Twitter takes a look at Friday the 13th!/MichelleDiSnto/status/190681103177232384

Its almost #Fridaythe13th! My favorite holiday. #MittRomney, not superstitious, tho there's no 13th floor on his car elevator

— Bill Maher (@billmaher) April 13, 2012

Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery… Today is a Friday the 13 :p

— true! (@damnitstrue) April 13, 2012

My first day on the job ganna be on Friday the 13 wish me luck

— T (@AskBeasty) April 13, 2012!/LittleEmilyGray/status/190681871166877696

My cousin birthday on friday the 13 , && she turned 13 lol cool .

— Hell's Kitchen (@_HoldMyGlovee) April 13, 2012

Friday the 13 unlucky for some? One friend of mine used to lock himself in his home all day and go nowhere, After several motorbike crashes.

— David Blackhall (@DaveDB32) April 13, 2012

None of us knows what might happen even the next minute,yet still we go forward. Because we trust & we have Faith. Friday the 13

— Mădălina ♥ (@MadalinaJL) April 13, 2012

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