Anxiety Meditation with Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes
Hello everybody and welcome to this video anxiety  meditations i am your host dr dawn elise snipes anxiety often occurs when we feel unsafe or  powerless it increases your stress chemicals   kicks off that hpa axis or the fight or flight  response and you start to have tunnel vision  
and become more reactive and impulsive so  anxiety can be a problem now remember anxiety   is a feeling it’s a normal feeling that tells  you that hey there might be something to be   aware of there might be a threat it doesn’t  mean there is a threat the anxiety is just  
telling you to check and see if there’s a threat  meditation can help calm your stress response so   you can think more clearly about what to do to  improve the next moment so if you look around   and you decide you know what there’s really not  a threat or whatever it is that is threatening  
i have no control over like you know a pandemic  or something then meditation can help you   calm or or tamp down that stress response  so you’re not burning up tons and tons of   energy and feeling anxious like you’re going  to crawl out of your skin all the time it’s  
important before you begin any sort of meditation  to examine your surroundings and make sure you are   safe from interruptions you don’t want to  get into this nice relaxed state and all   of a sudden have your phone go off or the  dog bark get into a situation where you are
protected from interruption where you feel  safe in your environment you have the door   shut you may have the blinds drawn whatever it  is that makes you feel the most safe and secure   if you’re not comfortable closing your eyes some  people have trauma histories and they are not  
comfortable closing their eyes and that’s cool  if you’re not then pick a stationary object in   the room to focus on when i do meditations i love  focusing on the a candle flame just that’s always   been something that has um attracted my focus so  candle flames work for me you can pick a spot on  
the wall you can pick a vase whatever it is you  want just make sure it’s not something that’s   going to move around that you’ve got a track  you want to make sure it stays right there the next thing you need to do once you feel  like you’re in a safe environment think of an  
empowering mantra that you’re going to repeat to  yourself and depending on what is triggering your   anxiety you may have several different mantras  that you rotate through depending on the type of   anxiety if you are facing some sort of adversity  you can tell yourself i’ve got this or this too  
shall pass you know maybe you are getting ready to  go take a your graduate entrance exams or you are   going on a job interview or you are experiencing  some something distressful maybe you and your best   friend got into a disagreement and there’s tension  right there so this too shall pass can work  
another set if it has to do more with failure  you can remind yourself progress not perfection   nobody’s perfect and it’s important to strive for  progress not perfection to learn from our failures   or just i can succeed if you are afraid of failure  and you’re getting ready to do something just  
telling yourself i can succeed i may not succeed  at everything but i can’t succeed now obviously   i’m elaborating on some of these you want to pick  something that is not more than a few words to   repeat to yourself if your  anxiety has to do with rejection  
you may say to yourself something like it’s not  about me or i am enough if you have anxiety about   uncertainty you don’t know what’s going to happen  next you can tell yourself something like stay   open to options or i’m not alone and i’m not  alone really appeals to people who don’t like  
uncertainty they like control but knowing that  they’re not alone knowing that they’ve got   support people to help them through something  that is uncertain can be very reassuring   now you can come up with your own mantras these  were just a few that i i pulled out for you  
to give you an idea of think something  that you might want to say to yourself   look at the root of whatever’s causing your  anxiety pick a mantra make sure you’re in   a safe place with time and practice you’ll  be able to trigger the relaxation response  
with your mantra and a deep breath or two so you  may not have to go through the entire meditation   which is really awesome so when if you get used  to it you may be able to approach adversity   and take a deep breath tell yourself i’ve got  this and exhale and do that a couple of more times  
and feel relaxed it can help you get grounded  once your body’s recognized that okay when we   start saying this it’s time to relax you may think  that’s a little corny but think about other times   in your past when somebody has said something  that has just a word has triggered a response  
when i used to teach at uf i would tell my class  okay clear your desk it’s time to take a pop quiz   and those words would strike fear in the majority  of the people in my class and that would trigger   their fight or flight response now obviously  we want to do the opposite here my point is  
that something as simple as a word can trigger a  fight or flight response or a relaxation response   so i’m going to tell you what we’re going  to do and then we’re going to start doing it   you’re going to start by sitting comfortably  you know you’re in a safe environment you’ve  
picked your mantra then you get comfortable  sitting ideally both feet on the ground you   know in a relaxed position begin by focusing  on your breath you’re gonna breathe in for four   hold for four and breathe out for four you’re  gonna do that twice and then you’re going to  
continue to breathe in for four hold for four  and exhale for four but you’re when you do this   then you’re going to start noticing your belly  expand and deflate so the first thing you just   want to focus on your breath and then you want  to start focusing on your breath and your body  
the next step is to notice the cool  refreshing air as it passes through your nose   feel it moving through your entire  body you’re going to do that twice   finally you’re going to as you breathe in you’re  going to repeat your mantra and sit with it while  
you hold your breath for that four and as you  exhale you’re gonna feel the bad energy and worry   leaving your body you’re going to repeat this 10  times then just sit with this feeling for a few   minutes noticing how relaxed your body feels  it’s that simple you’re going to gradually  
work up to ramp up to focusing on your on your  mantra and relaxing your anxiety but the first   thing you got to do is start with your breath  i’m going to walk you through this mantra and   it will take about 10 minutes so go  ahead and sit down and get comfortable
begin by focusing on your  breath breathe in for four   three hold for four two three and exhale for four three four let’s do that again breathe in  for four two three four hold for four two  
three and exhale for four now when you breathe in for  four notice your belly expand hold for four
and exhale for four feeling your belly deflate again breathe in and notice your belly expand hold for 4. and exhale for four
now as you breathe in for four notice the cool  refreshing air as it passes through your nose   feel it moving throughout  your entire body hold for four and exhale for four
again inhale noticing the cool  air as it passes through your nose   and feel it moving through your entire body hold for four
and exhale or four now as you breathe in repeat your mantra breathe in for four tell yourself  that it’s okay that you’ve got this
hold for four as you exhale feel the bad energy  and worry leaving your body let’s breathe in again repeat  your mantra to yourself
hold and exhale feeling the energy the bad  energy and worry leaving your body breathe in again repeat your mantra really  believing what you’re telling yourself
and exhale feeling the worry and  the bad energy leaving your body breathe in repeat your mantra feel the positivity  and the strength feeling your body hold and exhale feeling the bad  energy and worry leaving
breathe in again repeat your mantra notice  how you’re starting to feel more calm sit with this feeling of calmness as you   hold your breath and then exhale feeling  the bad energy worry leaving your body
breathing again repeating your  mantra believing your mantra feeling that breath you took absorbing  all of the negative energy and exhale breathe in again repeat your mantra
sit with this feeling of calm and strength   feeling the breath absorbing  all of the bad energy and exhale breathe in repeat your mantra
really believe how strong and safe you are  feel that oxygen absorbing the bad energy   and exhale feeling the bad energy and worry  leaving your body breathe in repeat your mantra repeat your mantra again  
sit with it while you hold your breath for a  minute let that air absorb all the bad energy   and as you exhale really feel your body relaxing  and melting into the chair that you’re sitting in one more time breathe in
repeat your mantra notice a sense of hope and  energy but also calmness sit with this for a minute
and exhale feeling the last little  bit of that worry leaving your body notice how relaxed your body feels now sit with  this feeling continue to repeat your mantra until you’re ready to start rejoining  your activities for the day there are  
Source : Youtube

Published by

Leaman Ralph

Really sugar is shaky because it originates from a straight stick see the play is Granny yes Grandma plus new style luv MaryJane so listen (Granny Apple last years blue ribbon production winner AKA) I, I, I ain't on the right side of my house Jane something or the other is in my room: finally after an extermination Grannie speaks once more "let my (old man) Pacman step on it". See it is home on the range so solo as it be truity speaks got a problem it is your own. But alter scenario: Z/n time; narcotics I got that candy Bar itch its' and Mickey Mouse for the Sultan 7 1 4er well a hem a hem, it went early in the morning like a smack chanting sugar structure 7 -one 1 +eleven and 4 do an ate 'er 8 eight 'er? Well that aint nice. NARCO says do you know them numbers change (response) Yes it is a FiX they are MF's Ope yeah Ope Douglas is it. Surrounded by Alkaloid is both Mary and Grandma in an never ending circle of membership. French mandates declare put up their dukes... ZEN Pepsi can talk half Chocolate and your ole man Pacman down in Cuba posing as the worlds one and only Coffee Wizard "back 1:1" tis Coffee time... ||