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Stopping Anxiety Medication
Designed to help adults suffering from panic disorder who wish to discontinue anxiety medication, this program is designed for mental health professional treating panic disorder patients wishing to discontinue anxiety medication. The therapist guide addresses collaboration with the prescribingphysician, allows successful medication discontinuation, and provides patients with skills for the medicine-free management of panic disorder over the long term.This workbook is designed to help patients who have difficulties with anxiety and panic to discontinue their benzodiazepine treatment. Benzodiazepines are a class of medications used to treat panic disorders and other anxiety-related conditions. Benzodiazeptines are also known as mildtranquilizers. They are helpful for treating anxiety disorders, such as panic disorders, but patients may have difficulties when they discontinue these medications. Because of these difficulties, special strategies have been developed to help patients complete their medication taper (the gradualreduction of drug use).The best way to discontinue benzodiazepine is to slowly decrease the dose. A slow taper is important because it minimizes symptoms and makes sure that patients discontinue their medication safely. But even with a slow taper of medication, uncomfortable symptoms frequently emerge and many patientsfear the return or worsening of anxiety and panic attacks. Difficulties with benzodiazepine taper are discussed in this workbook as part of a program aimed at maximizing the success of discontinuation and helping the patient remain panic free over the long run. To achieve these goals, thisworkbook provides important information on panic disorder, benzodiazepine treatment, and taper symptoms. It then provides instruction in skills useful for treating the panic disorder and aiding in medication discontinuation.