‘Oh my, Jasper’! What happened to Dana Perino’s dog? [photo]


Oh, lawdy … we hope not.

But there’s definitely something going on with Dana Perino’s beloved Jasper:


He should really be more careful.




Vine video: Dana Perino’s dog Jasper sniffs out corruption at the DOJ

Dana Perino flashback causes ‘cute emergency’; Jasper De-Junker app debuts [pics]

Dana Perino may have a plan to save the USPS; Hint: It involves her dog Jasper [pic]

‘Cute alert!’ Janice Dean’s book to debut; Dana Perino offers sneak peek [pics]

Dana Perino makes it rain cats and dogs for Greg Gutfeld’s birthday [Vine, pics]

‘Too funny!’ Dana Perino’s dog Jasper is very ‘frustrated with the White House’ [Vine]

Full Twitchy coverage of Dana Perino


Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/08/15/oh-my-jasper-what-happened-to-dana-perinos-dog-photo/

Narcissist in chief: Obama skips D-Day anniversary … again; Update: Obama bothers to send tweet from sunny beaches of Calif.


Obamas face their longest day — of fundraising: Instead of scheduling a brief event to mark the 68th anniversary… http://t.co/ZbJOkCaY

— Larry Ward (@lward99) June 6, 2012


More from WhiteHouseDossier.com:

It’s D-Day and President Obama is hitting the beaches – of sunny California!

Instead of scheduling a brief event to mark the 68th anniversary of America’s brutal landing on the shores of Normandy, Obama is already on his way to San Francisco, where he will hold two fundraisers before moving on to Beverly Hills to stage two more.

Obama failed to mark D-Day with either a speech or a written proclamation both last year or the year before. He did give a speech in 2009, the 65th anniversary of the event.

#Rewind 2010 Obama Skips D-Day Memorial http://t.co/QM5AFrno

— Casey Kelley (@policygal) June 6, 2012

Is anyone REALLY shocked that Obama is storming the beaches of California and ignoring D-Day for a THIRD YEAR in a row??http://t.co/dXwTSg3c

— Spencer Hughes (@RadioSpencer) June 6, 2012

Man, he hates this country. RT @Drudge_Report: Obama ignores D-Day anniversary — again… http://t.co/q8HDG7t9

— Timothy Connolly CFA (@SconsetCapital) June 6, 2012

Guess what Obama's doing today instead of commemorating D-Day? http://t.co/WJWmsEy2

— Pundette (@pundette) June 6, 2012

Obama to spend DDay anniversary fund raising. Shame, a real military hating Chicago thug #tcot #godblessvets #DDay

— Jared Gebhardt (@JaredGebhardt) June 6, 2012

Our President is commemorating #DDay by holding campaign fundraisers in California. #Patriot or #Politician ? #Obama

— David Hamilton (@DavidWHamilton) June 6, 2012

Have you seen the per-plate price of his fundraising dinners today?! He’s got fundraising to do! To The One, that is all that matters.



Hey, did you see Obama's awesome tweet commemorating #DDay? Oh, wait…

— Craigé (@CraigR3521) June 6, 2012

Don’t hold your breaths. He’s once again far too busy worrying about himself.

“I promise to stand up for you, like you have stood up for me—time and time again.” http://t.co/XXb4Q4Gv

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) June 6, 2012




Twitter users, unlike the President, are remembering and honoring the courage and sacrifices of those who fought for freedom.


68 years ago today—D-Day—the brave members of the Allied Forces stormed the beaches of Normandy. We have never forgotten their heroism. —bo

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) June 6, 2012

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/06/06/narcissist-in-chief-obama-skips-d-day-anniversary-again/

Horrible: Former Mexican mayor kidnapped, brutally murdered by drug cartel


After surviving two assassination attempts, Dr. Gorrostieta, 36, was tortured and killed by a Mexican drug cartel, her body left in a ditch. She became a target of violent cartels after being elected mayor of rural district Tiquicheo in 2008. Though she resigned as mayor in 2011, the threats continued, culminating in her abduction and horrific murder. Despite the constant threats, she bravely refused to back down from her fight against the cartels. After the second attempt on her life, an attack that forced her to wear a colostomy bag and endure chronic pain, she said this:

“I wanted to show them my wounded, mutilated, humiliated body, because I’m not ashamed of it, because it is the product of the great misfortunes that have scarred my life, that of my children and my family.

Despite my own safety and that of my family, what occupies my mind is my responsibility towards my people, the children, the women, the elderly and the men who break their souls every day without rest to find a piece of bread for their children.

Freedom brings with it responsibilities and I don’t dare fall behind. My long road is not yet finished – the footprint that we leave behind in our country depends on the battle that we lose and the loyalty we put into it.”

Truly amazing. Twitterers are paying tribute to this incredible, brave woman:

Say a prayer for the family of this brave woman:dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2…

— Patricia Heaton (@PatriciaHeaton) November 28, 2012

If you don’t know who Maria Santos Gorrostieta was, look her up. The ‘heroine of the 21st century’. A remarkable woman of great courage.

— Christian Guy (@ChristianGuy_) November 28, 2012

Amazing story of courage and ultimately taken too soon.Maria Santos Gorrostieta the female mexican mayor who stood up to the cartels

— Jeremy(@JeremyMacNevin) November 28, 2012

A great loss to us all. Maria Santos Gorrostieta ‘executed’ after surviving two assassination attempts bit.ly/TfYsMN via @mailonline

— Rockermom (@therockermom) November 28, 2012

Massive respect for this woman.Prayers go out to her friends & family. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2…

— Saif Shah (@isaifshah) November 28, 2012

maria santos #gorrostieta, what an inspirational woman and so sad the drug gangs in mexico assassinated her after trying twice B4. #tragedy

— Jean Worsley (@jeanworsley) November 28, 2012

They got her in endBrave mayor who stood up to brutal drugs gangs is assassinated at third attempt mirr.im/TtkgrK via @dailymirror RIP

— a2burns (@a2burns) November 28, 2012

RIP Dr Maria Santos Gorrostieta (Mexico) instagr.am/p/SlPaQitisZ/

— UgoCentRiC (@UgoCentRiC) November 28, 2012

Here’s a Person of the Year, TIME RT @melissaonline:36yo Maria Santos Gorrostieta stood up to cartels; beaten t death fxn.ws/Ucgfpd

— Nigel Cameron (@nigelcameron) November 28, 2012

RIP Maria Santos Gorrostieta. brave #woman and the true #heroine from #Mexico

— Nebojsa Mitrovic (@i_am_nebojsa) November 28, 2012

RIP Maria Santos Gorrostieta.A truly remarkable and brave lady.

— Max (@purr2012) November 28, 2012

Maria Santos Gorrostieta. Talk about a fearless woman. Rest peacefully.

— Trillary Duff (@AGirlCalledAdri) November 28, 2012

RIP, Dr. Gorrostieta. We pray that her family finds peace.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/11/28/horrible-mexican-mayor-maria-santos-gorrostieta-kidnapped-brutally-murdered-by-drug-cartel/

Pat and Stu reach 11K followers; Pat Gray sings hilarious Chris Matthews parody


During the Pat and Stu Show on Glenn Beck’s TheBlaze TV on Thursday morning, Pat Gray — who is known for his hilarious songs — performed a song called “What’s that? Who pays your salary?” The song is a parody of Chris Matthews interrogating an employee of Americans For Prosperity by asking him who pays his salary thirteen times.

The song was such an instant hit amongst listeners that they requested another performance. Pat stated he wouldn’t sing it again unless the duo’s Twitter handle, @PatandStu, hit 11,000 followers before the end of the show. They reached their goal with about ten minutes left in the show and they are currently at 11,149 followers. Here’s how it happened.

If we get to 11k followers, Pat Gray will sing “What’s That, Who Pays Your Salary” live again

— Pat&Stu TheBlaze TV (@PatandStu) December 13, 2012

If we get to 11k followers, Pat Gray will sing “What’s That, Who Pays Your Salary” live again

— Pat&Stu TheBlaze TV (@PatandStu) December 13, 2012

RT @mistyvarner: @patandstuMy 8 year old daughter just walked through the kitchen singing, “What’s that? Who pays your salary?”LOL

— Pat&Stu TheBlaze TV (@PatandStu) December 13, 2012

@patandstu @sarjuntj @chrismathews @fisherfiles Maybe Chris Matthews was water-boarded by racist income analyst #WhatsThatWhoPaysYourSalary

— SentryOfFreedom (@SentryOfFreedom) December 13, 2012

@patandstu With just one press of a button you can help make music history. Follow @patandstu to hear #WhatsThatWhoPaysYoursalary live.

— Dani M. Cook (@DMC0925) December 13, 2012

I think #whatsthatwhopaysyoursalary should be played at the next FreePac. @patandstu It speaks deeply to the soul of the American voter.

— Owen McKagen (@Gamecockgay) December 13, 2012

@patandstu That is the best song EVA!!! Did you know Al Gore follows you? Who’d a thunk it!!!#BestSong #WhatsThatWhoPaysYourSalary

— gardenofthegods (@gardenofthegods) December 13, 2012

RT @cornhuskeress: @patandstu 103 to go to #whatsthatwhopaysyoursalary live!Keep going!

— Pat&Stu TheBlaze TV (@PatandStu) December 13, 2012


BREAKING: WE BROKE 11K. Pat Gray willl sing #whatsthatwhopaysyoursalary

— Pat&Stu TheBlaze TV (@PatandStu) December 13, 2012

Stu — ever the pessimist — didn’t think they could do it.

RT @pvolcko: @patandstu Woo!11K!In your face, Stu!What’s that?!Who pays your salary!?

— Pat&Stu TheBlaze TV (@PatandStu) December 13, 2012

RT @resist_the_left: @patandstu It’s incredible what we can accomplish, as Americans

— Pat&Stu TheBlaze TV (@PatandStu) December 13, 2012

Indeed! We will post the song as soon as we can.

Update: The song is available here.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/12/13/pat-and-stu-reach-11k-followers-pat-gray-sings-hilarious-chris-matthews-parody/

Iron Sheik asks the hard effing questions: ‘Obamacare or ObamaDontcare’?


This past April, the Iron Sheik shared his own feelings on Obamacare:


But today, he decide to give the people their chance to opine:


Survey says:

http://twitter.com/#!/TJY12345/status/353147960072212480 http://twitter.com/#!/AlexTallitsch/status/353146733682900993 http://twitter.com/#!/TheHipHopStan/status/353146517646884866 http://twitter.com/#!/whereishawkins/status/353147641208651778 http://twitter.com/#!/Midwestfan/status/353162462905896961

Whether these results convince Sheikie to stick to his guns or change his mind remains to be seen. But there’s at least one good takeaway from this little exercise:


The Iron Sheik at Public Policy Polling? With PPP’s reputation, it certainly couldn’t hurt.



Finally: The Iron Sheik weighs in on Sununu

The Iron Sheik slams Romney, plays Tooth Fairy card

Finally: The Iron Sheik tells us how he really feels about Susan Rice

Angry Iron Sheik keeps it short and sweet: ‘F*ck the IRS’

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/07/05/iron-sheik-asks-the-hard-effing-questions-obamacare-or-obamadontcare/