Jon Lovitz: Twitter love outweighs attacks from Left

Why is it, if I criticize the President I voted for on certain issues, The left says "STFU"… And I get 5,000 new followers on twitter?

— Jon Lovitz (@realjonlovitz) July 26, 2012


As Twitchy has reported, Jon Lovitz has been attacked by the Left recently for the horrible crime of … speaking his own mind. That does not suit! How dare he not walk in Hollywood Left lockstep? For that, he must pay. And shaddup.

He refused to be silenced and has continued to speak his mind anyway, to the delight of all who love freedom. Twitter has responded; with 5,000 more followers for the actor.

Well done, Lovitz and Twitter!

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How To Become Batman, According To NPR’s “Invisibilia”

When one man lost his eyesight, he turned to another skill: echolocation. Find out what we learned last week from iTunes’ top podcast.

Alice Mongkongllite / BuzzFeed

2. For their six-part podcast, Invisibilia hosts Alix Spiegel and Lulu Miller examine the invisible stuff that shapes us.

3. In the third episode, we met a man who learned to see without his eyes: in short, a different kind of Batman.

Warner Bros. / Via

So put away your bat mask — this is a whole other superpower.

4. Step 1: Learn about the forces around you.

Could your thoughts influence a rat going through a maze? It’s not telepathy: It’s expectancy effects, and how we perceive others’ abilities can actually tweak how they behave, whether they be rat or human.

Scientist Bob Rosenthal first documented this unconscious effect way back in the 1960s when he hung up some signs on rat cages indicating which were the Pinkies and which were the Brains. When NPR recreated the rat experiment for Invisibilia, the “smart” rats did almost twice as well than the so-called “dumb” rats.

5. Step 2: Surround yourself with those who believe in you.


How is this thought sorcery even possible? It’s quite simple: Your expectations fiddle your behavior knobs in tiny ways. So if you think a rat is shrewd, you might handle him a little more gently. If you set low expectations for someone, you might make less eye contact or stand a little further away, says Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck.

A perfect example is Daniel Kish, profiled in the episode, who lost his sight as a toddler. Having been raised with the freedom to climb, kick dirt, and play like a kid, he had the elbow room to hone his clicking, a form of echolocation, to get around — even if it meant elbow pads.

6. Step 3: Know your villain.

Warner Bros. / Via

OK, so the enemy here doesn’t leave a Joker-shaped hole in the wall. For the blind, that’s because it’s not a clear-cut thing or nemesis with slapdash lipstick: It’s thinking.

More than half of people with a visual disability are unemployed, even though they have high academic scores for those with impairments of any kind. The discrepancy, Spiegel and Miller found, is a systematic stifling of blind kids’ independence.

Kids aren’t required to go to schools for the blind as of 1975’s Education for All Handicapped Children Act, but in a litigious society, they’re regularly peeled off of equipment and frequently assisted. The word “can’t” is their foe — and it’s often because their guardians don’t want them to get hurt.

But that, in turn, prevents intuitive clicking or other echolocating skills from ever developing.

7. Step 4: Choose your weapon — and bat signal.

poptech / Via

When Kish found a book titled The Making Of Blind Men by Robert Scott, which proposed blindness was a social construction, everything changed. “Running into a pole is a drag, but never being allowed to run into a pole is a disaster,” he told Spiegel and Miller.

And so he had a new mission: Save the blind from cultural low expectations and teach them how to echolocate. Kish started a nonprofit called World Access for the Blind, and that’s when his bike trick became pivotal.

Kish’s ability to ride a bike became his bat signal — any TV appearance might mean a blind child could hear about it and contact him. And it worked: Slowly he gathered students.

8. Step 5: Victory.

Warner Bros.

When German neuroscientist Lore Thaler saw how easily Kish moves through space, she wanted to see how his brain worked in an fMRI. Though for decades scientists figured the visual cortex is dormant when you go blind, when Kish heard playback of his clicking, his lit up like a disco ball, says Miller. (You can see some of their echolocation in action here.)

Dozens of labs are curiously examining these echolocating internal visuals, and one researcher even postulates that it might be a lot like having peripheral vision.

And that simmers down to one victory: You might not need eyes to see.

9. If you missed the episode, listen to it over at NPR or subscribe here.

Catch up with our recaps of Episode 2, Episode 1, or our interview with the hosts.

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‘We’re all gonna die’: Obamacare supporters fear SCOTUS death sentence!/1FatFool/status/215805959019307010

This morning the Supreme Court hands down its decision on Obamacare, and many liberals claim their very lives are at stake. If Obamacare is found unconstitutional, we may even see an immediate return to those dark days when our nation saw children dying in the streets due to lack of Obamacare.

Y’know, 2009.

If the Supreme Court death panel doesn’t do these people in, there’s a good chance their skyrocketing blood pressure will.

@SCOTUS don't take away my healthcare!! I'll die without it!!

— hollowmann (@az_garden2007) June 27, 2012

Well the team most of us like is gonna lose. Oh and if SCOTUS overturns the ACA next week, tens of thousands will die. So there's also that.

— kept_simple (@kept_simple) June 20, 2012

@theonlyadult @ezraklein The Media is culpable 2 murder. The blood of millions of people R on the Republicans & the Media's hands 4 that.

— PrezObama99 (@professorx10) June 23, 2012

No roundup of hysterical liberal tweets would be complete without @REALBROTHER0003 crying racism.

Do #tcot #teaparty RWNJs have a CLUE How to replace #HCR if it is overturned by #SCOTUS ? YEP IF U GET SICK DIE !

— slackadjuster (@slackadjuster) June 27, 2012

Oh, good, all caps. That’s always a sure sign of a sane, rational argument.

Soon we learn how many of us will or won't die.if #aca is repealed its going to be even harder to be a #woman in the US. #scotus

— Hypnotoad ღ (@GoProtege) June 27, 2012

Wow! Before Obamacare no one got out of life alive. It really is magical!

@DanaPerino apparently doesn't care that sick children could die if SCOTUS overturns ACA! S.I.C.K!

— MarinCountyGal (@MarinCountyGal) June 27, 2012

Striking down ACA could for all practical purposes bring the death panels the Repubs love to pontificate about.

— Thales99 (@Thales99) June 26, 2012

A study published today says three people die per hour from not having health insurance. Why doesn't the GOP like the ACA again? #murderers

— Brandon Savage (@brandonsavage) June 20, 2012

Well the team most of us like is gonna lose. Oh and if SCOTUS overturns the ACA next week, tens of thousands will die. So there's also that.

— kept_simple (@kept_simple) June 20, 2012

People trying to overturn healthcare reform want me dirt poor or dead. They can therefore die in a fire… and not from smoke inhalation.

— Lori Adorable (@LoriAdorable) June 22, 2012

Pretty safe bet that #SCOTUS will rule against the Affordable Care Act. So stay healthy or drop dead. Anything in between, you're screwed.

— peggyarcher (@peggyarcher) June 22, 2012

Paraphrasing former Rep. Alan Grayson always makes you seem worth taking seriously.

If #SCOTUS decides against the #ACA, then it's back to #GOP health plan: "Don't get sick; if you do get sick, die quickly.

— Virgil Loveday (@popperian) June 20, 2012

Instead of fixing whatever may be lacking in the HCR reform law,neocons want to go back to the bad old days of GOP "No-Care".Go die quickly!

— allen_osuno (@allen_osuno1) June 25, 2012

We’ll leave you with one more reason to hope Obamacare doesn’t survive.

.@marcambinder If SCOTUS cancels saving life and health in favor of letting people rot and die I will stand on my head outside the building.

— Jill Groce (@AuntJill) June 21, 2012

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Joe Rogan’s kale shake leads to Twitter skirmish with vegans!/joerogan/status/233305313992916994

Sometimes it seems that Twitter was invented so people could post innocuous pictures of their lunches. Comedian Joe Rogan’s snap of a midday kale concoction, though, led to an ugly ideological battle.

Rogan’s reference to vegans as “freaks” didn’t take long to hit a nerve.

@Durangodog: u r total fucking hypocrite. Why don't u and ur wife pop out some more kids? Just what this earth needs” #VEGANCUNT #BLOCKED

— Joe Rogan (@joerogan) August 8, 2012

That last thing I quoted is exactly what I hate about some crazy vegans – a human telling me there's something wrong with reproducing

— Joe Rogan (@joerogan) August 8, 2012

@joerogan Procreation should be the best thing we do.

— jeff smadbeck (@jeffsmadbeck) August 8, 2012

Is celebrities mixing it up with fans and followers in ugly Twitter exchanges a new trend? Blake Shelton’s turtle-squashing joke turned into a multi-day affair.

Yet excited to let the world know she only eats plants – plants that could have been eaten by nice animals. Kill yourself, feed the crows

— Joe Rogan (@joerogan) August 8, 2012

Woa @joerogan keep it calm, you'll need the vegans to throw tomatoes at you during stand up. You'd think an MMA announcer got beat up enough

— Marti (@RnbwSprinkles) August 8, 2012

Could this story have a happy ending? Can’t we all #justbenice?

@Durangodog wow why would you say shit like that to @joerogan be vegan all you like, just be a nice person with it. #justbenice

— Jack Steven Potter (@JackPotterDS) August 8, 2012

Is this the final word from Rogan on the subject?

If you do choose a vegan diet, make sure you supplement with B12 or your brain will shrink

— Joe Rogan (@joerogan) August 8, 2012

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