Hope and less change: Americans cringe at first paychecks of 2013


Happy New Year and happy payday! Thank goodness our “lord and savior” Obama signed the fiscal cliff bill into law after proudly proclaiming, “Under this law, more than 98 percent of Americans and 97 percent of small businesses will not see their income taxes go up.”

Promises, promises.

While PolitiFact will likely rate Obama’s statement “Mostly Swoon,” around 70 percent of Americans are going to pay more taxes in 2013. If you like your payroll taxes (and even if you don’t), you can keep them and pay two percent more than you did in 2012.

Earlier this week, many Americans realized the “fair share” fiscal cliff deal didn’t seem so fair. One Democratic Underground commenter was a little behind yesterday and was shocked — shocked! — to learn that the fiscal cliff crapwich didn’t extend the payroll tax holiday. (They don’t call ‘em DUmmies for nothing.)

The price for having your head in the sand just went up. bit.ly/W7WuOi #tcot #tlot

— FreedomWorks (@FreedomWorks) January 3, 2013

“What happened?” he asked. “My paycheck just went down by an amount that I don’t feel comfortable with. I guarantee this decrease will hurt me more than the increase in income taxes will hurt those making over $400,000.”

How’s that class warfare working out for ya, pal?

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA what happened, he said HA HA HA HA HA demu.gr/10022125273

— Jim Treacher (@jtLOL) January 3, 2013

So, an idiot Lefty finally figures out “hope & change”… demu.gr/10022125273 #tcot #LUR #unions #p2

— LaborUnionReport (@laborunionrpt) January 4, 2013

The the “Elections Have Consequences” file.HAHAHAHA democraticunderground.com/10022125273#po…

— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) January 3, 2013

Yep, elections have consequences, and here’s how all those cries of “Eat the rich!” are working out:

Anyone who earns a paycheck WILL be paying more in taxes, despite congress’ protestations otherwise. #FiscalCliff twitter.com/BobbiJoR/statu…

— Bobbi Jo Rohrberg (@BobbiJoR) January 4, 2013

As the first pay period of 2013 comes to a close, employers are being forced to ring in the new year by explaining why their employees’ checks are smaller.

And now, time to write checks to my employees for less take-home pay than they got two weeks ago. #thanksobama #thanksdemocrats

— Nathan Wurtzel (@NathanWurtzel) January 4, 2013

The gild is off the lily.My employees were genuinely perplexed by the higher taxes reflected on their pay checks today.Seriously?

— HollOnHeels  (@hollonheels) January 3, 2013

just noticed ALL my employees, part time, hourly, etc, will have more tax $ taken out of their checks, contrary to president’s promise. LIAR

— Stan Darke (@VintageStan) January 3, 2013

Late night payroll. I dread explaining to my employees why their checks are smaller tomorrow. That tax cut was nice while it lasted.

— Jenny Wang (@imneverfull) January 2, 2013

Indeed, some employees are baffled by their shrinking paychecks.

Did new taxes go info effect today? Something I don’t understand about the fiscal cliff? I got a raise, and yet my paycheck got smaller …

— Amy Brachmann (@AmyBrachmann) January 3, 2013

American workers are feeling the pain, and it’s definitely not just the rich.

I thought Obama wasn’t going to raise taxes on the middle class, but my paycheck was down by 2 percent today.That Kind of hurts.Yikes!

— Abe Linkcoln (@Abraham1863) January 4, 2013

Smaller paycheck thanks to social security that I will never see #awesome

— Kyle Meranda(@ktmeranda247) January 3, 2013

First paycheck of the new year…. What the hell happened to taxes not going up on the middle class?

— Craig (@CraigGradin) January 3, 2013

Totally reflected on todays paycheck 🙁 –>Social security tax withholding will increase from 4.2 to 6.2 percent on earnings up to $113,700.

— Americas Sweetheart (@OMG_itsDestiny) January 3, 2013

My first paycheck of 2013 is $45 short. Thanks new taxes!

— melissareagan (@melissareagan) January 3, 2013

Just checked my pay stub… My taxes went up $25 a paycheck in 2013. That’s $650 more a year. Ouch!

— Mandy Mullinix (@mandymullinix) January 3, 2013

Obama promised not to increase taxes on families making less than $250,000.Why do I have $30 less in my paycheck Mr. President?

— SPG (@shawnglancy) January 3, 2013

Objects in paycheck may be about $10 less than what you’re used to. Thank you new social security taxes.

— kelli venezia (@kellivenezia) January 3, 2013

@chriswarcraft 1st paycheck noticeably smaller after the FC was avoided. Glad hard working politicians got a raise tho. #crooksandthieves

— Mike Herring (@mikeherring81) January 3, 2013

Also yay for my paycheck being smaller because of Social Security! Totally winning this week, you guys!

— Chris (@xminustDC) January 3, 2013

@barackobama please explain why my paycheck was less this week than I normal. I thought “99% of households” wouldn’t see taxes raised #kbye

— Sara (@SJHotel) January 3, 2013

Most recent paycheck gutted by taxes. Thanks Obama, so much for not raising my taxes. Last time I checked I wasn’t raking in over $400K

— Mike Lombardi (@MTLombo) January 3, 2013

My already small paycheck gets smaller, thanks Obama. #traitor

— G. Ahrens (@astralnugget) January 3, 2013

Ah, first paycheck of the year, first view of my higher taxes.And people say the government can’t work fast.

— Patrick Black (@Patrick_L_Black) January 3, 2013

Got my first paycheck post-deal today. As expected, my taxes went up. Since I make less than $25k a year I guess I must be an evil rich guy.

— Reason Is Key (@Justinland1980) January 3, 2013

Just got my first paycheck of 2013, with this tax change I’ll be frequenting thrift shops!! youtu.be/QK8mJJJvaes #taxes

— Just Me aghan (@meaghanmae) January 3, 2013

Objects in paycheck may be about $10 less than what you’re used to. Thank you new social security taxes.

— kelli venezia (@kellivenezia) January 3, 2013

The first tax increase has processed on my paycheck 🙁 #taxes #socialsecuritytax

— Florence Wright (@flowright412) January 3, 2013

My first paycheck 13 -126$ due to new taxes and Obamacare hasnt even hit yet a big FU to Obama and All the fucking Crooks in the white House

— Jc Santiago (@EternalQuest27) January 3, 2013

Just looked at my taxes for my first paycheck of the year!!! …. Makes me very upset 😡😤

— Alyssa Michelle(@AlyssaRosenbaga) January 3, 2013

Just got my first 2013 paycheck. I must be rich cuz my taxes were raised. Everyone: check your take home pay. Retweet the misery. #lnyhbt

— PeacefulConservative (@PeacefulConserv) January 3, 2013

My wife got her first paycheck of the new year, $100 smaller then normal… If this continues we will have $5200 less #ThanksObama

— Carl B. Wade (@CarlBWade) January 3, 2013

Social security taxes want up. My paycheck is now smaller than it was before I got my raise. Joy.

— rachie.rach (@Rachelrennolds) January 3, 2013


Due to payroll taxes my paycheck is $55 less than it was in 2012…so far 2013 blows.

— Elliesheva (@lizard724GH) January 3, 2013

Maaaaaaaan these higher taxes have crushed my damn paycheck! Shit was short 51 dollars 😩

— M.I.A (@MiaEffinPia) January 3, 2013

Ouch. The newly imposed taxes actually took a decent chunk of cash out of my paycheck.

— Chiz Chat (@Chiz_Chat) January 3, 2013

And you know whose fault that is, right?

Just opened up my paycheck, they saidthat the payroll taxes were going to be hit…FUCKING REPUBLICANS!!!! @polo_nolo @lowe_nolan

— Lamonte David Lowe (@montyinthebk) January 3, 2013

Of course. But there may be one silver lining in all of this:

After seeing my paycheck today I am officially a republican voter. Almost half of my paycheck gone due to raises in taxes. FUCK. THAT.

— Rachael Jones (@RachaelPJones) January 4, 2013


It seems many more Americans are simply baffled by the change in their paychecks.

Search engine terms that are bringing people to @twitchyteam: “why is my paycheck less this week”

— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) January 4, 2013

How many voted their way to a smaller paycheck?


#WhyIsMyPaycheckLessThisWeek trended on Twitter Friday as helpful conservatives explained the whole “elections have consequences” thing to bewildered Obama voters.

Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/01/04/hope-and-less-change-americans-cringe-at-first-paychecks-of-2013-stunned-lib-asks-what-happened/