Illinois coach punishes players with porridge!/Deadspin/status/177502180994056192

We have heard of some pretty insane punishments throughout the years, but this one takes the cake. New Illinois football coach Tim Beckman has decided to punish players by forcing them to eat porridge while everyone else enjoys steak and eggs.

The seriousness of new Illinois coach Tim Beckman’s disciplinary methods were quickly introduced when porridge was set in front of many players.

Those who followed the rules, arriving at classes 10 minutes early and never missing a rep during winter workouts, were treated to steak and eggs at the “All-In Banquet.” Those who missed a beat were treated to an Oliver Twist breakfast.

“I think it was a little bit of an eye-opening experience for some of them,” Beckman said. “We ask our players to be above and beyond … and compete at a level that we think is a championship level.”

(Visit the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times for more on this story)

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