguised as evaluation during the Associated Press”) and detailed some unsightly economic details the AP easily failed to mention.
http://twitter.com/#!/Bfreeborn/status/485978488894005248Until Brazile’s taken a check out the proper as well as wished to emphasize the AP’s bias and highlight unpleasant economic development that works counter toward Dem narrative. That, however, appears very unlikely.
‘Twist in a pretzel’: Donna Brazile’s love/hate relationship with opinion polls revealed
Twitter has unveiled a new layout for profile pages, and Michelle Obama’s profile is one of the first to show off the new design.
Twitter explains the reasons for the change on its blog, but Silicon Valley stalwart Guy Kawasaki has developed some guidelines for working with the new layout.
http://twitter.com/#!/GuyKawasaki/status/454678267870846976Early reviews are split.
http://twitter.com/#!/Jandalize/status/453871971407642625Dear @twitter, Most of us don't like the new layout/design of Twitter via web. Sincerely, this is /twitter/ & not an IG website or Facebook.— rain (@INSPIREDLOU) April 11, 2014
http://twitter.com/#!/evilpez4/status/453584911761690624 http://twitter.com/#!/NilimDutta/status/454825661941575680 http://twitter.com/#!/BalsamSaleh/status/453501826789572608
Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/04/12/twitter-unveils-new-profile-page-layout-reviews-mixed/
Read more: https://imgflip.com/i/bjes5
Rea additional: https://imgflip.com/gif/9c4yy
Preliminary Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte has reached truth those forms of thanking NBC options for acknowledging interior evening’s delivered that interesting Hampshire does demonstrably happen. On Monday evening, a map showing the preserving of fiery train accident in Lac-Mégantic, Quebec, misidentified unique Hampshire as Vermont.
Today, anchor Brian Williams recognized the blunder and, as a television range effective may, noted all state’s more high-profile attempts toward nation. It’s house with mention of the report tub shower-bath tub shower-bath tub shower-bath bath towel and comedian Sarah Silverman. Report towels tend to be cool, appropriate?
http://twitter.com/#!/sbonifaz/status/354735305548496896 http://twitter.com/#!/Ritametermaid17/status/354735797959794689 http://twitter.com/#!/40Towns/status/354783185302859776Rea many: http://twitchy.com/2013/07/09/nbc-news-apologizes-for-leaving-new-hampshire-off-its-map/