‘Palpatine-era Imperial shuttle’: Mock-alanche in progress over Obama’s new presidential library

Read more: https://twitchy.com/gregp-3534/2018/01/10/palpatine-era-imperial-shuttle-mock-alanche-in-progress-over-obamas-new-presidential-library/

‘I hate my life’: Josh Earnest’s face betrays his inner turmoil [photos]


It can’t be easy being Josh Earnest these days. He’s got a lot of crap to explain.

It’s part of his job to look calm even when it’s all hit the fan, and bless his heart for trying, but he’s not fooling anyone anymore:

Josh Earnest always looks like what I think I'd look like if I was in charge of explaining everything Obama did. pic.twitter.com/P7QM2wbF0v

— W. Kamau Bell (@wkamaubell) October 1, 2014

That … describes it perfectly.

Earnest right now pic.twitter.com/HGB3FrR9mu

— Kate (@misskathrynhyde) October 1, 2014

We don’t blame you, buddy.



Twitchy coverage of Josh Earnest

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/10/02/i-hate-my-life-josh-earnests-face-betrays-his-inner-turmoil-photos/

HA! Ted Cruz empathized with Alyssa Milano’s wish for inclusiveness (guess what happened next)

Actress Alyssa Milano did a lot of campaigning on behalf of Jon Ossoff, and, well, you know how that turned out for the Democrats. After Ossoff’s loss, Milano was in “therapy” mode:

Read more: http://twitchy.com/dougp-3137/2017/06/22/ha-ted-cruz-empathized-with-alyssa-milanos-wish-for-inclusiveness-guess-what-happened-next/

‘WTF!?’ ‘Insane’ Sanrio Vine makes up for the horrific Hello Kitty betrayal


Well, a shocking revelation was made.


But apparently Hello Kitty is not (read the whole story if you want to have your mind blown).


Oh, the humanity! Oh, the betrayal!

http://twitter.com/#!/missD_vine/status/505008152538906624 http://twitter.com/#!/BiasedGirl/status/504990058769055744 http://twitter.com/#!/msnadiaosman/status/504820083755986946 http://twitter.com/#!/HonestToddler/status/504994981334249472 http://twitter.com/#!/Heminator/status/505071192966176768 http://twitter.com/#!/jeffpearlman/status/505018984627191809

Snicker. But wait … perhaps this from what purports to be Sanrio Puroland makes up for Sanrio’s years of the ultimate betrayal?


There’s more.


What in the heck? Hold us!

http://twitter.com/#!/poisonCyrus/status/505021848237899776 http://twitter.com/#!/mseaaa/status/505036186927505408

We don’t want to know. The truth about Hello Kitty was horrifying enough.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2014/08/28/youre-about-to-see-why-impressively-insane-sanrio-vine-makes-up-for-the-horrific-hello-kitty-betrayal/

Another Friday night Fast and Furious document drop; also, CNN does its job!


Matthew Boyle of The Daily Caller tweeted it.

Story from CNN:

The Justice Department late Friday provided hundreds of pages of internal documents to the House committee looking into Operation Fast and Furious and related programs.

The documents sent to Rep. Darrell Issa, the California Republican who heads the committee that subpoenaed them, focus heavily on other Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives operations in which weapons were trafficked from Arizona gun dealers through straw purchasers across the border to Mexican drug cartels.

Most of the documents deal with a 2007 operation involving Fidel Hernandez, who the ATF believed would be prosecuted for gun violations in Mexico by Mexican authorities.

In related news, CNN actually did a great job of covering the issues behind the murder of ICE Agent Jaime Zapata in Mexico.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2012/03/17/another-friday-night-fast-and-furious-document-drop/

Pics, video: Huge crowd as outgoing Pope Benedict XVI blesses thousands in St. Peter’s Square


Wow! A huge crowd gathered in St. Peter’s Square for Pope Benedict XVI’s first blessing and window appearance after announcing that he would step down at the end of this month.

VATICAN CITY (AP) – Pope Benedict XVI blessed thousands at St. Peter’s Square for the first time since announcing his resignation.

— Beshanda Spencer (@allaboutnews) February 17, 2013

Thousands gather in St Peter’s Square as #Pope Benedict XVI makes window appearance bbc.in/YpxW6v

— BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) February 17, 2013

More from BBC News:

The Pope appeared at his study window overlooking St Peter’s Square at 11:00 GMT, his first such appearance since announcing his resignation last Monday.

The crowd erupted into loud applause and there were chants of “Long live the Pope”.

One banner in the square read: “We love you”.

Vatican crowd is emotional for Pope Benedict XVI’s penultimate Angelus blessing – cbsn.ws/14ZJBgo

— CBS News (@CBSNews) February 17, 2013

On-scene photos and video were quickly posted to Twitter.

The love and thanks of the people for @pontifex MT@PCCS_VA: Angelus today (Foto Osservatore Romano) twitter.com/PCCS_VA/status…

— Stephanie Potter (@Sjgpotter) February 17, 2013


Huge crowd in St Peter’s Sq right now for Pope B’a 2nd to last Angelus twitter.com/abcdavid/statu…

— David Wright (@abcdavid) February 17, 2013

Thousands in St. Peter’s Square to see Pope Benedict twitter.com/a_satur/status…

— alanna satur (@a_satur) February 17, 2013

Pope Benedict bless people from St Peter’s Square window as he is about abdict – unitymedianews.com/2013/02/17/pop… twitter.com/unitymedianews…

— Unity Media News (@unitymedianews1) February 17, 2013

Saint Peter’s Square: the Angelus! #pope #vatican #BXVI twitter.com/marcoscandelli…

— Marco Scandelli (@marcoscandelli) February 17, 2013

Raw: Pope Blesses Thousands at St. Peter’s Sq.: youtu.be/2TXE6nzFRZk via @youtube

— BerndPulch (@Pulch) February 17, 2013

The pope has no other public appearances scheduled this week.

Pope will enter retreat this evening; he has no public appointments for a week. twitter.com/CatholicNewsSv…

— Catholic News Svc (@CatholicNewsSvc) February 17, 2013


Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/02/17/pics-video-huge-crowd-as-outgoing-pope-benedict-xvi-blesses-thousands-in-st-peters-square/