Narcissist in chief: Obama skips D-Day anniversary … again; Update: Obama bothers to send tweet from sunny beaches of Calif.!/adamsbaldwin/status/210384426180411393

Obamas face their longest day — of fundraising: Instead of scheduling a brief event to mark the 68th anniversary…

— Larry Ward (@lward99) June 6, 2012

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It’s D-Day and President Obama is hitting the beaches – of sunny California!

Instead of scheduling a brief event to mark the 68th anniversary of America’s brutal landing on the shores of Normandy, Obama is already on his way to San Francisco, where he will hold two fundraisers before moving on to Beverly Hills to stage two more.

Obama failed to mark D-Day with either a speech or a written proclamation both last year or the year before. He did give a speech in 2009, the 65th anniversary of the event.

#Rewind 2010 Obama Skips D-Day Memorial

— Casey Kelley (@policygal) June 6, 2012

Is anyone REALLY shocked that Obama is storming the beaches of California and ignoring D-Day for a THIRD YEAR in a row??

— Spencer Hughes (@RadioSpencer) June 6, 2012

Man, he hates this country. RT @Drudge_Report: Obama ignores D-Day anniversary — again…

— Timothy Connolly CFA (@SconsetCapital) June 6, 2012

Guess what Obama's doing today instead of commemorating D-Day?

— Pundette (@pundette) June 6, 2012

Obama to spend DDay anniversary fund raising. Shame, a real military hating Chicago thug #tcot #godblessvets #DDay

— Jared Gebhardt (@JaredGebhardt) June 6, 2012

Our President is commemorating #DDay by holding campaign fundraisers in California. #Patriot or #Politician ? #Obama

— David Hamilton (@DavidWHamilton) June 6, 2012

Have you seen the per-plate price of his fundraising dinners today?! He’s got fundraising to do! To The One, that is all that matters.


Hey, did you see Obama's awesome tweet commemorating #DDay? Oh, wait…

— Craigé (@CraigR3521) June 6, 2012

Don’t hold your breaths. He’s once again far too busy worrying about himself.

“I promise to stand up for you, like you have stood up for me—time and time again.”

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) June 6, 2012



Twitter users, unlike the President, are remembering and honoring the courage and sacrifices of those who fought for freedom.


68 years ago today—D-Day—the brave members of the Allied Forces stormed the beaches of Normandy. We have never forgotten their heroism. —bo

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) June 6, 2012

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