Cher offers pre-debate analysis: Mitt Romney is heartless, just evil!/cher/status/260465265790300161

It’s almost impossible 2 debate a Liar !a man who changes his mind,answers,opinions & Beliefs at the drop of a hat! I believe he has only

— Cher (@cher) October 22, 2012

1 TRUE LOVE …WINNING ! When i was little I thought When u grew up u didn’t lie,cheat,take advantage of ppl, U’d help the less fortunate,but

— Cher (@cher) October 22, 2012

I NEVER EXPECTED the Heartlessness of Romney! Now I’m grown & have watched Rove,Ryan,Blunt,McConnell etc. I & know I was wrong! Some men r

— Cher (@cher) October 22, 2012

Are just evil !

— Cher (@cher) October 22, 2012

Cher gave President Obama top marks on the second presidential debate, concluding that Obama had wiped the floor with Mitt Romney like a mop, and she even praised unbiased moderator Candy Crowley for “bitch slapping” Romney like a little girl over his lie that wasn’t quite a lie regarding Obama’s response to Benghazi.

Obama is Cher’s clear favorite for Round 3 tonight, and the singer is looking for a good ass-kicking. It’s almost impossible to debate a liar — especially when the moderator is there to provide cover — but we’re sure Romney will do just fine.

As far as helping the less fortunate, don’t bother bringing up Romney’s charitable donations; they don’t count because he’s a Mormon, remember?

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