Cued Progressive Muscle Relaxation | A Meditation for Anxiety

Welcome everybody to this video on  cued progressive muscular relaxation   one of many techniques for meditation  to help cope with anxiety and depression   i’m your host dr donnelly snipes meditation and  cute progressive muscular relaxation can help  
calm your stress response so you can use energy to  improve the next moment instead of staying stuck   when you’re stressed you often tense your muscles  reducing blood flow increasing pain and fatigue   the goal of cute progressive muscular relaxation  is to help you become more aware of tension  
in your body and be able to release it in  the moment instead of letting it build up   cute progressive muscular relaxation can also  be helpful for people who have difficulty   sleeping because they can’t turn off their mind  
in cued progressive muscular relaxation  you’re going to move from the top of your head   to the tips of your toes imagining pushing  the stress and bad energy out of your body   try it with your arms in your upper arms tense  them as tight as you can possibly tense them
feel them being tight and then relax as you  relax feel the blood moving through your arms   and pushing out that bad  energy nourishing your muscles as with any meditation it’s important to examine  your surroundings and make sure you’re safe from  
interruption make sure you’re in an environment in  which you feel safe and can relax you’re not going   to be disturbed by the phone by the dog barking  by the ups man for cute progressive muscular   relaxation it is preferable to be able to lay down  but at least get comfortable wherever you’re at  
if you’re not comfortable closing your eyes  pick a stationary object in the room to focus   on it can be a vase a candle a spot on the wall  something that you can focus your attention on begin by turning attention to your body just kind  of do a scan notice where is their tension right  
now where is this their discomfort you may  not have even noticed it until you started   looking for it now focus on your breath  i want you to breathe in for four hold
exhale try that again breathe in hold and exhale now when you breathe  in notice your belly expand
hold as you exhale feel your belly  deflate and push out that   negative energy again breathe  in feeling your belly expand
hold and exhale feeling your belly deflate now when you breathe in notice the cool  refreshing air as it passes through your nose  
feel it moving through and  nourishing your entire body hold exhale
again breathe in feel the refreshing  air nourishing your body hold and exhale now each time you tense  a muscle group i want you to inhale   as you hold your muscles tense  you’re going to hold your breath  
as you exhale you’re going to tell yourself relax  and feel the negative energy leaving your body   we’ll start with the scalp imagine a  string pulling your ears back and your   eyebrows up tense that scalp  as hard as you can and inhale
hold that position hold your breath now exhale and relax feeling the negative energy  moving out of your scalp and down out your body tense your scalp again inhale holding your breath
exhale relax and feel the  negative energy leaving your body now move down to your face inhale  and squinch up your face really tight   as tight as you can and hold
exhale and relax your face feel the blood moving through  the skin on your cheeks inhale and tighten your face again hold
and exhale feeling your face relax move down to your jaw tighten your jaw  clench your teeth as you inhale and hold exhale and relax letting your jaw just  drop open inhale and tense your jaw
hold exhale and relax letting your jaw fall open now go  back up to your top of your head scan and feel the   blood moving through your scalp and your face  and your jaw and all of those muscles relaxing
inhale and pull your shoulders to your ears  tightening your neck and your shoulder muscles hold and relax
feel your shoulders dropping again inhale bring your  shoulders to your ears hold exhale and let those shoulders fall  and relax falling deeper into the chair  
now move back to your shoulder blades and  imagine you’re squeezing a pencil between   your shoulder blades as you inhale  and squeeze those shoulder blades hold
exhale and relax pull those shoulder blades back together  again squeezing as tight as you can   pushing all of that stress out of those muscles
exhale and relax feel the  tension leaving those muscles now move to your upper arms your biceps tighten  your upper arms as tight as you can hold exhale and relax feel all of that  energy moving towards your fingertips  
moving the bad energy away inhale  again tightening those upper arms hold and relax feeling the energy  move down to your fingertips
now tighten your fists inhale tighten your fists  and curl them up to tighten your forearm and   your fists really grab all that negative energy  that’s been pushed down there hold it and as you   exhale relax and feel the energy just  leaving your fingertips all the bad energy
let’s do that again inhale tighten your  fists and curl them up hold all that tension exhale relax and feel that negative energy being  pushed out as the blood is drawn to your fingers now tighten your shoulder blades  again because a lot of people store  
tension all the way up in  their upper back hold that exhale and relax now tighten your chest muscles  kind of like if you were the hulk  
tighten your chest muscles as you inhale and hold exhale and relax the chest muscles cover your heart we want to  disperse all of the stress from that area so  
inhale and tighten those  chest muscles again and hold feel like you’re grabbing all that  stress and all that negative energy exhale and relax
and feel the blood moving through that  area pushing out all of the tension move down to your stomach tighten your  stomach curl up like you’re curling into   a little ball tighten tightening your stomach  muscles as you inhale easier said than done
relax as you exhale again tighten those abdominal  muscles as you inhale and hold as you exhale start to relax  
you’ll feel the relaxation in your  stomach as well as your lower back now move down to your glutes or your  butt whatever you want to call it   tighten those muscles as tight as you can
inhale and hold exhale as you relax one more time inhale and tighten  those glutes as tight as you can
hold exhale and relax feeling the  blood coursing and pushing   that negative energy down towards your toes
tighten your thighs as you inhale hold and keep it tight exhale and relax again inhale and tighten those thighs  as tight as you can a little bit tighter
hold exhale and relax notice the feeling of warmth as  the blood moves the energy down towards your toes now tighten your calves as you  inhale by pointing your toes
hold exhale and relax start to feel the warmth moving  through your calves and into your toes
inhale and point your toes tightening  those calves as tight as you can exhale and relax now flex your feet as you inhale  tighten those shins as tight as you can
hold exhale and relax one more time inhale as you tighten  those shins flexing your feet and hold
exhale and relax you’ve pushed all  that energy down towards your toes   now inhale and curl your toes curl your feet up as  tiny as you can get them curling those toes tight hold and relax your feet exhale
inhale and curl your toes hold and relax
notice how calm and relaxed your body feels try to   make it relaxed even more try to make  it go even more limp as you inhale hold
exhale and relax feeling yourself sinking  deeper into your seat and last time inhale hold exhale feeling yourself  sinking deeper into your seat sit and notice how you feel
Source : Youtube

Published by

Leaman Ralph

Really sugar is shaky because it originates from a straight stick see the play is Granny yes Grandma plus new style luv MaryJane so listen (Granny Apple last years blue ribbon production winner AKA) I, I, I ain't on the right side of my house Jane something or the other is in my room: finally after an extermination Grannie speaks once more "let my (old man) Pacman step on it". See it is home on the range so solo as it be truity speaks got a problem it is your own. But alter scenario: Z/n time; narcotics I got that candy Bar itch its' and Mickey Mouse for the Sultan 7 1 4er well a hem a hem, it went early in the morning like a smack chanting sugar structure 7 -one 1 +eleven and 4 do an ate 'er 8 eight 'er? Well that aint nice. NARCO says do you know them numbers change (response) Yes it is a FiX they are MF's Ope yeah Ope Douglas is it. Surrounded by Alkaloid is both Mary and Grandma in an never ending circle of membership. French mandates declare put up their dukes... ZEN Pepsi can talk half Chocolate and your ole man Pacman down in Cuba posing as the worlds one and only Coffee Wizard "back 1:1" tis Coffee time... ||