Battle of the buses: Obama bus tour sparks mockery; Romney bus shadows!/jjauthor/status/220890922559348736

Oh, snap! Nice one, Leno.

President Obama is starting his first “bus tour” this campaign cycle today. Man of the people, you see!

President Obama kicks off a two-day bus tour through Ohio and Pennsylvania today:

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) July 5, 2012

President Obama begins his Betting on America Bus Tour. Yes, in a BUS. #ObamaBiden2012

— meta (@metaquest) July 5, 2012

Look, guys; he has his sleeves rolled up and everything. Squee!

Pres Obama embarks today on a 2-day campaign bus swing through OH & PA aboard this bus.

— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) July 5, 2012

We wonder who will be the first to be thrown under this bus? Besides the American people.

Citizens aren’t too enamored of this transparent “bus tour.”

Between golf, celeb dinners & fundraising, when does he actually work? "@BarackObama: President Obama kicks off a two-day bus tour" #tcot

— Reggie Dunlop (@everydayreggie) July 5, 2012

Ironic for Obama to name his bus tour "Betting on America" when he has such a poor gambling record. (Solyndra, stimulus, green jobs, oh my)

— matt whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) July 5, 2012

Obama named his bus tour "Betting on America". I guess there's a first time for everything.

— Amy Otto (@AmyOtto8) July 5, 2012

Nothing says I'm in touch with small town america like the Sex and the City song by Jennifer Hudson blaring at the Obama bus tour kickoff

— Amanda Isaacson (@aisaacson) July 5, 2012

Obama launches bus tour in Swing States!When Will "THE DO NOTHING PRESIDENT" do some Presidential Work?Campaigning&Golf

— thebobbypost (@thebobbypost) July 5, 2012

I see Obama has ditched his stuffy white shirt for this bus tour. #tcot

— Melissia (@ProudoftheUSA) July 5, 2012

Occupiers aren’t thrilled, either. Banksters!

#BettingOnAmerica is the perfect title for Obama's bus tour since he, Bush, and Clinton have let big banksters gamble away everything.

— the silver burrito (@occbaystreet) July 5, 2012

Good, old Romney bus is shadowing President Obama’s “tour,” with Governors Jindal and Pawlenty making appearances.

Jindal and Pawlenty using Romney Campaign bus as they make same Ohio stops as Pres Obama.

— Mark Knoller (@markknoller) July 5, 2012

Call the waaahm-bulance.

@stillonline: Romney still the private school bully – sends out his boys (High-Five'n White Guys) to stalk obama bus

— luminaria98 (@Luminaria98) July 5, 2012

Meany pants! Oh, sweetie, jealous much? As Twitchy reported, the hilarious taunting Romney bus has its own Twitter account and always scores the wins in photo contests.

The RNC is already rapidly responding.

The Obama Bus Tour Travel Guide: Maumee Edition: #Obamanomics #2012

— RNC (@GOP) July 5, 2012

And Team Obama is attempting to use the hashtag #BettingOnAmerica for the bus tour. Is a hijacking of the hashtag imminent? Stay tuned!

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