Is Inner Peace Really Possible?

Is your mind working overtime? Are you plagued by doubts, fears, worries, and concerns? Does your brain stream constant thoughts that stresses you out and keep you on edge?Because of that, do you long for just a few moments of peace? Do you wonder what it would be like to have a quiet mind?Let’s face it, life can be unpredictable. The moment you think you have a handle on things, something unexpected and unplanned happens. There’s a health crisis, accident, or hurricane, causing you to adapt, adjust, and re-organize.Maybe if you just understood things better you could predict what might happen and be ready the next time?Yet, when you investigate deeply, you discover that what causes anything to happen is infinitely complex and ultimately uncertain. Take for example, election predictions, the rise and fall of the stock market, and the accuracy of weather forecasts. All the high-tech data gathering and expert analysis applied in these areas delivers educated guesses at best-many of which turn out to be flat wrong.Why is that?It turns out that the web of causality spreads infinitely, in all directions, across all of time.Hmmm… that’s a lot to fathom.So, let’s see, when you are hit with a bad mood, it might come from what you just ate, what that person over there just said to you, the bleak report you saw on the news, a distant childhood memory that just reached forward and grabbed you in the present, the movements of the planets, and some quirky code programmed in your DNA?It could be all of that-and more?Perhaps that’s more than your mind wants to consider in that moment your mood dips. So, you come up with a shorter explanation that you can sink your teeth into. You decide it’s because “life is unfair.” And you go on with your day, noticing again and again how unfair life is, and getting more and more upset.For better or worse, what we’re left with is this fact: any attempt to fully explain and predict things is really just telling hypothetical, over-simplified, short stories cut from a much richer fabric of Reality. Reality always exceeds the stories we tell about it.About the only thing you can know for sure is that things will change and it’s unknown what will happen exactly.Now, if unpredictable, infinitely-complex change is the nature of life, that leaves you in a state of tremendous uncertainty. In the face of uncertainty, it’s natural to have doubts and fears, worries and concerns. It’s natural to fear losing what you have, not having what you need, and not knowing if or how you can get what you want.All of this uncertainty can be stressful. Hence, your busy mind trying to figure out what to do.It’s natural to wish things were more predictable, understandable, stable-safe and secure. To that end, you might buy lots of insurance, stock up lots of money, fortify your borders, and make sure your smoke detectors are in working order.Yet, in truth, none of that means all that much in the face of a nuclear attack, a health pandemic, or a cataclysmic natural disaster. Is there any peace to be found in this world?Maybe it’s just better to set your sights on the afterlife-and the eternal peace waiting for you there?Yet, what if it’s possible to have deep inner peace right here, right now? What if deep inner peace is not only possible, but it’s natural. What if it’s your spiritual birthright? What if it simply requires a little knowledge about how to access it, grow it, and return to it when you’ve wandered from it?Maybe you have such a hard time finding peace because you’re looking in all the wrong places?Inner peace is a state of consciousness. It’s a state of being that doesn’t depend on any specific circumstances. It is eternally available and ever-present. It is with you, naturally, when your mind quiets down. Most importantly, you can cultivate this state of peace and learn to live from it as your dominant way of being.Then, you can bring peace with you, into your interactions here in this world. As you do that, you transform your relationship to anything that happens. You learn that you can be peaceful, no matter what is going on inside or around you. And, as you do that, you can bring the gift of peace to others.Peace can begin very simply by closing your eyes, taking a deep breath, and letting go of any thoughts about “you.” It can begin by being present with “what is,” accepting it all, and appreciating that you have a choice about how you relate to anything that happens. It can begin by choosing “where you are coming from.”Peace expands as you realize that, ultimately, “where you come from” is still, silent, and spacious. In your deepest Essence you are already peaceful. It’s just a matter of spending time in that place, becoming familiar with the experience, and resting in it.Enjoy your practice!

Meditation – A Transformation of Consciousness

Real happiness is spiritual, it’s an inside job. This being so, why don’t we experience happiness on an ongoing daily basis? To answer this let us explore what may be blocking our natural happiness and how we can rectify such. Let us examine how religious dogma, literal interpretation of scriptures and their resultant mind-sets, may have confused, mislead or ill-served us in life.Baptismal ContractAwakening out of ” formal religion” conditioning reveals that we were living a religious / baptismal contract not of our own choosing or signing. And, strangely, but for the subtly imposed fear clause, this water over the head “contract” could have been opted out of at any time. Misguided, we lived the fear, delusion, and accepted domination; we relinquished our own Christ-within determination and became “literal” prisoners of the institutional “arrangements”. Even though we sensed “our church” were holding back on the essence of the Jesus-intended Way to soul liberation, we conformed to Institutional liberalism and its democracy premised on collective ignorance maintained through fear-instilling dogmas. The reality of course is, that we rely solely on direct experiential contact with our already present inner Christ nature. In other words, we each possess a cosmically-designed constitution (brain, nervous system/spiritual mechanisms) drawn up by the Almighty and managed by evolution for the sole purpose of “saving” each soul through our own Christ “within” consciousness.As spirit beings we’re each encoded to finding or coming upon this saving Truth through inward endeavor. We’re each given the tools (endocrine or glandular system / chakras) to actualize Truth: become Self or Christ-Realized experientially now, in consciousness, and not some time in the future.Sense-Based HappinessMany seem not to realize that by constantly (unwittingly) seeking and experiencing solely through sense-based happiness we’re unconsciously stating that lasting happiness can only be found WITHOUT thereby subjectively denying our real “within” bliss consciousness. An automatic loop is proclaiming: when I find that special person, house, employment, fame etc., happiness will COME, then I’ll be happy. Such mind-sets are delusional. Outcomes as these will of course make the ego feel happy or inflated but, due to evolution and change, such happiness can never be lasting, only fleeting, as such, requires constant “topping-up”. Dependence on outer-world happiness leads to addictive personality — mind / senses becoming overpowered through stimulant attachment to almost everything it/they encounter thereby denying our innately present Heart happiness.The mind, through on-going discontent, instinctively seeks happiness through the senses, that’s its nature — but mind can never be satisfied until it comes upon its true nature — bliss. With the senses duty-bound to serve the mind, the non-spiritually awakening mind will accept artificial happiness from any source — to include political, religious or corporate dogmas,not to mention the “world” menu — but this sense thirst craving can never be quenched by the “world” — by outer sources.While the mind is cosmically encoded to fulfilling its full stature of expanded eternality in bliss or divine consciousness, the process requires individual conscious decision, meaning, engaging in meditational practices such as deep inner silence leading to bliss-consciousness.So long as the addictive-driven senses remain the sole provider of contentment, mind remains out of its own cosmic bliss nature, thus functioning in the realm of sub consciousness or spiritual ignorance. In finding bliss mind finds everlasting natural fulfillment, contentment, and, no longer scours the “world” junk-menu for sense-fixes.“Lost” to Wisdom and Life DirectionConsider the following. Have we ever been lost in a strange location in a foreign Country? And through a sense of panic, we automatically take every wrong turn thus leading to more anxiety – we lose our natural bearings. Out of fear we tune OUT instead of IN. We do this instinctively when we lose inner calm and come under the controlling grip of ice-chilling fear. Similarly, through discontentment, self-doubt, lack of Self-awareness, contradicting mind-sets, stress, fear, worry and “fix” hunting, (addictions), mind / nervous system become exhausted and spiritually disorientated — “lost”. Panic severs our route to divine wisdom and we’re automatically drawn outwards, become ego or fear-led (scripture puts it: “Peter drew his sword and severed the arresting guard’s right ear”, in Gethsemane, John 18:1-10, meaning fear / dominant ego, cuts of the path to our Higher Self wisdom). “Peter” in scripture, of course, represents the lower ego, to which Jesus rebukes saying: “get behind Me heathen” (negative mind-sets). In other words, don’t lead through lower ego or “world”-formed conditioning, rather through “Me”, our own inner awakening love-natured, wisdom-full soul.Similarly, through weariness and fatiguing lifestyles, we seem naturally to make strange and irrational decisions all of which can lead mind to settling for a crutched existence, a fake unnatural or contrived happiness to ease life’s burdens and respite from chore responsibilities. Wisdom is blocked and we classically miss the calm portal to where this Glorious bliss happiness dwells transcendentally (within).I’m sure most of us are familiar with the following, but, for the benefit of those not, here’s a repeat. When the Good Lord was looking for a safe spot to place this Jewel of Happiness, (biblical Prince of Peace) he placed it where we could never lose it no matter how ‘lost’ we became. He placed it within consciousness for such requires transcendental journeying, requires activating the metamorphic meditation button to inner cosmic calm nature. This within-consciousness represents our eternal Spiritual Essence as separate from egoism finite mind. This “within spot” isn’t a physical place, rather a state: our unseen transcendental or raised Christ Nature. When we cease frantically searching WITHOUT for happiness, and direct mind (in meditation) to within thus do we engage or activate were the Good Lord placed the wondrous happiness Jewel. Here we discover the calm-imbued doorway leading “lost” egoistical mind from its finite island-refuge of outer happiness reliance to the expansive, eternal ocean of inner transcendental bliss; the soul’s sonar becoming re-attuned with its “forgotten” (conditioned over) cosmic nature.On reaching the “Jewel spot” within, the mind’s subconscious programming (addictive mind-sets) begin dissolving, defragging — prioritizing through wisdom — and, in proportion to senses / mind purification, human consciousness comes within the range of the never-changing state of Cosmic Consciousness — “Will of God” — or Eternal Truth.Conscious “Contact”God is Love /Spirit and man/woman is made (of Spirit) in the (creative) image (imagination) and likeness (love nature) of God. True, BUT, it’s “conscious contact” which validates Love experientially, which gives meaning to all this spiritual language we speak and read about, for, intellectual knowledge alone (of Spirit) isn’t sufficient.Although unconditional by nature, (as in, the reservoir unconditionally supplies water to every pipe RAISED to it) Love, in this regard, is conditional that we make “meditational silence” contact. Thus, the emphasis needs to be on raising our consciousness, engaging Spirit Consciousness through technique-based practices such as yoga, meditation and mindfulness rather than relentlessly “searching” for intellectual validations. Meditational nature lived through our nervous system validates ALL scriptures simultaneously even if we’ve never read any scriptures. In fact it’s only after a degree of meditational purification, (mind expansion) that any of these biblical scriptures begin making any practical, everyday-life sense.My interpretation of Matthew 6:33: “Seek ye first the Kingdom and all its righteousness and all else shall be added unto you”, is: seek meditational bliss silence thereby activating the Thymus love gland — the Sacred or Cosmic Heart — thus is human consciousness set upon the transformational process of becoming realized in Christ Consciousness.

Ahmed ‘clock kid’ Mohamed’s family ‘demands’ $15 million from Irving, Texas

The family of Ahmed “clock kid” Mohamed, the 14-year-old boy who was arrested and suspended from school for bringing what teachers thought resembled a bomb to school, wants lots of money from the city and school district:

From Fox4:

The family wants $10 million from the City of Irving and $5 million from Irving ISD for damages it claims Ahmed and the family suffered after the teen was arrested. The family also wants an apology from the two entities.

After the clock controversy, Mohamed and his family were “overjoyed” to meet with wanted war criminal Bashir in Sudan. Mohamed later got to meet President Obama at a White House science event, is currently in Qatar on an educational scholarship and would now like to be a multi-millionaire when he returns to the U.S.:

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